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@Akheilos are you in Singapore??
Not currently...why?

Don't know where to post exactly but I guess is the right place...so I am ill and its a prolong one that is why I haven't participated much for the last 3 weeks on Threads i'll be away for some time if I make it...Monday I've appointment in MH Rawalpindi... Lets hope Doctors give some positive replies after tests.

Later signing out for sometimes @Horus @Hyperion and all...
Hey hey! Get well soon bro!! Hope all is well!!
Ahh I see.... :)

Nice country...Not big though...did you get to look around? I havent been there for a while now...

I have seen every corner of that city, Nice experience !!

There are many places to see like Universal studious, Sentosa Beach, gardens of the bay, Marina Bay etc..

Great shopping place and Nice people.

I have seen the place last year, This year we went to various restaurants and other places. Like Clarky, Marina Bay , Casino etc.
I have seen every corner of that city, Nice experience !!

There are many places to see like Universal studious, Sentosa Beach, gardens of the bay, Marina Bay etc..

Great shopping place and Nice people.

I have seen the place last year, This year we went to various restaurants and other places. Like Clarky, Marina Bay , Casino etc.
Sentosa Island is lovely....the cable car experience was one of my first :)

I think I was about 7 or less....
Sentosa Island is lovely....the cable car experience was one of my first :)

I think I was about 7 or less....

Cable car is nice :tup:

Clark Qay swing is also good


Have not tried but will try next time :)

There is a flyer near Marina Bay which is also good !

Last time I spent more than 3 hours daily in Casino only :P

Good night @Akheilos !!

C u later :)
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@WebMaster plz tell me how to find n use PDF on tapa talk for windows Phone
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My actual surname is double-barreled and rather long but al-Hasani is part of it. I would never use my full surname/name on a public forum. My name is rather long like that of most Arabs and especially Arabians.

Yes, I am a Makkawi Hashemite. From the Banu Hashim clan which is sub-clan of the ancient Quraysh tribe. I am a Sharif so I trace my paternal lineage to Prophet Muhammad (saws) through his oldest grandson Hasan ibn Ali (ra). I thought that you already knew? Anyway this is not important. I consider myself as a humble man outside of counter-trolling on PDF.

Actually it is the policy of our Najdi dominated clergy not to built lavish graves/mausoleums so everyone is equal in that department. No lavish graves or mausoleums are built for kings, clergy or important people etc. nowadays. But since KSA is a huge country then you have all kind of graveyards. Ancient as recent.

After all in KSA you have almost all native sects of Islam and madahib whether Sunni or Shia. All 4 main Sunni madahib and the 3 main Shia madahib are present natively. After all what is now KSA or just the Arabian Peninsula is the cradle of Islam and the homeland of almost all madahib too. Sunni or Shia.
We have Shafi's in Hijaz and our Southwestern provinces, Malikis in those regions too and in parts of Eastern Arabia (Eastern Province more precisely), Hanafis in the Northern Provinces, Hanbalis in Najd (what some people call "Wahhabis";) and all across KSA, Zaydi Shias (a unique branch of Shia Islam almost exclusively found in Southwestern KSA and Yemen - that madahib is the most similar madahib to Sunni Islam), Ismailis in the Southwest too and Twelver's in the Eastern Province. Our biggest Shia community is there and numbers around 2-3 million.

Oh, I forgot the traditional Sufi communities in Hijaz. After all Sufism originated in the Arab world and is still hugely popular in the Arab world among Sunnis.

Here you can read about a famous Sunni (Maliki and Sufi) from Hijaz. He is one of the most respected clerics out there in recent times.

Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His full name:

Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-'Idrisi al-Maliki.

This is not uncommon among us.:o::cheesy:

From his burial in Makkah;

I am a Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh myself and the Hashemites of Hijaz have been that since time immortal from what I have learnt.

