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I want to help people , listen to their problems and then try to solve them remotely . Computer Help Desk :D while being a full time student of Information Technology support services, my Next step would be to do specialization in Information Systems Security.
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I am a retired PhD Physicist and US Patent Agent. Had a 35-year career in R & D for a US peripherals manufacturer. Now do some patent infringement consulting for extra money to buy red wine ......
I am a retired PhD Physicist and US Patent Agent. Had a 35-year career in R & D for a US peripherals manufacturer. Now do some patent infringement consulting for extra money to buy red wine ......

I envy this old man:smitten:
Having spent three years in PMA kakul as my dad was Posted there as senior DMO in PMAH. I was greatly inspired of how people in Army had a great and adventurous life. The Charm of Khakee Worthy graved me daydreams. And i always thought If i went into Army i would Voluntarily go to Siachen Galacier(The Highest battle field in the world). As during my collage time i was mostly in circle of kids of othe Army Officers and majority of them had the aspirations to go into Army and they did but when i discussed my plans with my DAD he openly refused.
Well i argued with him quite alot angrily,and almost brought him to point where i thought he would say "Yes go ahead and join Army as theres no comparison Btw a life in Armed Forces specially of Pakistan and living a life as Civillion.", But in the end he said Son " Once you are out of the system Every thing looks beautiful but Once you are in it, Its other way around ".
Well being a Military Guy i didn't find it Feasible to argue with him any further after that last statement .Though i still believe in the difference btw life of an Army officer and that of a very successful civilian.
Things moved on and I got admitted in Fast in Undergrad Computer Engineering and my friends went in Army .
One thing still believe and which i could not say to my dad was " If you are a very successful person in the Civil Getup either as an engineer or Businessman, The girl's parents will give you a rishta without even consulting with there daughter but if you are an Army Officer in the prestigious institution like Pakistan Army the girl will submit herself to you" A thing i noticed in almost many girls i met be it the girls which i made friends at my uni, or my cousins or the girls with whom i studied with at collage. Unfortunately girls these days are selfishly materialistic.
Well dosto thats my dukhi(sad) little story, but now i am in the Final semester and i am doing very good. Aghay bhi usi Khuda ka sahara he InshaAllah i will one day stop regretting that i could have joined Army.

Please do share your thoughts on what you wanted to be and where you ended up as far as profession is concerned..!!!
you should come to india if you want to have an exciting career ..LOL

Not neccessary, since i been the top of the top in my field, already getting jobs offer from quite a few top co., and one of it happened to be the biggest contractor of "Sanitation Engineering" in the world, 30% of its business came from UN. Plenty of choices for me, why should i want things done in a hard way ?
I am MS in Information Tech. Working since 3 years as a Software Engineer. Currently employed as Senior Development Engineer in FAST University Research and Development Center, Lahore.
ah so many engineers

m self-proclaimed economist :lol: currently unemployed..:cry: (although by choice)
hope will be joining civil service soooon!!pray for me all..
if think you are a good economist then why don't you give our Economic Analyst program a shot.....its an interesting and rewarding career in SBP
Indians may register on moneycontrol.com and learn the nature of stock exchange in India. It's a virtual game, you'll be provided with a minimum amount (virtual) and then the user is supposed to buy and sell stocks. The wires are virtual but the companies listed are for real and the game goes on at real stock rates.

I am a financial analyst but most of my work is on NASDAQ and that too for a single company. I settle, cancel, match, post trades for someone we all know..


I deal in mutual funds, derivatives, collateral, income, equity etc... Though I love reconciling. Lockheed trades are mostly derivatives.


back office supervisor i guess
and BTW if they deal dominantly in derivatives, it makes a lot of sense as they are mostly dealing with the transactions having future considerations or delivery.....I guess leveraging should not be a factor
Bach.... political sciences.
Was selected in 124 LC.Till i broke my arm.
Will probably apply again in 126 LC.
Well i earn my bread and butter from Forex/Stock Exchange business.

smart thing to do, im starting it too, but my parents are against it, they say i gtta study, so engineering for me, but ill be doind stock exchange on the side also.
Not neccessary, since i been the top of the top in my field, already getting jobs offer from quite a few top co., and one of it happened to be the biggest contractor of "Sanitation Engineering" in the world, 30% of its business came from UN. Plenty of choices for me, why should i want things done in a hard way ?

no he meant challenging career...:D
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