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What is the use of winning Swat, if Peshawar is out of control?

Quite a ridiculous thing to say--that winning Swat is not important if Peshawar is out of control. Can the writer give an alternative? Should we do nothing and hope that the problem will go away? Isn't it obvious that if we do nothing about the problem and sign 'peace deals' we still get death. Might as well die doing something about it then die doing nothing.

You can keep Peshawar, Islamabad, and Lahore bomb free all you want, but that won't change the fact that there is Pakistani territory that is not in control of the state, and it is being used by terrorists. All these bombings will automatically stop when the terrorist infrastructure of FATA and Swat has been dealt with. Prevention of bombings is not the solution, destruction of the source of these bombings is the solution.

Guess you are in US. Thanks GOD for this. Hearing so much about INDIAN etc involvement. If thats the source, first bomb them.
I am living in PAKISTAN and cannot digest bombing & displacing my own people. SWAT & FATA people are a part of us, not outsiders. Anyone sitting outside the country & calling themseleves patriots and on top justifies these collateral damages are just insensitive & equally 'murderers'
Guess you are in US. Thanks GOD for this. Hearing so much about INDIAN etc involvement. If thats the source, first bomb them.
I am living in PAKISTAN and cannot digest bombing & displacing my own people. SWAT & FATA people are a part of us, not outsiders. Anyone sitting outside the country & calling themseleves patriots and on top justifies these collateral damages are just insensitive & equally 'murderers'

First off I think your comments here are tasteless - some of us may be in the US or abroad for various reasons, but many of us also have immediate family and friends back home, often in the line of fire.

The twin bombings last year targeted at the FIA HQ in Lahore and the safe house for example - that safe house was a couple of blocks away from where my parents live.

Many others have commented on how their relatives were going to work or lived by the PC blast in Peshwar.

It is utterly disgraceful and disrespectful for you to suggest that those of us abroad have no interests and no fears as a result of what is happening in Pakistan.
First off I think your comments here are tasteless - some of us may be in the US or abroad for various reasons, but many of us also have immediate family and friends back home, often in the line of fire.

The twin bombings last year targeted at the FIA HQ in Lahore and the safe house for example - that safe house was a couple of blocks away from where my parents live.

Many others have commented on how their relatives were going to work or lived by the PC blast in Peshwar.

It is utterly disgraceful and disrespectful for you to suggest that those of us abroad have no interests and no fears as a result of what is happening in Pakistan.

You justify COLLATERAL DAMAGE , yes or no?
You are getting wrong...not advocating any negotiating with criminals. But if a criminal is a criminal then there are no double standards. Start this prosecution with ZARDARI himself.Do you think he is not a criminal? Why not bomb NAT HOUSE in GUJRAT, PUNJAB. Is it not a criminal den? You think these are acceptable, come back to me on this in 1 year time & lets see where we stand.

There are different levels of crime - how on earth can you put a white collar criminal like Zardari in the same category as suicide bombing, innocent children killing terrorists?

The GoP and Musharraf had his chance to try and convict BB, NS and Zardari during his eight years in office - now the man is legally free and innocent until the NRO gets overturned and he is shown to be guilty in a court of law.

On the other hand the Taliban are openly and proudly claiming responsibility for their actions, and we have audio intercepts of them talking about carrying out suicide bombings. And we have their actions after the Swat deal. The case against them is clear.

Should we move against militant groups in Punjab - absolutely, but if we can avoid doing so until we take care of FATA first, and avoid opening too many fronts, then all the better. But if need be we need to bomb the groups that challenge the State in Punjab as well, if other options do not work.
In my case I dont like to fool myself by just mere slogans. Indiscriminate shelling & airstrikes just provide TALIBAN with more recruits If these tactics were successful, the battle in AFGHNISTAN should have been over years back and end of TALIBAN STORY
Try to understand what I have written, these operations no matter how right they are can never be successful with the type of people on top. In 1965 war, AYUB KHAN moved to OPS room with BED & BUNK. In 71 YAHYA KHAN was having a house warming & getting drunk while the war was going on.

What indiscriminate shelling? Please read through the thread that had reports by foreign correspondents taken on a tour through Swat and Mingora - most of them expressed surprise at the the lack of damage, because they had assumed the Army and AF were 'indiscriminately shelling'. As the Army and PAF have clarified, artillery and Air strikes have not been used in populated areas, and the AF has used precision guided weapons.

