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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

Pakistani "elite" do the same thing in the UK or they act like got a degree when they do not. Like they say attended so and so never mentioning if they graduated. :rofl:

So its regional thing. The Iranian elite does the same in the UK, Canada and US. :D
Thanks bro currently I got 3.7 GPA if I get it up to 3.9 by the time I finish I will apply if not just NYU instead. :D

NYU is still a good uni, I have heard about it because of the film school. Many great directors like Martin Scorsese went there. How many different unis can you apply to in America? You should consider Columbia as well.

Their methodology of determinacy is less than adequate. They only send out a survey.

World's Best Universities; Top 400 Universities in the World | US News

That link is more accurate and this is the methodology. - QS World University*Rankings | QS Intelligence Unit

NYU is still a good uni, I have heard about it because of the film school. Many great directors like Martin Scorsese went there. How many different unis can you apply to in America? You should consider Columbia as well.

I think the max was 8 when I applied originally but I am not sure about the exact number. 8 is more than enough though.

I would like to get into NYU if nothing else but I have other options as well, no doubt.
You have no clue as to Islamic jurisprudence, Allah is not considered head of state LOL. :rofl:

If Quran/sharia is the law of the land, Allah IS the head, superceding Khalifah - who has allegiance to no one but Allah.

Since the Pledge of Allegiance of Muslims is only to Allah, so what is that Pledge, and what does it mean?

A 8:Yes, the Pledge of Allegiance of Muslims is only to Allah, the Creator of the Universe. Muslims have to say daily the Pledge in the language of the Qur'an, i.e., Arabic. They have to recite it vocally individually and collectively. They may pronounce it verbally, privately, and silently too.

The Pledge goes as follows:

"Ashhadu Anla ilaha Illa Allah...Wa Ashhadu Anna MuHammadan Rasoolu Allah."

"I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except God (Allah)... And I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

In Christianity, we have made agreement with the Secular States to separate religion from the state. How does Islam feel about it?

A 22: In Islam we cannot make any agreement with any person or government to displease Allah; we cannot make any deal with any group to decide any matter against what God has already decide.

In Islam State and Religion are to abide their total life according to the teachings of Allah. No one has the right to separate the state from religion. Otherwise, we are creating two gods: One god for our daily life and one god for the spiritual life. This type of approach is totally rejected and unacceptable.

In Islam, Allah created the whole universe. He is the Real Legislator of all systems of life for us. He knows exactly what we need. He legislated the systems that we should abide by. Then and only then we will live in peace and harmony in this life and the hereafter

Islam FAQ
any body here watched American pie !?

where is that damn Uni ???
If Quran/sharia is the law of the land, Allah IS the head, superceding Khalifah - who has allegiance to no one but Allah.

Islam FAQ

Your source is a website which is giving short explanations to specific questions. You are talking about Islamic system of governance which is completely different to what you posted and more complex to boot. The reasoning behind your posts is nothing more than to bash Muslims and shows a lack of understanding of Iranians considering this thread is about them and only them.

Iran is not a caliphate so it is not bound by the rulings a caliphate would be bound by. Even in a caliphate Allah is not head of state he is considered Lord of the universe, trivial matters of state belong to the Caliph who rules as regent of God elected by the people and subservient to them. This is not to say the Caliphs of past did not evolve into a defacto monarchy.

any body here watched American pie !?

where is that damn Uni ???

Still searching. :mod:
Your source is a website which is giving short explanations to specific questions. You are talking about Islamic system of governance which is completely different to what you posted and more complex to boot. The reasoning behind your posts is nothing more than to bash Muslims and shows a lack of understanding of Iranians considering this thread is about them and only them.

Yes, only Iranians, who being the minority in Sunni/Shia equation, disregard Hadeeths and only beleive in Kuran.

Out of 57 Muslim states, how many are democracies?

Agha chethori?
Hale shuma khube?

do you like American pie style universities !? :D

Yes, only Iranians, who being the minority in Sunni/Shia equation, disregard Hadeeths and only beleive in Kuran.

Out of 57 Muslim states, how many are democracies?

Agha chethori?
Hale shuma khube?

khube baradar !!! mamnon :)

so , you can speak Persian ...
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Yes, only Iranians, who being the minority in Sunni/Shia equation, disregard Hadeeths and only beleive in Kuran.

Out of 57 Muslim states, how many are democracies?

Agha chethori?
Hale shuma khube?

Not many but that does not mean Muslims do not like democracy, I do not need to tell you how many of these "king, emirs, sheiks" came into power in the "Muslim World". Also you are wrong about Shias, they do believe in hadiths.

He is not ELECTED, he is selected.....so much for your poor knowledge.....well, one more proof, no democracy, only autocracy and Mullahcracy that prevails in Muslim countries.....

The first 4 caliphs were elected by a council. Abu Bakr (RA) was elected by the people present when choosing a successor, Umar (RA) was hand picked by Abu Bakr (RA) but the people accepted his choice, Usman (RA) was elected between the other candidates who were all though of highly by the people, Ali (RA) was also elected by the people he never wanted to be Caliph but decided to be so in order to preserve the unity. It was only later that the system broke down and became a monarchy.

When I elect someone here in the US, I am also selecting him as my preferred ruler. Stop nitpicking words imbecile. All you are showing is that you can successfully derail a thread now shoo. :rolleyes:


do you like American pie style universities !? :D

khube baradar !!! mamnon :)

so , you can speak Persian ...

Movies are movies soheil. :whistle:

I find my university in the list :D

That list is flawed University of Miami is the number one party college in the US. :whistle:
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