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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

For a while back there, I actually though you made legitimate points even if it grates coming from someone whose family decided that they can't cut it in India & who is now lecturing those who didn't make that choice & stayed here about how to improve India. I accept your points even if your family didn't want to bother themselves about improving India. However your ignorance is showing, you actually think that Hindi will necessarily help with talking in the rural areas especially in the South? Then you made that pretty needless comment about cleaning up the ganges instead of asking for food aid? Can't remember the last time India asked for food aid, maybe you have heard of something called the green revolution?

Sure we have problems and sure we can do with all the good wishes of everyone including NRI's but your above rant makes it that much more difficult to swallow, when at the end of your harangue, all you will do is sit back comfortably in the U.S.and somehow pretend to be doing your part in improving India.

Listen up read all the posts before you pass judgement. I reacted rudely after i got upset being treated badly for giving my 2cents just like anyone else here. Who said my family can't cut it out there. My uncles and aunts all reside in India and they have made a damn good living there. My father owns 70 acres of land in Kerala alone. My mother was working here in America and married my father who decided to come over. o don;t be too quick to make accusations when you don't have all the facts. Yeah green revolution took place in the 60's under with the help of America. Unforunately, the green revolution stagnated and is in a dismal state. Thats why there are calls from india to kick start it again. You really need and get your facts straight buddy. Food Aid is coming from NGO's and Britain, again check your facts. Sit back, all I can do is give what i can due to distance. Believe me I do my part, and I educate 5 kids a year with the money I donate every year. So don't talk crap. I donate to 5th pillar in Chennai to stop corruption. The only thing I cannot do is march to protest the corruption at all levels. Thats where you need to stop sitting on your lazy and change. Thats the problem with many of this generation, you're only interested in money and expect everything to be handed to you. You guys can't even climb a tree, don't know how to pick a mango, cant milk a cow, cut bleed a rubber tree but I can. I and my ancestors are for the paddy field and we are a resilient lot, who make something out of nothing. I take dirt and make money and I love knowing I have that ability. So next time, think about this and do your part instead of lecturing me what I don't do.

As for Hindi that for living in the North, living in the South will be a different matter and in Bangalore you get away just Hindi. Trust me I know.

Suck it up and get over the fact that a poster with a flag different from India is criticizing India. If you feel so strongly, go out and do something about it. Be proactive and implement change. Don;t give me that ...Ahh the babus are so corrupt things will get better with the next election or some other BS. Who says stuff like this needs to slap themselves repeatedly.
Listen up read all the posts before you pass judgement. I reacted rudely after i got upset being treated badly for giving my 2cents just like anyone else here. Who said my family can't cut it out there. My uncles and aunts all reside in India and they have made a damn good living there. My father owns 70 acres of land in Kerala alone. My mother was working here in America and married my father who decided to come over. o don;t be too quick to make accusations when you don't have all the facts. Yeah green revolution took place in the 60's under with the help of America. Unforunately, the green revolution stagnated and is in a dismal state. Thats why there are calls from india to kick start it again. You really need and get your facts straight buddy. Food Aid is coming from NGO's and Britain, again check your facts. Sit back, all I can do is give what i can due to distance. Believe me I do my part, and I educate 5 kids a year with the money I donate every year. So don't talk crap. I donate to 5th pillar in Chennai to stop corruption. The only thing I cannot do is march to protest the corruption at all levels. Thats where you need to stop sitting on your lazy and change. Thats the problem with many of this generation, you're only interested in money and expect everything to be handed to you. You guys can't even climb a tree, don't know how to pick a mango, cant milk a cow, cut bleed a rubber tree but I can. I and my ancestors are for the paddy field and we are a resilient lot, who make something out of nothing. I take dirt and make money and I love knowing I have that ability. So next time, think about this and do your part instead of lecturing me what I don't do.

As for Hindi that for living in the North, living in the South will be a different matter and in Bangalore you get away just Hindi. Trust me I know.

I did actually read all the posts which is why I conceded your points. I still don't care much for your style of delivery though. However, my dear chap, you are not the sole repository of all knowledge pertaining to India. Us locals are not that ignorant. Food aid? Yeah right! India is a net exporter of rice and the biggest problem has been the of food grains due to all the granaries being full and the grains now being stored in the open. Interested in money? Rich! Coming from one who has emigrated to the U.S.