Talking about 'indiscriminate shelling', when there is no evidence indicating such, is nothing but taliban propaganda. Have civilian casualties occurred- yes. But what do you expect when the Army has to be called into remove 4000 to 7000 terrorists who have taken over a region? Even low level police encounters result in civilian casualties, and here we are talking about a full fledged military operation against thousands of heavily armed and trained terrorists.

The insurgencey in Afghanistan continues because of the presence of a foreign force, that provides a national justification for waging a 'freedom struggle'. The Taliban in Pakistan are not waging a 'freedom struggle' - they are waging a fight to impose their barbaric form of Islam on all Pakistanis. And we saw the result of what happened when the government agreed with all their demands and implemented a ceasefire and Nizam-e-adl.

People like you rant and rant about 'indiscriminate shelling and military operations don't work' - pray tell me, what do you expect Pakistan to do now that even negotiations have failed?

We implemented their demands, we imposed Shariah and appointed Qazi's in Swat. The Taliban did not disarm, they expanded. So what do you expect us to do? Line up our mothers and sisters so they can receive chither from a bunch of 'brave, strong Taliban Mullah's'?

How about you take the first step and send your mother, sister or daughter up there to get whipped and beaten publicly for being born a woman.

Then watch as someone else from your family gets beheaded for complaining. :angry:

What do you expect Pakistan to do now that even negotiating with the Taliban and giving into their demand for Shariah has failed?
You justify COLLATERAL DAMAGE , yes or no?

What nonsense is this. Did you read my post?

If you did, I think you owe an apology to those you disrespected with your comments earlier before you go around asking questions.
Don't get me wrong.
But tell me do you think it was an intelligent move to let the Taliban capture a major part of your country just go gain a tactical advantage "Just to show that they were power hungry" ....This theory somehow seems indigestible :disagree:....you may have an alternative view:agree:

That is not a correct analysis IMO. The Taliban gained most of their power when the peace deals after the elections were enacted.

If you follow the course of events in the Swat threads, you will realize that the Military operation that went into early 2008 was very successful in driving the Taliban out of most settled districts of Swat. Unfortunately there was a strong tide of public opinion against the operations, since they were associated with Musharraf and his participation in the US WoT, and many of the political parties ran on the platform of trying dialog with the militants to resolve the problem.

The ANP led NWFP Govt. then pushed the peace deals and ceasefires through, which allowed the Swat Taliban to return. They then strengthened themselves with recruits from FATA, Arabs, Uzbeks, Chechens etc. That is when the TTP-Mehsud formed an alliance with Mullah Fazlullah of Swat.

So most of the strategic gains were frittered away during the course of the one year starting from the elections in 2008. The most recent Swat deal did not enhance the control of the Taliban over Swat in as great a degree as the preceding period of a year.

So the attempt at the recent peace deal was nothing like what you describe.
Guess you are in US. Thanks GOD for this. Hearing so much about INDIAN etc involvement. If thats the source, first bomb them.
I am living in PAKISTAN and cannot digest bombing & displacing my own people. SWAT & FATA people are a part of us, not outsiders. Anyone sitting outside the country & calling themseleves patriots and on top justifies these collateral damages are just insensitive & equally 'murderers'

I am in the US only for education and I plan to come back to Pak because that is where home is. My family lives in Lahore so don't give me that bs that I am insensitive about life in Pak.

You need a reality check sir. We are in a WAR. Seriously what do people like you expect......that there will be no collateral damage and every bullet and bomb will hit its target? That is not the case. Btw the Taliban are very good at making people like you fools. They use human shields as a tactic. They also pick up their dead and spread propaganda that the people killed were civilians.

The people living in Swat were as good as dead under the Taliban. Public beheadings and floggings........is that acceptable for the sake of preventing collateral damage? Ask the fathers who were told by the Taliban to give their daughters or they will be killed. Ask the mothers who were forced into giving their 13 yr old boys to the Taliban so that the family can live.
I am in the US only for education and I plan to come back to Pak because that is where home is. My family lives in Lahore so don't give me that bs that I am insensitive about life in Pak.

