if India were your first country or country of birth, your tone towards Indian public would be different.
And, secondly, Indians have brains too. You are not the only Einstein who suddenly discovered "corruption is the main issue" thing and think that all Indian public are fools and corrupt. And, you are speaking as if India exists because of USA. Also, you have severely twisted views of Indian history.
Hey joker I am Indian as much as much don't kid yourself. My tone would be like this for the citizens of my own country. Got it! Really corruption is not an recent issue....no ...its been there since the dawn of man. I am not saying nor I said India exists becoz of the USA. Your eyes must be twisted because you cannot READ ENGLISH....go back and read what I wrote....and then do it again maybe you will understand what I wrote..thanks for wonderful insight.....(yeah right balls)
My tone is like this because of the lackadaisical attitude of Indians in preventing corruption....you guys have become desentisived to corruption....thats why you act and talk like it whatever...what can we do about it! Thats the point I am trying to make....if you want to close the gap with China and secure your position and stop writing and do something....plz read the links below....India needs you guys to make sacrifices and conduct protests and to implement hang otherwise it will what you and others say....."corruption is not new", "corruption is part of life" blah blah...it is that attitude, that sort of thinking that need to change....wear a tshirt that says stop corruption.
Jayshree Bajoria: Corruption Threatens India's Growth
Corruption: India
Only e-governance can get rid of corruption - General news