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No. Second hand accounts from female friends and comments from previous customers in internet.
you read about customer reviews about nair? Talk to females about hair removal cream???

you read about customer reviews about nair? Talk to females about hair removal cream???


Nope. When I looked at my own caste history, I typed in Nair in google, so it came up then.

A female friend of mine thought it curious I had the same surname that of nair hair removal creams.
Nope. When I looked at my own caste history, I typed in Nair in google, so it came up then.

A female friend of mine thought it curious I had the same surname that of nair hair removal creams.
Ah ok, nothing to worry about then

Was just curious to know why female friends told you Nair cream is bad (female talk?) and why you were reading customer reviews about Nair.

Looks like you dusted away the speculation ;)
Ah ok, nothing to worry about then

Was just curious to know why female friends told you Nair cream is bad (female talk?) and why you were reading customer reviews about Nair.

Looks like you dusted away the speculation ;)

I have considered removing my surname. I am against the caste system vociferously. It is one of the great ills that plague Indian society, like Misogyny, poverty and illiteracy.

But removing my surname also involves changes to documents. I am too lazy to do that.
I have considered removing my surname. I am against the caste system vociferously. It is one of the great ills that plague Indian society, like Misogyny, poverty and illiteracy.

But removing my surname also involves changes to documents. I am too lazy to do that.
Not proud of your heritage?
Not proud of your heritage?

I am proud of being an Indian.

I hate the discrimination in society. I believe a person proud of their heritage would do something about their societal ills.

I think I am an idealistic fool. Wait till I am in my 30's. Society will have broken my spirit then.
Either way is fine.

It is the pronunciation based on the region.

Arab street lingo makes letter Z sound as D,
J as G (Jamal vs. Gamal).

and so on so forth.

In Pakistan Z is pronounced as Z
In many Arab streets Z sounds like D.

Hope this helps.
No there is a Z in Arabic ...how do you pronounce these letters:


Zaay - the letter after Raa
No there is a Z in Arabic ...how do you pronounce these letters:


Zaay - the letter after Raa

ز sounds as Zee-

ex. زيارة - Ziyara- Visit
@Imran Khan Oyeee Welcome back !!!!!
lag raha hai? waj raha hai... :mad:
you survived :P
ز sounds as Zee-

ex. زيارة - Ziyara- Visit
Yea I couldnt type it...someone was saying that there is no zee in Arabic :D

Shukria janab apna kya hai 2/4sachi bateen likhi to phir gaay hahahahha

Apun bh ab khrab hai bhayya
That is why bhayya log give you lots of thanks ;)
@waz you mentioned long time back that you were doing your BA. I was wondering what it was that you are majoring in.


BA? I wish my friend, that would take me back to when I was 18 and all chasing all those lovely girls at Uni. I'm finishing my MA this year bro. I majored in Economics for my BSC and my MA is in educational effectiveness and use of statistics for improvement.
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