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What Studying Muhammad Taught Me About Islam


Jul 22, 2012
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Craig Considine
Ph.D. candidate, Trinity College Dublin; Film director, 'Journey into America'; Interfaith activist
Posted: 01/21/2014 2:06 pm

Muslims worldwide have recently joined together to celebrate Mawlid al-Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This day is an opportunity for Muslims and non-Muslims, such as myself - a Catholic - to reflect upon the life and legacy of the prophet of Islam. In this short essay, I want to share with you what I have learned about Muhammad and how his legacy informs my understanding of Islam.

Muhammad's beliefs on how to treat religious minorities make him a universal champion of human rights, particularly as it pertains to freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, and the right for minorities to have protection during times of strife.

Muhammad initiated many legal covenants with Christians and Jews after establishing his Muslim community. For example, in one covenant with the Christian monks at Mount Sinai, Egypt, Muhammad called on Muslims to respect Christian judges and churches, and for no Muslim to fight against his Christian brother or sister. Through this agreement, Muhammad made it clear that Islam, as a political and philosophical way of life, respected and protected Christians.

Similarly, in the Treaty of Maqnah, the Prophet stated Jews "may be in peace... you are in security [under Muhammad's rule]... Towards you is no wrong and no enmity. After today you will not be subject to oppression or violence." In the Constitution of Medina, a key document which laid out a societal vision for Muslims, Muhammad also singled out Jews, who, he wrote, "shall maintain their own religion and the Muslim theirs... The close friends of Jews are as themselves." In safeguarding the rights of Jews, Muhammad made it clear that a citizen of an Islamic state did not have to follow Islam and that Muslims should treat Jews as they would their own friends. In developing these agreements with his fellow Muslims, Christians, and Jews, Muhammad clearly rejected elitism and racism and demanded that Muslims see their Abrahamic brothers and sisters as equals before God.

According to Muhammad, humanity was at the heart of Islam. In my reading and interpretation of his last sermon at Mount Arafat in 632 AD, I learned that the Prophet fought against racism long before the days of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. In the sermon, he argued "An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab... a white person has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over white except by piety and good action." Muhammad's final sermon informed me that Islam teaches Muslims to be tolerant of difference and welcome to diversity.

My research has also highlighted how Muhammad had similar beliefs to that of George Washington, a key founding father of America. In a January 2013 article for the Huffington Post titled "An Unlikely Connection Between Muhammad and George Washington," I examined how these two great men virtually shared identical opinions on social conduct, modesty, humility, respect, and even hygiene. In making these connections, it seems to me that Islamic values as expressed by Muhammad, and American values as expressed by Washington, are quite similar. Muslims and non-Muslim Americans can look to the example of Prophet Muhammad and George Washington as a way to build bridges of cross-cultural understanding.

Studying Muhammad has taught me invaluable lessons on the fundamental principles of Islam, but more importantly, principles of life itself. His treatment of religious minorities and his basic moral beliefs have encouraged me to further promote dialogue between Muslims, Christians, and Jews, and to improve my own everyday character and conduct. Without a doubt, my research into the Prophet's life has showed me that he is a role model for both Muslims and non-Muslims and that humanity can benefit from Islam.

What Studying Muhammad Taught Me About Islam | Craig Considine

Interesting article! That is why I ask people to do their homework!
Almost all Muslim countries are a proof that it is easy to study Mohammad pbuh

But it is almost impossible to act on his teaching of humility, truth, and honesty and tolerance

Very very difficult


Why is it impossible? It sure is impossible when we have a negative mindset or have never basically read about the Prophet!

Sad to see someone calling himself Muslim cant see in Muhammad what a Christian did when he read about Muhammad...
Why is it impossible?


Please visit most of the Muslim countries, especially KSA

Do a street side interview. Ask them why it is so hard to be tolerant?

Ask Saudis as to why they have banned churches, Synagogs, hindu temples, Sikh gurudwaras.

In the same land where Mohammad pbuh was born and lived and preached.

Then one day you may figure it out

one day
Why is it impossible? It sure is impossible when we have a negative mindset or have never basically read about the Prophet!

