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What is the use of winning Swat, if Peshawar is out of control?

On the question of the thread:

''What is the use of winning Swat, if Peshawar is out of control?"

As events in FATA and Swat (in terms of Taliban expansion and attacks) have shown us, Peshawar would have been out of control whether we acted against the Taliban or not. Remember that the Charsadda suicide bombing was planned in Swat under the commanders loyal to Mullah Fazlullah, AFTER the peace deal was enacted.

In fact, given that the Taliban would have had a greater degree of freedom and havens in Malakand division, the likelihood of Peshawar, Islamabad and other cities being out of control would be higher, as the Taliban stepped up their campaign of violence and destabilization, and tried to control more and more territory.

I have said this before - if Pakistan had not acted when it did, we may have had to evacuate all of Peshawar as we did with Mingora - that would be 'Peshawar out of control'.
Sorry dont agree with the above. Another evacuation plan is going to be death & big chaos for all. Already this MALAKAND evacuation is going to bring far chaotic outcome in next few months.

You realize of course that the Patriotic FAUJ will eradicate the Talib, you know that don't you? The Islamist will try to use psychology and attack symbols, structures and suicide bombings, but you realize that their days are numbered.

You may not be aware of this, but soon, Al Qaida will be delivered a severe blow, and then it will be us delivering the psychological blows to this TTP. So, chin up and don't despair, it's a long war and the Islamists will be eradicated and Pakistan will become free, I know that's your ambition, a free Pakistan, and it can only come about with these islamist eradicated.

You realize of course that the Patriotic FAUJ will eradicate the Talib, you know that don't you? The Islamist will try to use psychology and attack symbols, structures and suicide bombings, but you realize that their days are numbered.

You may not be aware of this, but soon, Al Qaida will be delivered a severe blow, and then it will be us delivering the psychological blows to this TTP. So, chin up and don't despair, it's a long war and the Islamists will be eradicated and Pakistan will become free, I know that's your ambition, a free Pakistan, and it can only come about with these islamist eradicated.

With a couple of GENRALS & other officers , MARTYRED & MEDALED UNCLES , still serving relatives & friends,also the TOPGUN SHIELD in our family to remind how my eldest uncle won all 9 honours in flying as a PAKISTANI CADET graduating from US ACADEMY,myself born in a CMH & spent first 15 yrs in cantonments I come from a family where we afford good experience on strategies.
The on going operations will just buy few months of peace but will not win the war but will only cause senseless bloodshed of my people which will only be regreted later on. Biggest reason , the most corrupt & shallow people on top 'acting' to lead
On top if believeing in ISLAM as religion & system = ISLAMIST. Then I am proud to be one.
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With a couple of GENRALS & other officers , MARTYRED & MEDALED UNCLES , still serving relatives & friends,also the TOPGUN SHIELD in our family to remind how my eldest uncle won all 9 honours in flying as a PAKISTANI CADET graduating from US ACADEMY,myself born in a CMH & spent first 15 yrs in cantonments I come from a family where we afford good experience on strategies.
The on going operations will just buy few months of peace but will not win the war but will only cause senseless bloodshed of my people which will only be regreted later on. Biggest reason , the most corrupt & shallow people on top 'acting' to lead
On top if believeing in ISLAM as religion & system = ISLAMIST. Then I am proud to be one.

When was the last time you advocated negotiating with criminals who murdered sleeping families in their beds, raped women and children, and robbed at gun point?

Usually we put these kinds of people in jail - why the double standards when these criminals call themselves Taliban?
When was the last time you advocated negotiating with criminals who murdered sleeping families in their beds, raped women and children, and robbed at gun point?

Usually we put these kinds of people in jail - why the double standards when these criminals call themselves Taliban?

Pakistani Government did negotiate a peace deal with these terrorists. But they used hat time to regroup and rearm and consolidate their positions.

Pakistani Army should do what Sri lankan army Did to LTTE. Wipe them off and rebuild the entire nation.
Pakistani Government did negotiate a peace deal with these terrorists. But they used hat time to regroup and rearm and consolidate their positions.
Yes - and given that public support was not behind utilizing a military option at that point, it was a good move. Better so in hindsight since the Taliban themselves made Pakistanis realize what evil they were.

The problem in Pakistan has always been about changing the public perceptions about the Taliban and the legitimacy of their cause - people did not condone the Taliban actions, they just did not believe the Taliban were entirely responsible, or had the aims many commentators ascribed to them.

Many thought the Taliban were reacting because of Pakistan's support for the US WoT, and the PA's deployment in the Tribal areas in support of that, and that the Taliban would be peaceful if that ended.

The implementation of the NAR in Swat, and the resulting Taliban expansion, violence and barbarism exposed the Taliban's intentions for many Pakistani.

What I meant to point out to Zubair was that now we know that the WoT, Shariah and whatever the Taliban claim is not the issue - the Swat peace deal showed us that the Taliban will not stop until they spread their virulent barbaric interpretation of Islam across Pakistan, and that system will make these suicide bombings look preferable.
Pakistani Army should do what Sri lankan army Did to LTTE. Wipe them off and rebuild the entire nation.
No - Pakistan should not engage in operations of the type the Sri Lankans did.

Ours has to attempt fewer civilian casualties, though that may change as we go into Waziristan.
Yes - and given that public support was not behind utilizing a military option at that point, it was a good move. Better so in hindsight since the Taliban themselves made Pakistanis realize what evil they were.

The problem in Pakistan has always been about changing the public perceptions about the Taliban and the legitimacy of their cause - people did not condone the Taliban actions, they just did not believe the Taliban were entirely responsible, or had the aims many commentators ascribed to them.

