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I HAVE F-14, F-117 AND J-10 SO FAR...

the file is in pdf and i dont kno how to upload them on this forum so im gonna need ur email address!
Is this thread all about logical and illogical ??


Everyone has logics on the basis of what or how much they know. Hawking said God did not create Universe and Universe can be created automatically. Here the questions are who created the elementary things/energy/mass from which the universe has created automatically, who gave the characters in those initial elements for which it is able to be created automatically, and who has deigned the system of the universe and Earth where everything is going systematically.

Scientists are reveling the secret mechanisms of everything does not mean there is no God. Actually, scientist are reveling how God has designed everything. Knowing this secret of how some thing creates does not mean Allah did not create that. Allah said "kun faya ku" and then everything was created from some initial things. Scientists know about the ingredients and compositions of a human cell and they have created human cell (in future they will create human in lab) in the lab by putting the necessary elements and giving optimum environment does mean God did not make Human at first. Who made the first elements/mass/energy from which everything has created? We and monkey have same cellular composition does not mean we came from monkey, because we and other animals also take oxygen, take energy from food by metabolism and leave waste. Does it mean we have came from monkey or the animals from a single bacterial cell? I do not think so. But I know the scientists have many strong logics but question is how much is the domain of their knowledge and consideration of other factors.
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Everyone has logics on the basis of what or how much they know. Hawking said God did not create Universe and Universe can be created automatically. Here the questions are who created the elementary things/energy/mass from which the universe has created automatically, who gave the characters in those initial elements for which it is able to be created automatically, and who has deigned the system of the universe and Earth where everything is going systematically.

Scientists are reveling the secret mechanisms of everything does not mean there is no God. Actually, scientist are reveling how God has designed everything. Knowing this secret of how some thing creates does not mean Allah did not create that. Allah said "kun faya ku" and then everything was created from some initial things. Scientists know about the ingredients and compositions of a human cell and they have created human cell (in future they will create human in lab) in the lab by putting the necessary elements and giving optimum environment does mean God did not make Human at first. Who made the first elements/mass/energy from which everything has created? We and monkey have same cellular composition does not mean we came from monkey, because we and other animals also take oxygen, take energy from food by metabolism and leave waste. Does it mean we have came from monkey or the animals from a single bacterial cell? I do not think so. But I know the scientists have many strong logics but question is how much is the domain of their knowledge and consideration of other factors.

I totally agree with you.. In my opinion anyone who says I have created something is lying actually he has discovered something which he never knew...
Every new creation (the so called creation) comes in this world on the basis of an idea, and science has not yet discovered the origin of Idea... That idea was present in this world from I don't know when and the person somehow get to know that Idea and he transformed that idea into something material, he was not creator.
Three firefighters went out on a hunting trip. There was a rookie, a captain, and a chief.
The weather was misrable and they hadn't seen any deer all day. They came across an old shack where they went inside to play a game of poker.
After loosing a couple of hands, the rookie threw down his cards and said "that does it! I am going out to get me a deer." Fifteen minutes later, the rookie came back with a nice four point buck. The captain and chief asked, "how did you get that?" The rookie replied, "I walked out fifty feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck". The captain then said, "I've had enough of this I am going to get my deer." He came back a half hour later with a 6-point buck. The chief asked, "how did you get that?" The captain replied, "I walked out a hundred feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck." The chief not wanting to be out done said "I am out of here, I am g oing to bag the biggest buck of the day." He came back an hour later, all mangled up and bloody. The rookie and captain asked, "what happened to you?" The chief replied, "I walked out there five hundred feet, followed some tracks, and got hit by a train."
‎"A woman is always Right. But sometimes confused or may be misinformed or rude or stubborn or senseless or unchangeable about her opinions or even down right stupid at times but NEVER wrong... She is always Right..." - Albert Einstein
‎"A woman is always Right. But sometimes confused or may be misinformed or rude or stubborn or senseless or unchangeable about her opinions or even down right stupid at times but NEVER wrong... She is always Right..." - Albert Einstein

I don't fully agree with these two words.Then again my experience of life is limited to the years i have lived.
I'll keep an eye if i can find the two remaining qualities.

Thanks for sharing.
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