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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court


if India were your first country or country of birth, your tone towards Indian public would be different.

And, secondly, Indians have brains too. You are not the only Einstein who suddenly discovered "corruption is the main issue" thing and think that all Indian public are fools and corrupt. And, you are speaking as if India exists because of USA. Also, you have severely twisted views of Indian history.

Hey joker I am Indian as much as much don't kid yourself. My tone would be like this for the citizens of my own country. Got it! Really corruption is not an recent issue....no ...its been there since the dawn of man. I am not saying nor I said India exists becoz of the USA. Your eyes must be twisted because you cannot READ ENGLISH....go back and read what I wrote....and then do it again maybe you will understand what I wrote..thanks for wonderful insight.....(yeah right balls)

My tone is like this because of the lackadaisical attitude of Indians in preventing corruption....you guys have become desentisived to corruption....thats why you act and talk like it whatever...what can we do about it! Thats the point I am trying to make....if you want to close the gap with China and secure your position and stop writing and do something....plz read the links below....India needs you guys to make sacrifices and conduct protests and to implement hang otherwise it will what you and others say....."corruption is not new", "corruption is part of life" blah blah...it is that attitude, that sort of thinking that need to change....wear a tshirt that says stop corruption.

Jayshree Bajoria: Corruption Threatens India's Growth



Corruption: India

Only e-governance can get rid of corruption - General news


if India were your first country or country of birth, your tone towards Indian public would be different.

And, secondly, Indians have brains too. You are not the only Einstein who suddenly discovered "corruption is the main issue" thing and think that all Indian public are fools and corrupt. And, you are speaking as if India exists because of USA. Also, you have severely twisted views of Indian history.

Hey joker I am Indian as much as much don't kid yourself. My tone would be like this for the citizens of my own country. Got it! Really corruption is not an recent issue....no ...its been there since the dawn of man. I am not saying nor I said India exists becoz of the USA. Your eyes must be twisted because you cannot READ ENGLISH....go back and read what I wrote....and then do it again maybe you will understand what I wrote..thanks for wonderful insight.....(yeah right balls)

My tone is like this because of the lackadaisical attitude of Indians in preventing corruption....you guys have become desentisived to corruption....thats why you act and talk like it whatever...what can we do about it! Thats the point I am trying to make....if you want to close the gap with China and secure your position and stop writing and do something....plz read the links below....India needs you guys to make sacrifices and conduct protests and to implement hang otherwise it will what you and others say....."corruption is not new", "corruption is part of life" blah blah...it is that attitude, that sort of thinking that need to change....wear a tshirt that says stop corruption.

Jayshree Bajoria: Corruption Threatens India's Growth



Corruption: India

Only e-governance can get rid of corruption - General news

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The slippery slope of corruption
than your ABCD(American born confused desi) types.

It bothers me how conceited and narrow minded you are. I can hardly understand why you have so much animosity towards NRI's. Who do you think you are to tell us where our loyalties lie anyway? One can be both Indian and American, the two aren't mutually exclusive.

You commented earlier that Indian Americans are respected simply because India is supposedly an 'emerging power'. Wow, what a load of bull crap. There were plenty of other BS generalizations, but I'm going to tackle this one first. Indians have succeeded here through hard work and dedication. The average American wouldn't even know where India is on the map, let alone know anything about its economy. While we're at it, why don't you go check out some threads on Indians succeeding abroad. How many 'true Indians' do you think celebrated their success? For that matter, you don't even have to be completely Indian for the rest of the desis to join in...

India eagerly awaits to congratulate Sunita Williams

Yeah, so my family emigrated. That didn't make them forget who they are nor did it prevent them from teaching me the same. Most people didn't leave India because they hated it, they left because of a dearth of opportunities. Instead of preaching your bigoted nonsense, you need to focus on what's important i.e 1st or 2nd generation desis who still relate to India. People who are still true to their roots, people who have directly helped India's cause at home and abroad. NRI's pump in billions to the Indian economy. They lobby for Indian interests. They promote cultural understanding and establish people to people contacts.

Frankly speaking, its narrow minded and stupid to discount someone's opinions and concerns simply because they don't live in India anymore. I thought this idiotic shiv sena mindset died a long time ago, but I guess I was wrong. If I were you, I'd get used to NRI's commenting on Indian issues because India loses tens of thousands of its brightest minds every year to the states alone. Of course the smart thing to do would be to call them traitors and show them the door, but you're capable of making some pretty imprudent remarks so who knows, you might understand they're coming from a good place and take their opinions seriously someday.:rolleyes:
WTF!!! is this is it a India VS U S of A thread....

