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When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

Americans need to know one thing, the evil of Bin Laden taken its lifeline from this issue of palestine, as long as there is palestine issue and injustice, there will be al qaeda and its types, there will be hate for americans and they will judged badly in the history of mankind. nobody wants anything more or less from americans, but taking a neutral stance, perhaps their gov cant do this, will strong zionist lobby ever let this happen?
Given the strident anti-Israel tone of so many members of PDF, I am curious to hear your answers.

when i came to know that this is the bunch of robbers and rogue people who have a illegal control over 'Bait-ul-Muqaddas'.

@Sudesh Lahri:I have actually started liking them after watching them helpless to recover their soldiers from Lebanon which is a small country and have no comparison to Israel's military might.:azn:
So much for..
So much for..
you mean so much for Palestinians?

Well, you have a lot of places in India.......ask your whole city to leave your houses and reside in a different state :sick: Empty your state :hitwall:

They will never agree just like Palestinians will never agree

back to topic please
Come on Ahmad.. That's not true.
Nowadays Israel is pretty much on it's own.
Come on Ahmad.. That's not true.
Nowadays Israel is pretty much on it's own.

come on avatar, that is true. every single peice in the UN which is presented against the wrong doings of israelis gov is vetoed by the US, it is the americans who give the israelis money/weapons and other help to kill palestinians, it is the US who truns a blind eye against the illegal jewish extremist/terrorist settlements, it is the US who backs israeli goverenmts for all its mistakes, wrong doings and crimes. perhaps it is the zionist lobby which controls americas decesions, who knows.
I dont understand why the whole world is so bothered about such a minuscule piece of land when so many people die of hunger and curable diseases everyday.
So much propaganda from both sides almost drives people insane and there's no solution. People just want to deprive Jews of the only land they can call "home", and I'm damn sure they will never abandon without a fight. The resulting war would do more damage than any good to either the Palestinians OR the Israelis.
come on avatar, that is true. every single peice in the UN which is presented against the wrong doings of israelis gov is vetoed by the US, it is the americans who give the israelis money/weapons and other help to kill palestinians, it is the US who truns a blind eye against the illegal jewish extremist/terrorist settlements, it is the US who backs israeli goverenmts for all its mistakes, wrong doings and crimes. perhaps it is the zionist lobby which controls americas decesions, who knows.

Do you think Obama is a Zionist ?
Do you think Obama is a Zionist ?

AIPAK is zionist or pro zionist, Obama might or might not be zionist, but his administartion is giving all the support to the cause of zionism. i dont say that the americans shouldnt love israelis or dont have relations with them, what we ask is their fairness, is it too much to ask for?
I dont understand why the whole world is so bothered about such a minuscule piece of land when so many people die of hunger and curable diseases everyday.
So much propaganda from both sides almost drives people insane and there's no solution. People just want to deprive Jews of the only land they can call "home", and I'm damn sure they will never abandon without a fight. The resulting war would do more damage than any good to either the Palestinians OR the Israelis.

what a mis informed person you are. that is not a peice of land, it is a very sensitive area in this world! if there is no solution it is because peoople delibrately try to block the true solution for it, they drag everything until the time that the zionist have full control over that land and expell all the remaining palestinians. Nobody is trying to take the israeli land, it is the israelis who are trying to steal palestinian land, do you know anything about the illegal jewish settlements? do you know why everyday palestinians houses get buldozered? if you feel sorry for israelis, why dont you give a peice of india to them? why should palestine land be taken forcefully by these occupieres?
I dont understand why the whole world is so bothered about such a minuscule piece of land when so many people die of hunger and curable diseases everyday.
So much propaganda from both sides almost drives people insane and there's no solution. People just want to deprive Jews of the only land they can call "home", and I'm damn sure they will never abandon without a fight. The resulting war would do more damage than any good to either the Palestinians OR the Israelis.

People just want to deprive Jews of the only land they can call "home", and I'm damn sure they will never abandon without a fight.


You do know that this is Palestinian land to start off with right? It's not as if the Palestinian's are a group of Arab marauders who thought one day "Guys i have a great idea, lets go pick a fight with Israel".

This was Palestinian land that was snatched away from them because the British who were the local administrators could not enforce their writ.

Israel at 60: A grim Balance Sheet

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solomon when we ban facebook you leave us but problim is you comeback without invitetion. now i reqest to my gov for ban more this time we ban GOOGLE YAHOO MSN YOUTUBE can you please leave us forever?.
I agree with everyone over here, I think by now Mr.Solomon got his answer :cheers:
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