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What stops USA from occupying Pakistan?

Despite America's image as a cowboy which shoots first and thinks later - Pakistan is not a small country. You can't just occupy a country of 160 million because you feel like it. Currently, the Americans control many aspects of Pakistan's foreign policy as well as economic policy - so much so that instead of being a President, even the local population of Pakistan sees Zardari as an American Viceroy. So why bother? They as it is occupy it for all practical purposes.
The resistance that they faced in Afghanistan :lol: ... Think you can control a country of 180 millions ? :azn:
* We are ungovernable.
* We have 180 million different points of view.
* We have 180 million different variations of religion.
* We all despise 179,999,999 of our countrymen.
* We are unruly.
* We can't commit.

Anything else left? :cheers:

Oh yeah:

* We're self righteous.
They are having a great time with one illiterate religious population .. I am sure they would jog on another one for some time to come.
* We have 180 million different points of view.
* We have 180 million different variations of religion.

You forgot one !

Most of us follow the Arabs's finest blend of Islam which even they do not :lol:
You forgot one !

Most of us follow the Arabs's finest blend of Islam which even they do not :lol:

Allright... Allright....

For all intent and purposes:

* Islam in Pakistan is only limited to Pakistan, it's a religious sect that can not be traced back to any other civilization, it's a self modified, self replicating, presumed authentic compilation of home cooked... well I'll leave it a that.

Well, did i summarize it correctly?

Before any m-o-o-l-a-h-s come and judge and ask me to respect their AUTHOROTAR :D
Allright... Allright....

For all intent and purposes:

* Islam in Pakistan is only limited to Pakistan, it's a religious sect that can not be traced back to any other civilization, it's a self modified, self replicating, presumed authentic compilation of home cooked... well I'll leave it a that.

Well, did i summarize it correctly?

Before any m-o-o-l-a-h-s come and judge and ask me to respect their AUTHOROTAR :D

INFIDEL ! :lol:

You fail to mention the master distiller of this finest blend though :p: ! Also add the " when it suits you " , " non-negotiable " and " ever changing " clause ... Yeah judge you as if he's God and knows the intentions and purposes of all mankind ... :D
INFIDEL ! :lol:

You fail to mention the master distiller of this finest blend though :p: ! Also add the sentence " when it suits you " clause ...

Mate, that was epic. I always considered myself to be a master-distiller of quips, but you my friend are no less! Cheers... :cheers:
Mate, that was epic. I always considered myself to be a master-distiller of quips, but you my friend are no less! Cheers... :cheers:

:lol: Then salute Mr.Walker ( Sorry Zia-ul-Haq ) ... Your journey starts here , Take the first step by accepting how all others except our sect are evil and need to be liquidated !

Walking with the giants , aren't we now ? :D
:lol: Then salute Mr.Walker ( Sorry Zia-ul-Haq ) ... Your journey starts here , Take the first step by accepting how all others except our sect are evil and need to be liquidated !

Walking with the giants , aren't we now ? :D

LMAO :D :mamba:
U.S have to solve syria and iran mess then pakistan later on...
oderwise its direct call to world war
Hasn't America already occupying pakistan indirectly for 66 years???
Nuclear weapons can not stop US from attacking Pakistan. In fact US is already bombing parts of Pakistan using drones, and nukes are nowhere in sight.

Pakistan can not deliver its nukes on US soil, Pakistan doesn't have the missiles, submarines, or even long range bombers to do the job. So even in a full scale war, Pakistan will fight the war on its own soil. It can not drop a single bomb on US soil. So US is least bothered about nukes. In fact it will first of all take out the nukes in such a conflict even before someone realizes that a war is about to break out.

You think you are clever. What if Pakistan starts selling nuclear bombs and nuclear material to third parties? Instead of one nuclear body, USA would face ten more. At least US knows the intention of Pakistani government. Otherwise, even USA cannot track succesfully nukes on the loose.
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