In Bangalore, not just Hindi but English will do just fine, Trust me! I know! Thought we were discussing rural areas.
Btw, I have no interest in lecturing you or anyone else, you are free to make your choices. Not impressed with your "deep" connection to India. Our connections are deeper and we don't use the excuse of being angry to explain idiotic rants about "our" country.
I did actually read all the posts which is why I conceded your points. I still don't care much for your style of delivery though. However, my dear chap, you are not the sole repository of all knowledge pertaining to India. Us locals are not that ignorant. Food aid? Yeah right! India is a net exporter of rice and the biggest problem has been the of food grains due to all the granaries being full and the grains now being stored in the open. Interested in money? Rich! Coming from one who has emigrated to the U.S.

In Bangalore, not just Hindi but English will do just fine, Trust me! I know! Thought we were discussing rural areas.
Btw, I have no interest in lecturing you or anyone else, you are free to make your choices. Not impressed with your "deep" connection to India. Our connections are deeper and we don't use the excuse of being angry to explain idiotic rants about "our" country.

I know English will do fine in Bangalore so will Hindi. We were talking about rural areas but you presumed the South. As for food, wheat production fell thats why India imported 20 million tons. I guess you missed that considering it raised an issue with net exports of wheat doubling the price. Did you miss that? As for granaries, yes that is one area but another major area you missed are the middle men who let produce go bad or withhold so prices skyrocket. Lastly I never emigrated to the USA, so I don;t believe you read the posts clearly. pay attention next time. And I don't care how I word my msg or the tone of my msg, suck it up. Trust me your connection is just the same as any other connection. This was no rant this was a clear msg to wake up and knock some sense into you guys. My problem is that you and others haven't really made a single point, to be honest most of you focused on the fact that this msg is coming from an American and simply couldn't digest that.
Trust me I know I am not the sole repository of knowledge but you can trust that I am not looking to make a buck put of my 2 cents. But what others me is when the defense forces make such careless decisions and have no insight, it really shows how incompetent our forces were. Like I said before I think we have knowledgeable manpower but corruption is stopping these men from shining. You guys behave just like this ex serviceman I know, you only point out the good but fail to recognize or even tackle the core problems. he would be annoyed whenever I talked about the bad points of india, but he finally conceded what I was trying to do was right. MAybe a little fire under under are will allow us to move a bit quicker than the indian bureaucracy.
As for the green revolution, yeah India is feeding its ppl even though South Asia suffers from more malnutrition than Sub Sahara Africa. You can google this and you google the import of Wheat, it was due to weather I believe. A green revolution is only as good as the scientists who keep on turning the wheels in research and inventing new products. This was a concern brought up by India itself, so please this is not a first world telling a third world. This is a problem that the indian government has identified and is making efforts to bridge this gap in knowledge with assistance from Israel. Im sure you can get all the knowledge from multiple sources but I thought i was helping you out. Sry my delivery didn't make you feel happy and sweet, but India has problems that needs to be addressed if you want any chance of catching up to China. If you don;t care of maintaining that pace, then by all means work at the Indian government pace, you know a snails pace.
As for food, wheat production fell thats why India imported 20 million tons. I guess you missed that considering it raised an issue with net exports of wheat doubling the price. Did you miss that? As for granaries, yes that is one area but another major area you missed are the middle men who let produce go bad or withhold so prices skyrocket. y.

Okay, my last post on this issue. You are jumping into different topics like a kangaroo. You said India is a recipient of food aid. You now point out that India "imported" wheat(done to buttress stocks). Think you need to understand the difference. Every country imports something or the other. In any case these links may put things in perspective.
domain-b.com : India's wheat production to be at record high of 81.47MT for 2010-11 crop year
Govt considering permitting wheat export: Thomas
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Agriculture : Pawar favours wheat, rice and sugar exports

thank you for your time.
Thanks for the info, I checked my source and you are correct it was done to buttress stocks.

Now that wasn't hard to admit I am wrong. Maybe you and others can learn from it.

Thank you for your time but you focus on food while I focused on every point you brought up. Did you notice i jumped from different topics because i was addressing half you retards posts. I specifically made appoint about corruption everything after that was due to the various other posters.