Sad to see someone calling himself Muslim cant see in Muhammad what a Christian did when he read about Muhammad...

It's impossible because of people like him who think it can't be done so never do anything about it(no offence to faujihistorian). It's also impossible because of wahabbis who will never ever give up on an oppurtunity to persecute kafirs and fellow muslims because they think we follow the wrong islam. We must kill every wahabbi and actually try to follow the prophet pbuh instead of thinking it's impossible to have true peace in the muslim world.

Please visit most of the Muslim countries, especially KSA

Do a street side interview. Ask them why it is so hard to be tolerant?

Ask Saudis as to why they have banned churches, Synagogs, hindu temples, Sikh gurudwaras.

In the same land where Mohammad pbuh was born and lived and preached.

Then one day you may figure it out

one day
We should ask Israel the same....Maybe even take it to Vatican city....

What a country or its people are doing should never discourage another....Their dues are theirs not yours why do you wish to share their fate?

The topic is about Muhammad, his teachings about Islam and also how a Christian found the similarity between him and Washington....Not about Saudi, Iran, Pakistan or anyother country...Please stick to the topic

Thank you!

My research has also highlighted how Muhammad had similar beliefs to that of George Washington, a key founding father of America. In a January 2013 article for the Huffington Post titled "An Unlikely Connection Between Muhammad and George Washington," I examined how these two great men virtually shared identical opinions on social conduct, modesty, humility, respect, and even hygiene. In making these connections, it seems to me that Islamic values as expressed by Muhammad, and American values as expressed by Washington, are quite similar. Muslims and non-Muslim Americans can look to the example of Prophet Muhammad and George Washington as a way to build bridges of cross-cultural understanding.

It's impossible because of people like him who think it can't be done so never do anything about it(no offence to faujihistorian). It's also impossible because of wahabbis who will never ever give up on an oppurtunity to persecute kafirs and fellow muslims because they think we follow the wrong islam. We must kill every wahabbi and actually try to follow the prophet pbuh instead of thinking it's impossible to have true peace in the muslim world.

We blame say Wahabi, who blame Shia then who blame the Sunni and themselves have many sects from Brailvi to Deobandi who blame each other! In the end who are we and who are we blaming? I think we should stop blaming others and just learn from positive examples....

Of course there is negativeness where positiveness exists! The point is not to sought out the negativeness but to hold on to the positiveness and keep walking in its direction! :tup:
We should ask Israel the same....Maybe even take it to Vatican city....

What a country or its people are doing should never discourage another....Their dues are theirs not yours why do you wish to share their fate?

The topic is about Muhammad, his teachings about Islam and also how a Christian found the similarity between him and Washington....Not about Saudi, Iran, Pakistan or anyother country...Please stick to the topic

Thank you!

We blame say Wahabi, who blame Shia then who blame the Sunni and themselves have many sects from Brailvi to Deobandi who blame each other! In the end who are we and who are we blaming? I think we should stop blaming others and just learn from positive examples....

Of course there is negativeness where positiveness exists! The point is not to sought out the negativeness but to hold on to the positiveness and keep walking in its direction! :tup:

True, we should be what our prophet pbuh was. A MUSLIM. not sunnis, shias, or whatever other sect there is. The reason the muslim world is in such ruins today is because of how divided we are. I don't even care about a caliphate anymore. Just be united even if we don't live in some big islamic state. That would solve a whole lot of our problems.
We should ask Israel the same....Maybe even take it to Vatican city....
Israel banned churches and synagogs or mosques? you mean there is no mosque in Isarel?

Have you ever travled there. I think not!

Go to Israel. you will enjoy access to great food, wonderful experience. It is a great country to visit. Believe you me.

Sure they have $hit going with local Arabs. But you are not going to be local Arab.

What a country or its people are doing should never discourage another....Their dues are theirs not yours why do you wish to share their fate?:
OK. Pick up Afghanistan then?

Remember Bamyan?
Israel banned churches and synagogs or mosques. you mena there is no mosque in Isarel?

Have you ever travled there. I think not!

Go to Israel. you will enjoy access to great food, wonderful experience. It is a great country to visit. Believe you me.