Many thought the Taliban were reacting because of Pakistan's support for the US WoT, and the PA's deployment in the Tribal areas in support of that, and that the Taliban would be peaceful if that ended.

The implementation of the NAR in Swat, and the resulting Taliban expansion, violence and barbarism exposed the Taliban's intentions for many Pakistani.

No - Pakistan should not engage in operations of the type the Sri Lankans did.

Ours has to attempt fewer civilian casualties, though that may change as we go into Waziristan.

I think Pakistani administration was bit too confident of the peace deal
. They thought Taliban will go back to their Bunkers as soon as they got what they demanded. But then they started pushing forward the agenda of Taking over Pakistan's key towns and cities .That was the main reason to involve army. Army has been doing a reasonable job as of now. Lets wait..........
I think Pakistani administration was bit too confident of the peace deal
I don't believe it was confidence in the peace deal - they had very little options left.

As I said, there was no public support or appetite for military options at that point. Imagine conducting the sort of military operations we are now, with the numbers displaced, and the revenge suicide bombings, and no public support.

The public would blame the government and the pressure would be huge, and one very important component of counterinsurgency - public support (hearts and minds if you will) would be missing.

We would have a disaster on our hands.
Army has been doing a reasonable job as of now. Lets wait..........
Army has done a very good job so far - the final test in Swat will be whether the civilian administration can put the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in place, and whether local institutions will step up and resist the low level insurgency and attacks that will likely continue.

And of course there will be no peace anywhere until all of FATA is brought under government control.
At least five people including Jamia Naeemia principal Dr Sarfraz Naeemi were martyred and eight others injured in a suicide blast at Jamia Naeemia situated in Garhi Shahu area of Lahore, Geo News reported Friday.

The blast occurred after the Friday prayers when the people were making their way out of the mosque after offering the Friday prayers. A lot of people were present in the mosque at the time of blast.

Jamia Naeemia principal Dr Sarfraz Naeemi was present at his office at the Jamia Naeemia at the time of blast, the eyewitnesses said adding he was meeting with the people and students at his office; in the meantime, the suicide bomber blew himself up.

The blast was so powerful that the outer walls of the Jamia Naeemia Masjid collapsed and he nearby buildings were harmed in the blast.

The injured Maulana Naeemi was rushed to the hospital; however, he succumbed to the injuries on the way to the hospital.

The deceased include his close associate Dr Khalilur Rehman.

The personnel of the security forces cordoned off the area and started the relief operation.

The injured were rushed to the Meo Hospital. Emergency has been declared in the hospitals of the Lahore.

The security forces are searching the building on the apprehension of another bomb.

DCO Lahore Sajjad Bhutta said the Maulana was provided with the proper security.

I remember that a few days or probably weeks ago this man pioneered the fatwa against suicide bombings and openly stated that the taliban version of shairah is not what islamic shariah is.I don't know but can someone knowledgeable try to figure out whether these kinds of attack can actually help the taliban. As far as i can see all these assassinations will amount to the resentment of our people.Also does this means that in desperation talibs are using thier own axe to cut their own feet. [/B:what:]
I think Pakistani administration was bit too confident of the peace deal
. They thought Taliban will go back to their Bunkers as soon as they got what they demanded. But then they started pushing forward the agenda of Taking over Pakistan's key towns and cities .That was the main reason to involve army. Army has been doing a reasonable job as of now. Lets wait..........

army has been doing a fantastic job and so trhe praise from the americans who are very impressed and believe me they knew that the peace deal wouldnt work hence the very hard reaction to the taliban movement into buner etc it was needed to show that the taliban dont want peace but more power and influence
army has been doing a fantastic job and so trhe praise from the americans who are very impressed and believe me they knew that the peace deal wouldnt work hence the very hard reaction to the taliban movement into buner etc it was needed to show that the taliban dont want peace but more power and influence

Don't get me wrong.
But tell me do you think it was an intelligent move to let the Taliban capture a major part of your country just go gain a tactical advantage "Just to show that they were power hungry" ....This theory somehow seems indigestible :disagree:....you may have an alternative view:agree:
When was the last time you advocated negotiating with criminals who murdered sleeping families in their beds, raped women and children, and robbed at gun point?

Usually we put these kinds of people in jail - why the double standards when these criminals call themselves Taliban?

You are getting wrong...not advocating any negotiating with criminals. But if a criminal is a criminal then there are no double standards. Start this prosecution with ZARDARI himself.Do you think he is not a criminal? Why not bomb NAT HOUSE in GUJRAT, PUNJAB. Is it not a criminal den? You think these are acceptable, come back to me on this in 1 year time & lets see where we stand.
In my case I dont like to fool myself by just mere slogans. Indiscriminate shelling & airstrikes just provide TALIBAN with more recruits If these tactics were successful, the battle in AFGHNISTAN should have been over years back and end of TALIBAN STORY
Try to understand what I have written, these operations no matter how right they are can never be successful with the type of people on top. In 1965 war, AYUB KHAN moved to OPS room with BED & BUNK. In 71 YAHYA KHAN was having a house warming & getting drunk while the war was going on.
Quite a ridiculous thing to say--that winning Swat is not important if Peshawar is out of control. Can the writer give an alternative? Should we do nothing and hope that the problem will go away? Isn't it obvious that if we do nothing about the problem and sign 'peace deals' we still get death. Might as well die doing something about it then die doing nothing.

You can keep Peshawar, Islamabad, and Lahore bomb free all you want, but that won't change the fact that there is Pakistani territory that is not in control of the state, and it is being used by terrorists. All these bombings will automatically stop when the terrorist infrastructure of FATA and Swat has been dealt with. Prevention of bombings is not the solution, destruction of the source of these bombings is the solution.
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