BTW take a look at this about the green revolution

Limitations of the Green Revolution

Even today, India's agricultural output sometimes falls short of demand. The Green Revolution, howsoever impressive, has thus NOT succeeded in making India totally and permanently self-sufficient in food. In 1979 and 1987, India faced severe drought conditions due to poor monsoon; this raised questions about the whether the Green Revolution was really a long-term achievement. In 1998, India had to import onions. Last year, India imported sugar.

However, in today's globalised economic scenario, 100 per cent self-sufficiency is not considered as vital a target as it was when the world political climate was more dangerous due to the Cold War.

India has failed to extend the concept of high-yield value seeds to all crops or all regions. In terms of crops, it remain largely confined to foodgrains only, not to all kinds of agricultural produce. In regional terms, only Punjab and Haryana states showed the best results of the Green Revolution. The eastern plains of the River Ganges in West Bengal state also showed reasonably good results. But results were less impressive in other parts of India.

Nothing like the Bengal Famine can happen in India again. But it is disturbing to note that even today, there are places like Kalahandi (in India's eastern state of Orissa) where famine-like conditions have been existing for many years and where some starvation deaths have also been reported. Of course, this is due to reasons other than availability of food in India, but the very fact that some people are still starving in India (whatever the reason may be), brings into question whether the Green Revolution has failed in its overall social objectives though it has been a resounding success in terms of agricultural production.

(4) The Green Revolution cannot therefore be considered to be a 100 percent success.

Thanks for the info, I checked my source and you are correct it was done to buttress stocks.

Now that wasn't hard to admit I am wrong. Maybe you and others can learn from it.

Thank you for your time but you focus on food while I focused on every point you brought up. Did you notice i jumped from different topics because i was addressing half you retards posts. I specifically made appoint about corruption everything after that was due to the various other posters.

BTW take a look at this about the green revolution

Limitations of the Green Revolution

Even today, India's agricultural output sometimes falls short of demand. The Green Revolution, howsoever impressive, has thus NOT succeeded in making India totally and permanently self-sufficient in food. In 1979 and 1987, India faced severe drought conditions due to poor monsoon; this raised questions about the whether the Green Revolution was really a long-term achievement. In 1998, India had to import onions. Last year, India imported sugar.

However, in today's globalised economic scenario, 100 per cent self-sufficiency is not considered as vital a target as it was when the world political climate was more dangerous due to the Cold War.

India has failed to extend the concept of high-yield value seeds to all crops or all regions. In terms of crops, it remain largely confined to foodgrains only, not to all kinds of agricultural produce. In regional terms, only Punjab and Haryana states showed the best results of the Green Revolution. The eastern plains of the River Ganges in West Bengal state also showed reasonably good results. But results were less impressive in other parts of India.

Nothing like the Bengal Famine can happen in India again. But it is disturbing to note that even today, there are places like Kalahandi (in India's eastern state of Orissa) where famine-like conditions have been existing for many years and where some starvation deaths have also been reported. Of course, this is due to reasons other than availability of food in India, but the very fact that some people are still starving in India (whatever the reason may be), brings into question whether the Green Revolution has failed in its overall social objectives though it has been a resounding success in terms of agricultural production.

(4) The Green Revolution cannot therefore be considered to be a 100 percent success.

India's Green Revolution

First, get your facts correct Mr. American(who claims to be Indian because his uncle was Indian and feels "deeply" for his ancient country which was abandoned by his family).

Secondly, if you need credit for being rich and helping "poor" Indians, then goto some Indo-American NGO forum, you will get many awards there for uplifting poor in desi style, so that you can satisfy your hollow american pride.

Now, stop trolling and stick to the topic.
This was a concern brought up by India itself, so please this is not a first world telling a third world. This is a problem that the indian government has identified and is making efforts to bridge this gap in knowledge with assistance from Israel. Im sure you can get all the knowledge from multiple sources but I thought i was helping you out.

Yes, India is taking help from Israel on improving farm productivity but its not a charity. Israeli businesses are getting paid through Indian tax money(my money) for this.

Secondly, it was Israeli businessmen who approached India with their proposals because they needed our money. Its pure business, but your prejudiced mind looks down on India and Indians so much, that you see it in negative way, -"Israelis are saving a*ses of dying poor Indians".

Thirdly, India doesn't mind taking help from others, because we are not arrogant people(like americans) who feel embarrassed to ask for help or seen doing so. We are very humble people who take help and pay for it in double if needed.