Sure they have $hit going with local Arabs. But you are not going to be local Arab.
I doubt you have been there ....I didnt ask about synagogues....

OK. Pick up Afghanistan then?

Remember Bamyan?
Why cant you stick to the topic?

@Talon idk why you even open threads like this when you know the resident atheist is going to come shit all over it.
Bro he isnt the only poster on the whole forum! Plus the topic was about learning about Muhammad...the real Islam which was even clear to a Christian so I am not sure why anyone else can doubt anything else? That to based not on Islam ....

Plus the guy who wrote it

Craig Considine
Ph.D. candidate
, Trinity College Dublin

Craig Considine is currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin. He served as film director and research assistant to Ambassador Akbar Ahmed's unprecedented study Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam. Craig's film-work and photography has been vetted by CNN and his numerous articles on issues relating to religion and American society have been published around the world. He also holds an MS.c. in International Relations from the University of London. Craig's a native of Needham, Massachusetts.
Enough said!!
But it is almost impossible to act on his teaching of humility, truth, and honesty and tolerance

I feel provoked by this statement of urs, there is no relation between human imperfection n the inability to copy the prophet SAW, muslims r not supposed to be perfect angels, but then again the Almighty Allah swt didn't send an angel, but a human being as to say that it is POSSIBLE to be like him, who reads the History of the companions must've read about their mistakes n in-fights, totally normal human beings, n so will be the future muslims conquerors of the world .
Indeed, there is no reason to try to project a dark image n force it as a calamity that can't change, bc the future belongs to islam n a new generation of muslims will act exactly like the companions n establish the state of the prophet again by his own words
Almost all Muslim countries are a proof that it is easy to study Mohammad pbuh

But it is almost impossible to act on his teaching of humility, truth, and honesty and tolerance

Very very difficult



That is what I say---. Sometimes it make you wonder---whose God do the pakistani muslims pray to----and whose prophet do they follow---.
Why cant you stick to the topic?

If you truly believe in Mohammad pbuh's teaching of tolerance,

you would have written long letters to all Muslim heads of state, all the big name Mullahs
that they all are in clear violation of Mohammad pbuh teachings

PDF is the last place. We already know Mohammad pbuh life

It is the Mulaims country Mullahs and Ayatullahs who do not know.
If you truly believe in Mohammad pbuh's teaching of tolerance,

you would have written long letters to all Muslim heads of state, all the big name Mullahs
that they all are in clear violation of Mohammad pbuh teachings

PDF is the last place. We already know Mohammad pbuh life

It is the Mulaims country Mullahs and Ayatullahs who do not know.

1st I didnt write this

2nd I am not sure who we is esp with what you post about Islam....

3rdly I dont really care about Mullahs...I am doing my share in awareness why dont you do yours?

Thank you!

I feel provoked by this statement of urs, there is no relation between human imperfection n the inability to copy the prophet SAW, muslims r not supposed to be perfect angels, but then again the Almighty Allah swt didn't send an angel, but a human being as to say that it is POSSIBLE to be like him, who reads the History of the companions must've read about their mistakes n in-fights, totally normal human beings, n so will be the future muslims conquerors of the world .
Indeed, there is no reason to try to project a dark image n force it as a calamity that can't change, bc the future belongs to islam n a new generation of muslims will act exactly like the companions n establish the state of the prophet again by his own words
Relax bro...We should concentrate on ourselves!

Ok the last bit was a little scary....
I feel provoked by this statement of urs, there is no relation between human imperfection n the inability to copy the prophet SAW, muslims r not supposed to be perfect angels, but then again the Almighty Allah swt didn't send an angel, but a human being as to say that it is POSSIBLE to be like him, who reads the History of the companions must've read about their mistakes n in-fights, totally normal human beings, n so will be the future muslims conquerors of the world .
Indeed, there is no reason to try to project a dark image n force it as a calamity that can't change, bc the future belongs to islam n a new generation of muslims will act exactly like the companions n establish the state of the prophet again by his own words

you should be provoked. That's the right thing to do.

you should be asking the same provocative questions.


Why it is almost impossible for most of the Muslim countries and their citizens to act on his teaching of humility, truth, and honesty and tolerance
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