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@Informant i often feel like singing taylor's song mean to you:enjoy::p: esp the lines...all you are a Liar and P....and alone in life and mean:p: these lines perfectly suits you haha jk

@Armstrong Bring him to justice. And don't forget your job, bomb his baloony boobs for me on his way to justice.:sleep:

Armstrong? Is that all you got?


@Informant i often feel like singing taylor's song mean to you:enjoy::p: esp the lines...all you are a Liar and P....and alone in life and mean:p: these lines perfectly suits you haha jk

Taylor Swift? She's pretty :-)

Woman i aint playin that song. Your references are phuss like your ego.

Phusssss. No hawa. You are nothing but a little flick for my pinky finger.
Being a boss sucks and have to be hard on employees. Its just the way it is.


Yes to complete the dialogue. You on the other hand are faltu main phail rahi ho :bunny:
oh come on....everyone goes through it...whoever is into that business ...or any other type....its not hunky dory for everyone always anywhere....you should rather enjoy your work....atleast you are being responsible..but many dont with their work!
oh come on....everyone goes through it...whoever is into that business ...or any other type....its not hunky dory for everyone always anywhere....you should rather enjoy your work....atleast you are being responsible..but many dont with their work!

I love my work, i dont do any work :D

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahah
Being a boss sucks and have to be hard on employees. Its just the way it is.


Yes to complete the dialogue. You on the other hand are faltu main phail rahi ho :bunny:
he used the reference in a sense that at the end im gunna crush you,the fake merciful god and then ur gunna bleed!:bunny: kuch samj hi nae?:angry:
Armstrong? Is that all you got?


Taylor Swift? She's pretty :-)

Woman i aint playin that song. Your references are phuss like your ego.

Phusssss. No hawa. You are nothing but a little flick for my pinky finger.
ok dont listen it ...but just those lines that taylor has infact written for ya........the one i quoted above....plz plz pretty plz...:argh: apni tareef tu sun lain :p: aint gunna cost you anything! saryal!

I love my work, i dont do any work :D

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahah
kammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmchorrrrrrrrrrr:agree: tu fazul mi stress lia hua hey? :angry:
ok dont listen it ...but just those lines that taylor has infact written for ya........the one i quoted above....plz plz pretty plz...:argh: apni tareef tu sun lain :p: aint gunna cost you anything! saryal!


ok dont listen it ...but just those lines that taylor has infact written for ya........the one i quoted above....plz plz pretty plz...:argh: apni tareef tu sun lain :p: aint gunna cost you anything! saryal!

kammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmchorrrrrrrrrrr:agree: tu fazul mi stress lia hua hey? :angry:

Kaam chor? I reached the top of the food chain not to work kid, i make others work for me now. I have been way too lucky. Other much more hard workers are no where near my position in professional capacity. Khair i guess i am the Chosen One.
im listenning to it....whenever those lines come...only you and you comes to mind.....:p:

All you are is mean and a liar and a pathetic and alone in life and mean and mean and mean:bunny::meeting:

the five stages of grief:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance
One day you will accept my greatness :-)
the five stages of grief:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance
One day you will accept my greatness :-)
that day will be a doomsday im sure haha.... phir kia faida?

@Informant apny tu sona nae huta,machars and churails of lhr are the obvious reasons yeah! but im going...gotta get up early......ill continue this next time,dont worry like always its me whose gunna crush you:enjoy: i know deep down you believe in my greatness but just dont admit it haha jk lol:p:

plz behave in ur office...although i know nobudy likes you there,but nothing wrong sometimes to pretend nicey nice with people....:p: after all Lahorites are very pretentious in nature!:bunny::p:
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that day will be a doomsday im sure haha.... phir kia faida?

@Informant apny tu sona nae huta,machars and churails of lhr are the obvious reasons yeah! but im going...gotta get up early......ill continue this next time,dont worry like always its me whose gunna crush you:enjoy: i know deep down you believe in my greatness but just dont admit it haha jk lol:p:

plz behave in ur office...although i know nobudy likes you there,but nothing wrong sometimes to pretend nicey nice with people....:p: after all Lahorites are very pretentious in nature!:bunny::p:

Says the burger isloo kid. Please, i am nice where it matters :D

The relationship between you and I is as follows.

I see you walk in the door behind me, I'd open the door for you. But you being you, would pass a smartass quip and then id slam the door hard on your face. While you cry and i walk away laughing and feeling happy, nay fulfilled.
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the reason I asked you was that my cousin's husband told me about this picture, he used to work with NASA...

Leader said:
As far as Raja Dahir is concern, a BIG YES., its a conflict of interest, being muslim, people here cannot have hindu Rajas as their heroes..the right and wrong is not subject to facts, but whose side you are standing, this is how it is, probably everywhere in the world, for example reading text book of british history develops the sense as if they did nothing wrong ever...

Leader said:
as for Raja Porus, I dont remember studying him in course books, but I guess Alexander, is considered evil, but Raja Porus no good guy either..
Yes every coin has 2 sides and so did Tipu sultan.He's a hero I admire but I hate to say this that he was religiously intolerant.:(

There maybe more Hindu Kings - I don't know !

You have to understand that in Pakistan whereas we are conscious of our heritage in the form of the Indus Valley Civilization, Mehergarh, Gandhara etc. for us thats like a past that we can't really relate to in much the same way a Hindu can when the Maurayan Empire is talked about because whereas you guys, more or less, retain the same culture, traditions and values as those Civilizations of ages past did, the advent of Islam changed our world-view dramatically at times and almost 180 degrees at others which means that the sense of ownership dimmed down a bit for us.

I mean take the example of Porus - he was, perhaps, the ancestor of the Punjabis of the Potowhar region but that doesn't mean much because there is nothing in common with what he or his People did and what the People who live now do - there isn't a connection between the two that joins them together as a continuation of one another hence why whereas his significance as someone in the History books is immense, on the ground he doesn't invoke the same kind of sense of ownership that a Hindu may have about Ashoka because there really isn't a common denominator between the two.

Additionally then there is also the nature of Islam where the religion postulated a world-view that sought to purge the adherents of what it perceived to be senseless tribalism where lines are drawn between people on the basis of the language the speak or the ethnic groups they were born into - Some of that has imprinted on the national psyche of Pakistanis & so we don't usually talk about the 5000 year old Histories of ourselves but do feel a sense of greater ownership to a Muslim Civilization as opposed to one exclusive to our ethnic or linguistic groups; which is to say that a Pakistani, on average, feels a greater sense of affinity to the Kingdom of Andalusia where the Golden Age of Islam saw Muslim contribution reach the zeniths of intellectual pursuits of that time, than he does to Porus or Dahir or any of the other Kings from a bygone era that most of us can't really relate to.

Naturally not everyone feels the same way !

That would be like supporting demolition of Buddha's sculptures in Afghanistan because talibani could not relate to it.
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