Also, when we help our neighbours in aids, financial partnership in dams projects, we don't brag about it in arrogant manner. I am proud that India is doing its part and my tax money is going to right purpose(and not being wasted for war in grabbing Oil interests of greedy Americans or protecting as*es of american army in Iraq).

And lastly, those who help or do things on ground don't come to internet forums, to brag about how they are uplifting poor from ashes and what a favour they are doing on humanity.

The way you are behaving here, is making you look like a typical rich selfish arrogant idiot, who doesn't have sense on how to socialize with people from different cultures. And the only reason people seems to treat you good is your money, and not your cheap character. So, now keep ranting with your twisted "poor India dying because Indians are fools and only my America can save your as*" view, while I will laugh on you.

That tea-shop guy(on his 4 wheels) on Indian road, actually does more social work in his whole life, than your ABCD(American born confused desi) types.

my few humble advices for your kind - First learn to respect and love India, and learn to be humble. Then maybe some people will take you seriously. And second, India has stopped accepting Charity long ago. You should goto Africa with your coconut.
Yes, India is taking help from Israel on improving farm productivity but its not a charity. Israeli businesses are getting paid through Indian tax money(my money) for this.

Secondly, it was Israeli businessmen who approached India with their proposals because they needed our money. Its pure business, but your prejudiced mind looks down on India and Indians so much, that you see it in negative way, -"Israelis are saving a*ses of dying poor Indians".

Thirdly, India doesn't mind taking help from others, because we are not arrogant people(like americans) who feel embarrassed to ask for help or seen doing so. We are very humble people who take help and pay for it in double if needed.

Also, when we help our neighbours in aids, financial partnership in dams projects, we don't brag about it in arrogant manner. I am proud that India is doing its part and my tax money is going to right purpose(and not being wasted for war in grabbing Oil interests of greedy Americans or protecting as*es of american army in Iraq).

And lastly, those who help or do things on ground don't come to internet forums, to brag about how they are uplifting poor from ashes and what a favour they are doing on humanity.

The way you are behaving here, is making you look like a typical rich selfish arrogant idiot, who doesn't have sense on how to socialize with people from different cultures. And the only reason people seems to treat you good is your money, and not your cheap character. So, now keep ranting with your twisted "poor India dying because Indians are fools and only my America can save your as*" view, while I will laugh on you.

That tea-shop guy(on his 4 wheels) on Indian road, actually does more social work in his whole life, than your ABCD(American born confused desi) types.

my few humble advices for your kind - First learn to respect and love India, and learn to be humble. Then maybe some people will take you seriously. And second, India has stopped accepting Charity long ago. You should goto Africa with your coconut.

Now I see why Pakistanis and the Chinese act the way they do towards the Indian forum members......you guys act like complete morons. You can't see what I was trying to say. Instead, many of you simply attacked me for being American, just iike you did. DON'T YOU EVER FORGET BECAUSE OF AMERICAN INTERVENTION INDIA'S SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IN ITS NEIGHBORHOOD CHANGED FOR BETTER. DON'T KID YOURSELF KID!!! THE NUKE DEAL WENT THRU BECAUSE OF US. DON'T KIDS YOURSELF AGAIN KID. YOU AND OTHERS BROUGHT UP FOOD AND ALL OTHER THIS OTHER NONSENSE WHEN I MERELY TALKED ABOUT CORRUPTION. AGAIN DONT KID YOURSELF. I know its beneficial for both of countries .....and I ain't kidding....



india is damn lucky the USA became involved and don't sit there and point fingers. India benefits from this invasion big time. Hell, wasn't India complaining of not being in the discussion of Afghan's security? So, yo udon't want to commit troops but you want to have a say in YOUR security. Instead, of arguing because you don't like the tone, well tough get used to it because that is the tone that will be used for the likes of you......guys like you need a good swift kick in the butt....you guys cannot measure to the generation that had achieved independence for India.

"And lastly, those who help or do things on ground don't come to internet forums, to brag about how they are uplifting poor from ashes and what a favour they are doing on humanity.

The way you are behaving here, is making you look like a typical rich selfish arrogant idiot, who doesn't have sense on how to socialize with people from different cultures. And the only reason people seems to treat you good is your money, and not your cheap character. So, now keep ranting with your twisted "poor India dying because Indians are fools and only my America can save your as*" view, while I will laugh on you.

