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Whats your internet Speed?


Feb 18, 2010
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Hey guys,

Share your bandwidth and ISP info?

How much Data transfer per month limit on your plan??
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ISP ->Comcast

Speed/ Bandwidth ->15 Mbps

Type->Cable Internet.

Price -> $19.99 per month.

What it can do -> HD movie streaming, xbox live gaming etc etc.

Data transfer limit per month -> No Limit
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ISP ->Comcast

Speed/ Bandwidth ->15 Mbps

Type->Cable Internet.

Price -> $19.99 per month.

What it can do -> HD movie streaming, xbox live gaming etc etc.

Seeing nobody will share their details on the thread---> Priceless
ISP ->Comcast

Speed/ Bandwidth ->15 Mbps

Type->Cable Internet.

Price -> $19.99 per month.

What it can do -> HD movie streaming, xbox live gaming etc etc.

How much KILOBYTE speed you got ??

i am paying here the same amount & getting 2MB ( 210 KB /sec ) speed ...

Connection PTCL Broadband ..
How much KILOBYTE speed you got ??

This Kbps is very much dependent on from where you are downloading the file, if the servers are in US only I get download speed in Mbps. There are online tools by which you can check the maximum download speed of your connection.
This Kbps is very much dependent on from where you are downloading the file, if the servers are in US only I get download speed in Mbps. There is online tools by which you can check the maximum download speed of your connection.

i Still not understands ..

Means if its a 10 MB File , You can download in 10 Second ??
How about if we live overseas?
You can write the speed then also. I know some European countries and South Korea have the fastest internet on earth.

i Still not understands ..

Means if its a 10 MB File , You can download in 10 Second ??

Nope its the channel capacity, plus there are always propagation delays but I must tell you the most demanding is Xbox live HD mutiplayer gaming and I don't suffer from any lags. Plus mine is cable internet, the speed is mostly dependent on how many people are connected to the HUB (not my home) and it is divided accordingly.
dude all these informations are false..
wtf who has 25mb download speed?
or 600mb..
also the upload speed is bullshit.

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