I thought about not replying to your questions in this thread as this is about Makkah and Madinah and the updates from those two holy cities and not me but since you asked I can't ignore you as a good friend here on PDF.:)

P.S: When we die the last thing we should think about is claustrophobia. So you have nothing to worry about. Probably it was the world famous (by now) and world class Buttstrong humor/irony that I sometimes have problems detecting.:sarcastic:;)

You are from the Bannu Hashim tribe - Does it still exist ? :o:

A descendent of the Prophet (PBUH) is called a Sharif over there ? Hmmmn....here we call them Syeds and we joke how most of them are Fake because 1400 years is a long time to dilute the blood lines many times over ! :sarcastic:

Not to mention Islam did away with blood ties of all kinds ! :azn:

An Arab is not superior to an Ajam nor is an Ajam superior to an Arab - Remember ! :)

Though a Pakistani is definitely superior to an Arab and an Ajam ! :smokin:

Yeah I've read about Zaidis - We don't have them here in Pakistan; I wonder if they'd be here there would be no problems between Sunnis and Shias because they've got remarkable similarities with Sunni Fiqh (or so I've read) ! :unsure:

You are a Shafi ? I'm a Hanafi or so I'm told by my family; which means Hanafis are better than Shafis any day of the week and twice on Sunday ! :yay:

Though there is hardly any difference between the 4 Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence; I'm not sure why they're classified separately....because the differences are very minor !

Maybe its high time that we get Muslims with multiple Doctorate degrees who are experts in their respective fields to brainstorm extensively and come up with a Fiqh that combines the 4 Fiqhs (maybe even the Jafri Fiqh) and updates them in the light of modernity to have a more Unified School of Jurisprudence for us Muslims ! :agree:

And yes it was humor ! :)
You are from the Bannu Hashim tribe - Does it still exist ? :o:

A descendent of the Prophet (PBUH) is called a Sharif over there ? Hmmmn....here we call them Syeds and we joke how most of them are Fake because 1400 years is a long time to dilute the blood lines many times over ! :sarcastic:

Not to mention Islam did away with blood ties of all kinds ! :azn:

An Arab is not superior to an Ajam nor is an Ajam superior to an Arab - Remember ! :)

Though a Pakistani is definitely superior to an Arab and an Ajam ! :smokin:

Yeah I've read about Zaidis - We don't have them here in Pakistan; I wonder if they'd be here there would be no problems between Sunnis and Shias because they've got remarkable similarities with Sunni Fiqh (or so I've read) ! :unsure:

You are a Shafi ? I'm a Hanafi or so I'm told by my family; which means Hanafis are better than Shafis any day of the week and twice on Sunday ! :yay:

Though there is hardly any difference between the 4 Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence; I'm not sure why they're classified separately....because the differences are very minor !

Maybe its high time that we get Muslims with multiple Doctorate degrees who are experts in their respective fields to brainstorm extensively and come up with a Fiqh that combines the 4 Fiqhs (maybe even the Jafri Fiqh) and updates them in the light of modernity to have a more Unified School of Jurisprudence for us Muslims ! :agree:

And yes it was humor ! :)

It's a major clan/family of Hijaz, KSA, the Arabian Peninsula and our clan is widespread all over the Arab world and also non-Arab world. I mean we did not vanish from our ancestral lands. In fact just increased in numbers hugely, LOL. But in our ancestral Hijaz and outside of it due to migrations. Here almost 1500 years after.
Hashemites were absolutely crucial in the spread of Islam to all corners of the world and members of the ancient Quraysh tribe as a whole. All the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs (Rashidun) were from the Quraysh tribe and sub-clans of the Quraysh itself such as the Banu Umayyah, Abbasi, Fatimids and dozens of other Arab and non-Arab dynasties.

Half of Makkah's citizens for instance were traditionally Quraysh. I would still say that 33% of the native ethnic Arab population (Makkah is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and Arabs from across KSA and the Arab world have also migrated to it so it is vastly different than during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in terms of demographics) belong to the Quraysh to this very day.

Mate, I cannot judge that all I know is that Hashemites indeed migrated to Pakistan and South Asia in quite big numbers but whether all of them are what they say that they are is rather doubtful. Or at least it appears as such. But once again I cannot say who is what and who is not. It's an affair between them and Allah (swt) and those people that they are among.

Indeed and every well-informed Muslim knows that ancestry, skin color, social status etc. does not matter. Only deeds. But since you asked I had to answer. Anyway in the Arab world being an Hashemite is not that rare. Being a Makkawi Hashemite more so. So I can't escape from that.

The Zaydi madahib is close to both the Hanafi fiqh and Shafi'i fiqh.

The Zaydis rely mostly on Hanafi fiqh books in their religious teaching as Abu Hanifa (ra) stood with Zayd ibn Ali (ra) against Muʿawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. As you can guess already the Zaydis venerate Zayd in Ali (ra) especially hence their sect taking its name after him.

I am Shafi'i only because I mostly rely on the Shafi'i fiqh but I actually seek guidance from all madahib in Sunni Islam and sometimes also from Shia scholars that I respect. So I am not that traditional in this department as others are.