That tea-shop guy(on his 4 wheels) on Indian road, actually does more social work in his whole life, than your ABCD(American born confused desi) types."

You are the one who pointed out that I am not doing anything....SO I ANSWERED. Don't like it tough then do something for India, feed a kid, donate some cash, tutor, etc. I simply wrote back what I am doing to help India. WHY ARE YOU JEALOUS FOR? If you can read properly I reacted to your tone and writings from this topic.....go ahead read it all and take a good hard look who wrote what first....you accused me first. I never brought up being rich and I never rubbed it in anyone's face. India can surely save itself but your view is so myopic you cannot see past your As-------e......If the Chinese are saying its the Indian government that is holding back india then you know what..... you have to really sit down hard and wonder why. I wasn t comparing my social work to anyone,.....that is completely BS....I pointed it out to the likes of you who presume I don;t do anything for INdia. Dear fellow the person confused is you my cocoNUT..The cheap character has been displayed by you and others for attacking me when I told you something that you cannot digest. Its the Indian community that went abroad that really changed pals perception of India...don't ever forget that......but if you weren't so jealous, selfish or whatever you would be able to see thru that.

The truth is you and others have a grudge for others being able to go abroad and cant digest that fact.....going out of India has helped India because it helps give folks exposure to new ideas, real freedom, etc...and they bring those ideas back and enrich India's culture.....But you're too blind to see that i guess. So don't put me down for being an American. My flag are such because of the cheap attitude you and others have towards NRI's. Thats why you are treated us as such in other countries when you FOBS go abroad because you bring your cheap attitude, fitly lifestyle, unhygienic practices, etc......wouldn;t it be a good idea for the Indian embassy to give a course on preparing folks who go abroad. You have access to a computer not everyone does. So while you and your kind have access to computers from the convenience of their home others don't. These classes could teach use of deodorant, how to be pleasant, how not to stare, you know manners....but that is a class issue but it is an issue that needs to be dealt with. Guess what China and some other countries do it for their citizens. Have you ever been to the Indian embassy website? Do you know how ridiculous it is to navigate thru the site? Sad because for an IT power, it really makes us look down. I am India as much as you no matter what you or anyone says.....You have never left India so you wouldn;t understand....It is possible to have an American and INdian identity......because America is a melting pot.

Im done wasting my time.....anyone who reads this topic please understand I tried to give these guys some advice but they didn't like the fact that I didn't sugarcoat it (my tone).....well Im not their mum and I will tell it the way it needs to be told period! I won't bite my tongue for anyone.....Shakti gets some exposure you act 4th world...grow up
Now I see why Pakistanis and the Chinese act the way they do towards the Indian forum members......you guys act like complete morons. You can't see the what I was trying to say. Instead, many of you simply attacked me for being American, just iike you did. DON'T YOU EVER FORGET BECAUSE OF AMERICAN INTERVENTION INDIA'S SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IN ITS NEIGHBORHOOD CHANGED FOR BETTER. DON'T KID YOURSELF KID!!! THE NUKE DEAL WENT THRU BECAUSE OF US. DON'T KIDS YOURSELF AGAIN KID. YOU AND OTHERS BROUGHT UP FOOD AND ALL OTHER THIS OTHER NONSENSE WHEN I MERELY TALKED ABOUT CORRUPTION. AGAIN DONT KID YOURSELF. YO

Nuke deal went through because USA is losing its influence in the region quickly and dollar empire will collapse if India kicked the $$ in the as*. The dollar empire can't survive unless major economies like India support it.

So, save your arrogance and learn to be humble because your USA is not superpower anymore. USA needs help too though its another issue that you feel embarrassed to admit it that way. So, stop bragging here like an arrogant idiot.

And if your credentials or importance of being an "Indian" is making you cut in USA then say thanks to 1.1 Billion Indian consumers, factory workers, offshore rig engineers, skilled diamond-cutting workers, farmers because of whose hard work India is becoming an economic power, the reason for Indians being respected around the world.

So, learn to be humble towards Indian public whose hard-work is behind the respect, you are getting in american communities as an "smart and hardworking Indian". Otherwise, you will be seen as just another African backward migrant, whose country never learnt to stand up on her legs.

So, before you talk sh*t about poor Indians, look in yourself what you are. A kid born to migrant family, living on american aid? Heck, those Indian farmers have better self-respect than you and still they are so humble!

