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so, what with those rolley eyes..I can't get that.....:undecided:

read this....

Traveling' Man
© Cynthia Dassie Chester
Take my hand and lead me down the road
Bundle me up, keep me from the cold
Step by step, my feet constantly ache
Rock by rock, my poor legs start to shake

Deep waters I need to quench my thirst
Soon the flaming hot sun will surely burst!
The wind from the trees is something I truly need
To make travelin’ on a short path, indeed!

OH! How I wonder what lies on ahead...
Pushing on down this road is something I dread
Do I stop and collapse in the sand?
NO! NO! NO! I am what I am and that's a "TRAVELIN' MAN"!!!

I can almost relate to the fear of the unknown. It reminded me of a piece by Keats :)
"Although the path be tortuous and slow,
Although it bristles with a thousand fears,
To hopeful eye of youth it still appears
A lane by which the rose and hawthorn grow
We hope it may be, would that we might know;
Would we might look into the future years."

Thanks for sharing.
I can almost relate to the fear of the unknown. It reminded me of a piece by Keats :)
"Although the path be tortuous and slow,
Although it bristles with a thousand fears,
To hopeful eye of youth it still appears
A lane by which the rose and hawthorn grow
We hope it may be, would that we might know;
Would we might look into the future years."

Thanks for sharing.
good one...:)
so..you from literature side...right..:undecided:

have you read Invictus....by William Ernest Henley....
its one of the most inspiring poems that I have read...and its beautiful..


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley
good one...:)
so..you from literature side...right..:undecided:

have you read Invictus....by William Ernest Henley....
its one of the most inspiring poems that I have read...and its beautiful..

I have read it but a long time back. Brings back a lot of memories :smitten:You do have a nice choice I must say.
Yeah I am literature person which makes me a certified bore all the more i guess :lol:
I have read it but a long time back. Brings back a lot of memories :smitten:You do have a nice choice I must say.
Yeah I am literature person which makes me a certified bore all the more i guess :lol:
when in school i used to hate poetry....but now I find a bit of taste in it......
so, some times read it ......:)

I am more in prose .then in poesy .........
so, which poems you find good......
and yes...literature persons are boring...:lol::lol:
when in school i used to hate poetry....but now I find a bit of taste in it......
so, some times read it ......:)

I am more in prose .then in poesy .........
so, which poems you find good......
and yes...literature persons are boring...:lol::lol:

Even I am more in prose than in poetry depends during class Keats used to be our saviour until we got to our masters and we didn't have to deal with his sonnets but Odes and epics lol
There are some poets I like. Milton I have always liked the most but there are others as well.
And no Literature doesn't make anyone boring :lol:
Even I am more in prose than in poetry depends during class Keats used to be our saviour until we got to our masters and we didn't have to deal with his sonnets but Odes and epics lol
There are some poets I like. Milton I have always liked the most but there are others as well.
And no Literature doesn't make anyone boring :lol:
but from your description of livelihood....only reading, living in solitude and no fun...makes me conclude, literature people are boring....:lol:
I do recall a few good stories that I have read in my school days.....though I don't recall the writers name.....
have you read "War"..it was a very emotional ..heart touching story..

read it ..if you will get time...
it's beautiful one....atlast found it online...
War, a Short Story by Luigi Pirandello
but from your description of livelihood....only reading, living in solitude and no fun...makes me conclude, literature people are boring....:lol:
I do recall a few good stories that I have read in my school days.....though I don't recall the writers name.....
have you read "War"..it was a very emotional ..heart touching story..

No its just me. And we all find fun in a wide range of different things. I am not a modern day hermit obviously but I do admire solitude at times :)
Thank you I will read it soon since I haven't.
No its just me. And we all find fun in a wide range of different things. I am not a modern day hermit obviously but I do admire solitude at times :)
Thank you I will read it soon since I haven't.
sry...my bad sense of humor.......I do act sometime stupid.....
I know..it depends on person and his/her choice......and every one enjoy solitude now and then....
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