Yes, the differences are not that big indeed.

Actually I have thought about what you have been saying for years but people are so traditional and engulfed in their madahib that it would be a hard job. They are "sciences" on their own with very large followings and long-standing traditions of interpretations etc. But honestly speaking sect etc. does not matter as long as we all agree with the fundamentals and call us Muslims before that of any sect name.;) Don't you agree?

I imagined that it was a good old "Buttstrong joke".:lol: Speaking about tombs and cemeteries then this thread might interest you below;

Eid al-Adha: a time for Iraq to remember its war dead

I made it some weeks ago. I really want to visit that cemetery.

I have a habit of mentioning him often but you should really watch the sermons of Sheikh Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki (ra) from his visits in Pakistan (Islamabad etc.). I linked to them in that other thread.
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It's a major clan/family of Hijaz, KSA, the Arabian Peninsula and our clan is widespread all over the Arab world and also non-Arab world. I mean we did not vanish from our ancestral lands. In fact just increased in numbers hugely, LOL. But in our ancestral Hijaz and outside of it due to migrations. Here almost 1500 years after.
Hashemites were absolutely crucial in the spread of Islam to all corners of the world and members of the ancient Quraysh tribe as a whole. All the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs (Rashidun) were from the Quraysh tribe and sub-clans of the Quraysh itself such as the Banu Umayyah, Abbasi, Fatimids and dozens of other Arab and non-Arab dynasties.

Half of Makkah's citizens for instance were traditionally Quraysh. I would still say that 33% of the native ethnic Arab population (Makkah is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and Arabs from across KSA and the Arab world have also migrated to it so it is vastly different than during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in terms of demographics) belong to the Quraysh to this very day.

Mate, I cannot judge that all I know is that Hashemites indeed migrated to Pakistan and South Asia in quite big numbers but whether all of them are what they say that they are is rather doubtful. Or at least it appears as such. But once again I cannot say who is what and who is not. It's an affair between them and Allah (swt) and those people that they are among.

Indeed and every well-informed Muslim knows that ancestry, skin color, social status etc. does not matter. Only deeds. But since you asked I had to answer. Anyway in the Arab world being an Hashemite is not that rare. Being a Makkawi Hashemite more so. So I can't escape from that.

The Zaydi madahib is close to both the Hanafi fiqh and Shafi'i fiqh.

The Zaydis rely on Hanifi fiqh books in their religious teaching as Abu Hanifa (ra) stood with Zayd ibn Ali (ra) against Muʿawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. As you can guess already the Zaydis venerate Zayd in Ali (ra) especially hence their sect taking its name after him.

I am Shafi'i only because I mostly rely on the Shafi'i fiqh but I actually seek guidance from all madahib in Sunni Islam and sometimes also from Shia scholars that I respect. So I am not that traditional in this department as others are.

Yes, the differences are not that big indeed.

Actually I have thought about what you have been saying for years but people are so traditional and engulfed in their madahib that it would be a hard job. But honestly speaking sect etc. does not matter as long as we all agree with the fundamentals and call us Muslims before that of any sect name.;) Don't you agree?

I imagine that it was a good old "Buttstrong joke". Speaking about tombs and cemeteries then this thread might interest you below;

I know that the Khulfa-i-Rashideen were from the Quraish ! :agree:

Bani Tameem for Abu Bakr (RA), Bani Makhdoom for Omar (RA), Bani Hashim for Ali (RA) - I think ! :unsure:

Though I don't know which tribe Osman (RA) was from though I have a feeling that he was from Bani Ummayah but then if he was a close relative of Abu Sufiyan....I thought Abu Sufyian was from Abdishams or some such tribe ! :undecided:

I'm not a traditionalist either; in fact I was drawn to Koranism or Koran only to the exclusion of Hadith for a time but now I'm more into Koran and only Mutawatir Hadith; though I can't find a single book or a website for most Mutawatir Hadith - Do you know of any ?