The funny thing is those talking in favor of US of A are not actual Americans but ABCDs (American Born Confused Desi). lol

Some ABCDs cannot forget the greatness of US in front of poor and corrupted India. Because they think they are the only 'enlightened' people, rests don't know anything about India or cares about India. So they will ridicule India and rains their funny advices on everyone. :lol:

your hate for India and Indian public is clearly visible in your tone and behaviour.

First, take a lesson on Indian history and secondly, give up your American arrogance. No Indian is begging you for help. This is not Africa. Indians know how to stand up on their feets as well how to kick your American as* if needed.
The funny thing is those talking in favor of US of A are not actual Americans but ABCDs (American Born Confused Desi). lol

Some ABCDs cannot forget the greatness of US in front of poor and corrupted India. Because they think they are the only 'enlightened' people, rests don't know anything about India or cares about India. So they will ridicule India and rains their funny advices on everyone. :lol:

Yawn okay whatever man

your hate for India and Indian public is clearly visible in your tone and behaviour.

First, take a lesson on Indian history and secondly, give up your American arrogance. No Indian is begging you for help. This is not Africa. Indians know how to stand up on their feets as well how to kick your American as* if needed.

Yawn India has more ppl starving than sub Sahara Africa! India has 500 million people who live below poverty and they are the ones who don't have a voice in shining India. They are the ones who get treated like .....they are ones who don;t can afford access to computers and the internet...please don't BS yourself and others...You cannot look past the flag and realize my intentions then you are the fool. history is my favorite subject, I suggest you read the links I have provided. I backed up claims where is your proof. Being patriotic is one thing but being blindly patriotic is another. You are simply blind.

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

There is no arrogance I suggest you put your pride aside and listen to all posters
It bothers me how conceited and narrow minded you are. I can hardly understand why you have so much animosity towards NRI's. Who do you think you are to tell us where our loyalties lie anyway? One can be both Indian and American, the two aren't mutually exclusive.

Because NRI's are loyal to noone. They run where the money is.

when India was poor, they dumped it. Today, India is providing opportunities to make money, so now they want a pie. No wonder, suddenly, all are singing Indian tunes and everyone want to lecture Indians(who actually worked day-night to bring India back, when these opportunist lecturers were busy in blaming Indian politicians and singing American tunes).

NRI's doesn't have any right to lecture any Indian. Period.
The funny thing is those talking in favor of US of A are not actual Americans but ABCDs (American Born Confused Desi). lol

Some ABCDs cannot forget the greatness of US in front of poor and corrupted India. Because they think they are the only 'enlightened' people, rests don't know anything about India or cares about India. So they will ridicule India and rains their funny advices on everyone. :lol:

I honestly dont understand what your post is about? Are you mocking me coz I support the US? Are you serious....becoz I am ABD...there is no confusion here. Why is it so hard for me to point Indias flaws.....I don't; think many of you know what it is. If the defense establishment makes textbook mistakes in the most basic areas, then there are issues right? Where do you get this notion that I said nobody cares or nobody knows anything about India? I never said it so where are you getting this? Is it your own insecurity because that what it seem like? Ridiculing India is something we NRI have been dealing with for years because of the actions of India. I guess you guys cannot see that because you are there. Your mindset really needs to change man, seriously.

You guys cannot see that I have genuine support for India? But you what me to sugarcoat and make you feel good for accomplishments...bullocks! Not me, there are incidents that show me there was big time corruption in the IA, but what happened you guys bashed me saying the IA has integrity and blah blah. Well, now looks who has the last laugh. My focus on India is to help it, and I wont stop helping it because I do a hell of lot more than you guys do on this site. Pardon my tone, but this has enlightened me to the sot backward folks in India. This mindset is the problem not the brains of hard working indians, not their work ethic. Please do yourself read all the links I provided.....they all give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM
Yawn India has more ppl starving than sub Sahara Africa! India has 500 million people who live below poverty and they are the ones who don't have a voice in shining India. They are the ones who get treated like .....they are ones who don;t can afford access to computers and the internet...please don't BS yourself and others...You cannot look past the flag and realize my intentions then you are the fool. history is my favorite subject, I suggest you read the links I have provided. I backed up claims where is your proof. Being patriotic is one thing but being blindly patriotic is another. You are simply blind.

Being American and being arrogant are basically same thing. So, I am not surprised that you said above. And, your "yawn" sounds like Indian poverty is nagging you.

