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Every girl is beautiful, It just takes
the right guy to see it.

Girls fake smiles. Guys fake

Can I please be a kid again?

When I was little, I used to sing
in the shower. Now? I make life
decisions in there.

Incan brides had to peel a potato
to prove they would be a good

Athazagoraphobia is the fear of
being forgotten or ignored.
lol @ senior cafe

@Safriz now listen dont celeberate the deaths of innocents.. and dont try to stereotype every one.. tribal people dont like talibaboons and they have very different and harsh views about them.. I wish this Afghan mess finished and our more than 500 schools and colleges rebuilt again which are in shattered since last 6 years .. so that we can pick a pace with the so called civilized world... ah civilized world .. who doesnt even know how to treat women and elders in public transport.. public transport ? in my view it is the best indicator to know about the group of people.. any way its irrelevent here ...nw good luck with ur hate filled head popooooooo..:sick:
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Only genious can solve this..!!

A person forgot his 5 digit pin code, but he remembers some hints.

1. 1st digit is square of 2nd digit.

2. Sum of 2nd and 3rd digit makes 10.

3. 4th digit is 2nd digit+1.

4. Sum of 5th and 3rd digit makes 14.

Sum of all 5 digits = 30

Tell the pin code

93747?........... am too bored...........

lol @ senior cafe

@Safriz ,, my village population is more than 500 .. we dont have a single talib terrorist in our village.. I've been detained by army last year whn was on vacation and threatened by talib 2 times in 2007 ... further,, i am not allowed to elaborate... and i have great respect for forces who perform duties and give sacrifices for the motherland..
and not every one is involved in weapon industry,,, may be u know more than me about weapons... most of the people in our area are in transport, property, governt employees and general businesses .. not a single person in drug business as this business look down upon by people. So it would be very nice of government to regularize or abolish the weapon industry.. if it doesnt serve her interest... who can stop it? now listen dont celeberate the deaths of innocents.. and dont try to stereotype every one.. tribal people dont like talibaboons and they have very different and harsh views about them.. I wish this Afghan mess finished and our more than 500 schools and colleges rebuilt again which are in shattered since last 6 years .. so that we can pick a pace with the so called civilized world... ah civilized world .. who doesnt even know how to treat women and elders in public transport.. public transport ? in my view it is the best indicator to know about the group of people.. any way its irrelevent here ...nw good luck with ur hate filled head popooooooo..:sick:

The best indicator of civilization is if people can stand in a queue.
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normal saturday: woke up after good night sleep, decent day mostly playing xbox and stuff, and about 7 hours ago went driving with some freinds and we took some beer & vodka ofcourse :D and now im home watching harold & kumar and downing the last few beers! good night all. dont evn know if this is the right thread for stuf like this :D
93747?........... am too bored...........

The best indicator of civilization is if people can stand in a queue.

chk out joke section...
it is for boared persons...:p
Peter Kay (2 July 1973-):

'My Dad used to say 'always fight fire with fire', which is probably why he got thrown out of the fire brigade.'

Tommy Cooper (1921-1984)

'I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.'

Woody Allen (1 December 1935-):

'Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.'

Billy Connolly (24 November 1942-):

'My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.'
I may not be able to say 'marriage is a key to success' after few days :cry:

I am now scared :cry:
Sir my story is complicated so i won't bore you much. Just to say that my primary and secondary education was in Pakistan, i did my secondary education from St. Mary's Academy, Lallazar.

Following on from that i never had the grades to be a doctor, so i worked at my uncles private clinic as a extra hand, helping with wound dressing, first aid, basic dispensing etc. In 2003 i got accepted at a Teaching Hospital in the UK (North Hartleypool) to do my Diploma in Paramedical Sciences, and i also did my BTSL: Basic Trauma Life Support course form the same hospital, where Mashallah i was the only Pakistani and topped my class.

I was invited to do a ETA course with London Ambulance Service, and this was an epic moment in my life.

When i returned to Pakistan, i had trouble getting any job in a hospital or medical clinic. One day i read an advert saying that Islamabad Police under the direciton of SSP Nasir Khan Durrani was starting an Emergency Service, so i plucked the courage got on a Number 22 wagon from outside my house to Zero Point and begged the reader to let me have an Audience with the SSP.