And lastly, stop acting like a spoiled rich kid here, who gets angry when noone agrees with his stupid views or gives him attention.

Im done wasting my time.....anyone who reads this topic plaza understand I tried to give these guys some advice but they didn't like the fact that I didn't sugarcoat.....well Im not their mum and I will tell it the way it needs to be told period! I won't bite y tongue for anyone.....Shakti gets some exposure you act 4th world...

Yes. I am a poor Indian from third world country like India. That's why your president om-bama came here begging for help, in salvaging crippling US dollar empire because one small 6th world country(IRAN) kicked the US dollar in balls.
First of all turn off the caps.Secondly we know better what the conditions in our country are.Right from ur first post u have posted nothing new.Ur concern for our country is deeply appreciated,but simply lecturing us on whats wrong with the country is something that might have pissed off some members here.Change takes time and there r people of my generation that r fighting against corruption[which u obviously dont know about].But do u expect a change overnight especially when u urself r an example of how people move to a place with a better conditions instead of fighting against the system??
Nuke deal went through because USA is losing its influence in the region quickly and dollar empire will collapse if India kicked the $$ in the as*. The dollar empire can't survive unless major economies like India support it.

So, save your arrogance and learn to be humble because your USA is not superpower anymore. USA needs help too though its another issue that you feel embarrassed to admit it that way. So, stop bragging here like an arrogant idiot.

And if your credentials or importance of being an "Indian" is making you cut in USA then say thanks to 1.1 Billion Indian consumers, farmers because of whose hard work India is becoming an economic power, the reason for Indians being respected around the world. So, learn to be humble towards Indian public whose hard-work is behind, the respect you are getting in american communities as an "smart and hardworking Indian". Otherwise, you will be seen as just another African backward migrant, whose country never learnt to stand up on her legs.

So, before you talk sh*t about poor Indians, look in yourself what you are.

And lastly, stop acting like a spoiled rich kid here, who gets angry when noone listen to him or gives him attention.

Yes. I am a poor Indian from third world country like India. That's why your president om-bama came here begging for help, in salvaging crippling US dollar empire because one small 6th world country(IRAN) kicked the US dollar in balls.

Honestly i don't like you putting down the US...sure we got our share of problems but we try. Obama came just like any other India PM for help. Read you history, read up when China attacked India, the USA helped. Don;t be so ungrateful.....at least my folks didn't move to a country like the UK that treated India like a colony for 200 yrs and raped it repeatedly. I could never digest the fact that Indians are there in huge numbers.....sure times change but growing up in America has made strong person and I appreciate that. I don;t have a chip on my shoulder.

You spread the same msg on this forum like me on this forum but you have a problem with my msg. Why
First of all turn off the caps.Secondly we know better what the conditions in our country are.Right from ur first post u have posted nothing new.Ur concern for our country is deeply appreciated,but simply lecturing us on whats wrong with the country is something that might have pissed off some members here.Change takes time and there r people of my generation that r fighting against corruption[which u obviously dont know about].But do u expect a change overnight especially when u urself r an example of how people move to a place with a better conditions instead of fighting against the system??

Dude it may nothing new to you guys doesn't mean anything. Why haven;t you guys protested??? If its not new? Why would you let this go on and on? I donate to 5th pillar because it is the only thing I can do from the distance. YOu need organizations like this in every state, not just Chennai. (There couple though). But india needs folks like you on the ground willing to organize and protest.....sure change takes time but in india case in this day and age of modern technology there is no excuse. i sound harsh but the reality is that there is no excuse. PPl have stopped caring. NRIs can donate money and ideas but it takes Indians on the ground to implement change. I did not have a choice of leaving and growing up outside of India. As I said before my entire family is based in India, my immediate family is the ones who left. My family in India chose to live and grow there, the reason for leaving doesn't have nothing to do running away nonsense. Many of you guys just make wild accusations with no basis for it.....
WTF!!! is this is it a India VS U S of A thread....

if India were your first country or country of birth, your tone towards Indian public would be different.

And, secondly, Indians have brains too. You are not the only Einstein who suddenly discovered "corruption is the main issue" thing and think that all Indian public are fools and corrupt. And, you are speaking as if India exists because of USA. Also, you have severely twisted views of Indian history.
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