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What is your profession?

I beleive i am one of the few Civil Engineers here on this forum....well not exaclty...its my last semester...nearly there.

btw can anyone explain why most people here are either electrical or software/IT engineers..?

I don't know about electrical engineers,
I can tell you why there are lot of software/IT engineers here... mainly because we sit in front of system all the office hours (except when we go for a meeting). Second thing is there are weeks / even up to 1/2 months where in you won't exactly be having any work, simply support so we guys are free that time...
If you are looser in any field then it might not be your fault. There are two major reasons.

1 either you are making your job up to date with new requirements

2. You have a very less knowledge about your jobs and you are a slow learner.
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ofcourse , whenever the cadets at PMA went on a long March or an Ex , The Medic used to carry more 10,000 syringes and incredibly even those sometimes proved short of demand. And the Bloody Boxing Matches, + The stafa shouting right at your mouth as he has a loud spaeker in his throat, "SAAAAAB ye Ap kia kar rahi hein " and the sight of more than 50 cadets getting bent down infront of MI-Room just before the exams(some of them were realy sick and not facking) :partay:

Well the 10K syringes is a bit of an exaggeration. During long marches the syringes are not used to pump in steroids but to puncher the blisters that are quite common especially for the shities (the first termers) as they are not used to the rigor. The higher you go, the tougher you become, so no more syringes. But speaking frankly, i dont remember anybody from my course lagging behind during endurance marches, yes a one or two always required some extra effort.

And as for the blisters, well i am sure your father must be knowing the following totka to toughen your feet:


Mustard Oil

Boil the mustard oil and add phatkri to it till the time the solution gets super saturated, on cooling apply on feet for may be like 2-3 days and your feet would be rough and tough like hell, guaranteed no blisters. Anybody can try it and lemme know the results.
hmm...lets say i do a lot of coding..im an IT professional.My hobbies include photography,traveling,bikes and computer games...



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