Yup I agree; when the issue of one ethnicity vs another cropped up in Pakistan Our Father said 'Yes you are Sindhis, Punjabis, Pathans etc. but have you forgotten what Islam taught you 13th centuries ago ? Whatever else you maybe...whoever else you are...you are a Muslim and you have carved out a vast territory for yourselves. It doesn't belong to a Punjabi or a Sindhi (it belong to you all)' - Oh how I wish he were still alive ! :(
I know that the Khulfa-i-Rashideen were from the Quraish ! :agree:

Bani Tameem for Abu Bakr (RA), Bani Makhdoom for Omar (RA), Bani Hashim for Ali (RA) - I think ! :unsure:

Though I don't know which tribe Osman (RA) was from though I have a feeling that he was from Bani Ummayah but then if he was a close relative of Abu Sufiyan....I thought Abu Sufyian was from Abdishams or some such tribe ! :undecided:

I'm not a traditionalist either; in fact I was drawn to Koranism or Koran only to the exclusion of Hadith for a time but now I'm more into Koran and only Mutawatir Hadith; though I can't find a single book or a website for most Mutawatir Hadith - Do you know of any ?

Yup I agree; when the issue of one ethnicity vs another cropped up in Pakistan Our Father said 'Yes you are Sindhis, Punjabis, Pathans etc. but have you forgotten what Islam taught you 13th centuries ago ? Whatever else you maybe...whoever else you are...you are a Muslim and you have carved out a vast territory for yourselves. It doesn't belong to a Punjabi or a Sindhi (it belong to you all)' - Oh how I wish he were still alive ! :(

All the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs belonged to sub-clans of the ancient Quraysh tribe. All four excluding Uthman ibn Affan (ra) were born in Makkah too. Uthman ibn Affan (ra) was born in nearby Tai'if. A well-known mountain city of Hijaz located at an altitude of almost 2000 meters.

Abu Bakr (ra) belonged to the Taym clan, Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) to the Banu Adi, Uthman ibn Affan (ra) belonged to the Banu Umayyah clan while Ali ibn abi Talib (ra) belonged to the Banu Hashim clan.:)

You were right about Uthman ibn Affan (ra) but Muʿawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan was from the Banu Umayyah clan. Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (ra) was indeed from the Banu Abd-Shams clan.

Yes, this.

A Collection of Mutawatir (Mass transmitted/most authentic) Hadith (P…

But I have better material in Arabic but I am not sure if this will be of great help for non-Arabic speakers?:tdown:

My friend, it's because we humans are "tribal" by nature. If it was not ancestry it would be height, skin color, weight, appearance as a whole, social status, strength, various "conquests", power, wealth, education, sports etc. that we would compete about as we already do. Now ancestry for most in this world, outside of forums such as PDF, is secondary nowadays.
I know that the Khulfa-i-Rashideen were from the Quraish ! :agree:

Bani Tameem for Abu Bakr (RA), Bani Makhdoom for Omar (RA), Bani Hashim for Ali (RA) - I think ! :unsure:

Though I don't know which tribe Osman (RA) was from though I have a feeling that he was from Bani Ummayah but then if he was a close relative of Abu Sufiyan....I thought Abu Sufyian was from Abdishams or some such tribe ! :undecided:

I'm not a traditionalist either; in fact I was drawn to Koranism or Koran only to the exclusion of Hadith for a time but now I'm more into Koran and only Mutawatir Hadith; though I can't find a single book or a website for most Mutawatir Hadith - Do you know of any ?

Yup I agree; when the issue of one ethnicity vs another cropped up in Pakistan Our Father said 'Yes you are Sindhis, Punjabis, Pathans etc. but have you forgotten what Islam taught you 13th centuries ago ? Whatever else you maybe...whoever else you are...you are a Muslim and you have carved out a vast territory for yourselves. It doesn't belong to a Punjabi or a Sindhi (it belong to you all)' - Oh how I wish he were still alive ! :(

Because Humans are tribalistic. Just like @al-Hasani said. Even if the whole world becomes Christian or any other religion, it didn't stop us from slaughtering each other for living space or put each other in shackles.

Ironically, the only reason this decade has been plagued with asymmetric warfare and not straight out slug-fest between major powers is through increasing economic inter-dependency and the MAD doctrine.

@Armstrong @al-Hasani

Well I intruded on a fascinating conversation. Sorry :oops:
@Xeric @Oscar @fatman17 @Icarus @Hyperion @Horus @HRK - Waisee I was thinking that if the people who died before '71 were to somehow find out that East Pakistan is no more....do you think they'd listen to it in disbelief or do you think they'd think that 'the way things were going....it was inevitable' ?

I am an Indian, so take my post with a fistful of Salt. From the outset, it was in terms of logistics quite unusual. One single nation separated by miles and miles of enemy territory.

there were some genuine resentment boiling underneath the whole thing, and didn't come out of nowhere. India no doubt capitalised on the whole situation as well.

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