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Hey!!! nice effort.

Since you are just like my little bro, so, if you don't mind i want to share something here.

People do get very much exited about the events (both pre and post atomic bomb testing), one reason is we do glorify it a lot.(& we have to. :) )
It really makes one emotional towards his country.
I had seen some similar videos about these events that are indicated here as well in this video_One correction,that i'll suggest.There wasn't any Isreali F-16 at the time when we were carrying the tests.
If you want you can depend upon my statement, but lets go deeper ,so that it doesn't appear senseless.
Logical reasons:
1- Not feasible
2-Technical limitations of the fighter jet.
Common sense says ,it wasn't required either,as the data about effectiveness and site of tests can be easily gathered by other sophisticated means.

Sourses mingled the PAF fighter jet with IsAF.If they have got the visual.But that's also not possible if it had happened PAF would have brought it down.So, they are referring towards radar detection.
Question arises, from which direction.
Certainly neither from the south,nor from the north.So it's either east or West.If you yourself closely ponder on the map,you will get the answer that it's stupid to think about it.

But yeah before the testing there was a reasonable suspicious activity that provoked us.

When remembering the strengths ,one must always remember one's weakness and mistakes.
I'll suggest you to search about the FoxBat (Mig 25) event "on a recon mission", that just uncovered our a** and made us feel how vulnerable we were at that moment.
I being a witness(as a school boy at that age) still can't forget the couple of sonic bombs that our F-16 produced over the capital on an intercept mission.

With some of my close friends i discuss it as a joke stuff sometimes but,it really left a solid impact.

Good day!:)
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Thanks SURB, but I took that part from A1Kaid. As he is a really informative person, I took it withour research. Thanks, I will cross cheack with him why did he said that.

Good Day to you too :)
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Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Awan
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Awan
Happy Birthday to you

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