You need a reality check sir. We are in a WAR. Seriously what do people like you expect......that there will be no collateral damage and every bullet and bomb will hit its target? That is not the case. Btw the Taliban are very good at making people like you fools. They use human shields as a tactic. They also pick up their dead and spread propaganda that the people killed were civilians.

The people living in Swat were as good as dead under the Taliban. Public beheadings and floggings........is that acceptable for the sake of preventing collateral damage? Ask the fathers who were told by the Taliban to give their daughters or they will be killed. Ask the mothers who were forced into giving their 13 yr old boys to the Taliban so that the family can live.

Who was publicly flogged & beheaded? If you are talking about that video footage, go & check the SC inquiry? Media is not going to publish that....
Bring me a mother whose 13 yr old son got conscripted.
Bring me a Father whose daughter was taken.
And on top if you all think ZARDARI is lesser evil. I rest my case as TALIBS have already won. Thats all the fuel they need.
And again if that thing known as collateral damage is not stopped now, soon it will be everywhere. My GOD says that single innocent murder is the murder of the whole humanity, thats final. SORRY CANT BE SECULAR & AGNOSTIC with GOD on this.
Who was publicly flogged & beheaded? If you are talking about that video footage, go & check the SC inquiry? Media is not going to publish that....
Bring me a mother whose 13 yr old son got conscripted.
Bring me a Father whose daughter was taken.
And on top if you all think ZARDARI is lesser evil. I rest my case as TALIBS have already won. Thats all the fuel they need.
And again if that thing known as collateral damage is not stopped now, soon it will be everywhere. My GOD says that single innocent murder is the murder of the whole humanity, thats final. SORRY CANT BE SECULAR & AGNOSTIC with GOD on this.

The video was fake? Sure it was fake, but only after the government was embarrassed because they had done a peace deal with such barbarians :rolleyes:

Here check this out:

Muslim Khan comes on Geo and doesn't deny that this video is fake. Infact he says that such a punishment is justified. The only thing he disagrees with is that it was done openly. Do we need more proof? The government started covering up and saying this is fake after they were so embarrassed by this. This ruined Pakistan's international image so the government tried to label this is as fake. That is normal. Maybe now you will say that THIS video is also fake :rofl:

I don't know if you have been living under a rock or something. Everyday for the last few months there have been stories in the news that boys were taken by TTP and girls were forced to marry with them. Anyways, here is just one of those stories:

Yes GOD says that murder of an innocent is murder of whole humanity and thats exactly why this war is being fought, so that no more innocents are brutally beheaded and killed by TTP.

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Stories just stories.
Clearly mentioned that you go & look as per your right as the citizen of PAKISTAN that what the CJ suo moto on this concluded
Stories just stories.
Clearly mentioned that you go & look as per your right as the citizen of PAKISTAN that what the CJ suo moto on this concluded

The video I have provided is conclusive and there for all to see. Now you can be frustrated and call it all a 'story' :rolleyes:

What will the CJ do when the government and authorities say that all was fake to save them from embarrassment....

It reminds me of the cover up job that was done in Ajmal Kasab's village.
The video I have provided is conclusive and there for all to see. Now you can be frustrated and call it all a 'story' :rolleyes:

What will the CJ do when the government and authorities say that all was fake to save them from embarrassment....

Not frustrated at all dear...cant help on anyone's 'assumptions'. The complete video was where a man was also thrashed. Both were caught in an objectional condition. Flogged & then married off & now living as couple. Check the inquiry ....then come back on this. The sold out media was reporting that she was thrashed becasue she went out with her FATHER IN LAW.
About MEDIA, the golden rule is
The sold out media was reporting that she was thrashed becasue she went out with her FATHER IN LAW.
About MEDIA, the golden rule is

Hmm interesting; when the media gears up against the government; every body patronizes these people as true patriots n all of that bullshit; we all saw what the SOLD OUT media did for CJ; nobody was complaining back then; but where ever it comes to support the army; everybody cries foul and then say they're sold out... sad... :tdown:

I dont get it; people patronize their armies and hold them high; here we have taliban apologists hurling abuses like the puppy of the US; the EVIL pak fauj who is hell bent on killing their own at the behest of a few dollars thrown at them. what sheep we have in our country...
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