Tell me one thing, does it embarrass you, that your family has Indian connection? Maybe when you think you are American born? The way you are speaking about Indian public, shows how much you despise and hate Indians.
I honestly dont understand what your post is about? Are you mocking me coz I support the US? Are you serious....becoz I am ABD...there is no confusion here. Why is it so hard for me to point Indias flaws.....I don't; think many of you know what it is. If the defense establishment makes textbook mistakes in the most basic areas, then there are issues right? Where do you get this notion that I said nobody cares or nobody knows anything about India? I never said it so where are you getting this? Is it your own insecurity because that what it seem like? Ridiculing India is something we NRI have been dealing with for years because of the actions of India. I guess you guys cannot see that because you are there. Your mindset really needs to change man, seriously.

Those who dumped India and their Indian brothers, shouldn't lecture Indians how to run their country.

Now, its obvious that these corrupt Indians have managed to bring India back into 9% GDP growth, so now you want a say too in it, or even want to benefit from it? You are feeling left out it seems. Are you considering to come back to motherland, dear? LOL.
Because NRI's are loyal to noone. They run where the money is.

when India was poor, they dumped it. Today, India is providing opportunities to make money, so now they want a pie. No wonder, suddenly, all are singing Indian tunes and everyone want to lecture Indians(who actually worked day-night to bring India back, when these opportunist lecturers were busy in blaming Indian politicians and singing American tunes).

NRI's doesn't have any right to lecture any Indian. Period.

NO WAY WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT AND WE WILL TAKE IT. India has progressed due to nri's as much as native INdians. Wake up and smell the coffee. You have no right to say what y you are saying ....you my dear chap are an example of what is holding back India now. You don't even have all the facts but you make wild accusations. Folks left not just due to one but the corruption. Seeing rich people get into schools while poor competent students were sidelined. YOU REALLY THINK ONLY INDIANS IN INDIA PLAYED A ROLE IN INDIA'S RISE? DEAR CHAP IF YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THAT AND IF ANY OTHER POSTER THINKS THAT THEN PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF AND GOOGLE WHAT NRIS HAVE DONE. GOOGLE HOW WESTERN EDUCATION TRNASFORMED INDIAN MINDS, HOW THEIR CONTACTS IN THE WEST BROUGHT PROSPERITY TO INDIA. DONT LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD KID.
I honestly dont understand what your post is about? Are you mocking me coz I support the US? Are you serious....becoz I am ABD...there is no confusion here. Why is it so hard for me to point Indias flaws.....I don't; think many of you know what it is. If the defense establishment makes textbook mistakes in the most basic areas, then there are issues right? Where do you get this notion that I said nobody cares or nobody knows anything about India? I never said it so where are you getting this? Is it your own insecurity because that what it seem like? Ridiculing India is something we NRI have been dealing with for years because of the actions of India. I guess you guys cannot see that because you are there. Your mindset really needs to change man, seriously.

You guys cannot see that I have genuine support for India? But you what me to sugarcoat and make you feel good for accomplishments...bullocks! Not me, there are incidents that show me there was big time corruption in the IA, but what happened you guys bashed me saying the IA has integrity and blah blah. Well, now looks who has the last laugh. My focus on India is to help it, and I wont stop helping it because I do a hell of lot more than you guys do on this site. Pardon my tone, but this has enlightened me to the sot backward folks in India. This mindset is the problem not the brains of hard working indians, not their work ethic. Please do yourself read all the links I provided.....they all give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM

First get your Indian history correct then we will talk about your genius solutions for India.
Those who dumped India and their Indian brothers, shouldn't lecture Indians how to run their country.

Now, its obvious that these corrupt Indians have managed to bring India back into 9% GDP growth, so now you want a say too in it, or even want to benefit from it? You are feeling left out it seems. Are you considering to come back to motherland, dear? LOL.

You're boasting 9% GDP growth? It has helped transform India, but has it trickled down to the poorest of the poor.? Just imagine with the extensive corruption how much more this growth could be? Do you see why China widening the gap. Dude I am already benefiting from it, trust me......... I and others have invested in India. Remember India receives the highest remittances from their expatriate population in the World. I like my lifestyle, couple of months there and a couple over here or elsewhere.

We never dumped India....circumstances led us to make something of ourselves. My folks had an opportunity and they took it. I doubt if you had such you would turn it down? Thats' why MMS is allowing NRIs to vote so I guess they have a say as to how government should be run hahhahahahhahhaha
First get your Indian history correct then we will talk about your genius solutions for India.

Yeah thanks for your fruitful posts.....Indian history??? I guess when you cant make an argument or explanation of substance to my numerous posts, you might as well as point out INdian history which brings absolutely nothing to this topic. Explain Indian history genius, I bet I have a better understanding of it than you buddy.
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