I met the SSP and pleaded with him to take me on even as a Volunteer, just so i could get out of the house and do something, Nasir Khan Durrani was a great man and gave me my break, i was taken on as a daily wages staff at Rs. 5000 per month and thus began my career in Islamabad Police

Mashallah with the grace of god since then i have been selected for numerous courses including basic ATS, EIC, VIS etc. I have had the honour of working with SB and Pak Army on some very sensitive projects and was myself selected as instructor to teach a few subjects at Police Lines and at the National Police Academy.

During the 2005 earthquake, we rescued a Japanese woman from the rubble. Unfortunately her husband and son were not so luck and had been crushed under a book shelf. The Japanese agency she worked for JICA gave us all a certificate.

On the second day when the British Team working came there and saw us working, i think the name of their chief was John Holland was so impressed he arranged a training for us in USAR: Urban Search and Rescue, it was during this time that i met Dr. Rizwan Naseer the founder of Rescue 1122 who invited me and a few others to help train rescue 1122 staff (which at the time was called PEAS: Punjab Emergency Ambulance Service).

Since that time i have helped train Rescue 1122 staff in Punjab and civil defence in KPK and Punjab, i had the honour of representing Pakistan at the UN INSARAG: International Search and Rescue Advisory Group steering committee in Dubai 2008.

We also introduced the US FEMA as a CERT Master Trainer : Community Emergency Response Team, and have trained 200+ volunteers in Islamabad and Lahore for the National Volunteer movement (Something the present government disbanded) :(

In 2011 i decided to leave my role due to politics and family reasons, Since 2011 i co own and run a consultancy based in Islamabad, but am still on the faculty of PTS as visiting lecturer.

That is about it. Sorry for the long and boring life story... Booth bolta hoon, at least that is what the wife says.


It's an honor sir to have you here.I feel privileged that you you've trusted us to know more about you.

You termed it as boring sir.(You are being humble there).I feel like you can go through it many times indefatigably.I admire your palette of various colors and aspire to learn more from you.

I've quoted you here on this thread with out your permission.So, that more people/members visiting here can learn from you.(If that's a mistake sir,then i hope that you'll disregard this one politely).

Ideally i would have preferred to post a thread on it,under the topic of Defence.pk interviews-RescueRanger(Which i felt i'm not eligible for, with out your nod of approval and the permission of administration here).

Thank you sir for an inspiring and insightful read.

@WebMaster,am i allowed?
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Yes from me @S.U.R.B.
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That's encouraging sir.As soon as i get a reply from our ThinkTank RescueRanger. He might want me to do any addition or subtraction.Then i'll post it as asap.

Thanks for it and the smiley looks good.:enjoy:
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It's an honor sir to have you here.I feel privileged that you you've trusted us to know more about you.

You termed it as boring sir.(You are being humble there).I feel like you can go through it many times indefatigably.I admire your palette of various colors and aspire to learn more from you.

I've quoted you here on this thread with out your permission.So, that more people/members visiting here can learn from you.(If that's a mistake sir,then i hope that you'll disregard this one politely).

Ideally i would have preferred to post a thread on it,under the topic of Defence.pk interviews-RescueRanger(Which i felt i'm not eligible for, with out your nod of approval and the permission of administration here).

Thank you sir for an inspiring and insightful read.

@WebMaster,am i allowed?

Thank you very much sir, but i feel as if you give me too much credit, far more than i deserve. There are far more noteworthy people in Pakistan who for one reason or the other never even get a mention, and then every election some bloody minister will come along and wash away all the hard work, becuase some scheme or the other was sponsored by the previous government. Without having an iota of consideration for the impact it has on the people of the department, its stakeholders and beneficiaries.

That is one of the major reasons for me joining the private sector. In any case i am grateful to have been given an opportunity to serve our nation and our people.
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!=- [email protected]=-._;
In " L I F E " We Walk on Separate Roads, But We Have a Golden Bridge Called "PRAYER" that Links Our Lives Together. So Today I Lift Up My Hands, Saying That...
God Protect You , Grant You Good Health and Bless You With a Happy Life.
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