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I write poetry, as it helps me relax. Here are a couple that I wrote:-

A Sailor's Plea

Why is my life in turmoil O' great god of the sky?
Have I not trod thy humble path of life ?
Watered the crop of forgiveness
Hoisted my flag on the highest mast as I set sail

Through turbulent winds has my ship sailed
Her timbered wounds soaked with salt
My brine of sorrow like watered tears,
Through jagged rocks my ship did flounder
Cutting the stern as she bleeds the oil that thy hands have toiled.

Did every port not write her name, as she docked her load ?
Her wondrous cargo has fed the poor that even thy eyes have seen.

Let my ship with creaking timbers cast her sail to southern winds;
That ye may blow her home
No more rough waters to rock her bow
So may you lift the fog with a sweep of thy hand
To where both ship and man go home to die.

Did not thy ship serve thee in time of need?
When her bow creaked and rats did flee ?
Did not her stern thou did bleed stood by thee ?

In rocky seas did she venture thee; unhindered by gales that be ?
When other ships rained with good luck florals,
Thou endured pain along the corals

Many ports have embarked thee, through many lives thou has seen
The beginning of life and the end of death,
When two seas meet, they often greet.
Like the wheel of a ship, we lose our grip

The kindled spark that lights the flame
Is often hid within the pain
Did not thy lantern in the fog, guide thy ship through jaggered rocks ?

Hoist thy sail my friend of woes
Rest thy tired limbs and wing, like the seagull, and sky born eagle

I see a gull in my minds eye,
where ships and men sail home to die.

Where no more, will the wind beat on a tired sail
All ridden holed and almost pale

Rest thy timbers on the sand..... both boat and weary bosons hand,
That ye may never take afloat a vessel laden full of woes.
Where both the sand and coarse wind blows

Written By George


Ye are gods...... children of the most high.
Who are those who stealth through the night sky ?

The mighty power of the Elemental Gods!

That man may be born and die like an insect and be born again!

He is like the gnat on a tree, who crawls by day and hides by night

Oh great are ye, thy Elemental Gods who with a wave of an arm cause the sky to streak with forked lightning.

And clasp thy hands in a clap of thunder.

Making waves twist and turn by the skew of thy wrist

Then as you lay thy hand down on the green of the land

May a sunbeam shine from the tip of thy finger into the hearts of men.

That they may know that you are great and above all things

Let thy hand raise a chalice to the dry arid land, that fruit may grow
For thy cup holds the rain that every mouth shall drink

Let not your wrath fall in tempest on the poor and ignorant

As ye are wise and above all things

So they shall know that thee and the land are one

Written By George
hooooooooooohahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhho ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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