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what is the relationship between Afghan and Pak?

I tried to ask many times on this thread about pak-afghan businss relations..no one speaking abt...i dont know what you guys are proving here...india pak and afghan has many groups by region my langage...no one is great no one is bad...ok...

Now back to thread topic...pls give details about pak-afghan economical relations...i posted india-afghan business ...

Afghanistan is a war torn occupied country. What business can go on?

Its foolish to think any of the activities going on now will continue in a real Afghan run country. The facts are: the US has great plans for Afghanistan. More troops coming in when Obama takes office. The resources of Central Asia cannot be too far off a guess, plus Russia and China wont sit quietly either.

America is not spending a massive amount of their own limited resources and lives in Afghanistan to let India come in serve as anything but a target to distract their enemies. Enjoy the 'business' and 'influence' though.
We pushtoons have never ever accepted a border as our families are both sides and i doubt that we will now or in the future accept a fence, why cant you accept that fact afghanistan and pakistan are same if it wasnt for afghanistan and its pushtoon population you would still be singing hare krishna hare krishna,

I didn't know Muhammad Bin Qasim was from Afghanistan....please learn the history of Pakistan and understand why there's a Qasim Port in Karachi.
I'm not even going to respond to any Indians because they dont know anything about Pakistan and its people, they just want to create hate and destruction for Pakistan.

The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not a Punjabi and he's the most important figure for Pakistan.
there is one thing we will need to accept. pashtuns care about pashtuns first and then pakistan or afghanistan. punjabis and sindhis left india 60yrs back and preferred that they should be called pakistanis. however on our western border things have largely remained unchanged. balochis wants to be balochis and pashtuns want to be pashtuns. i might be wrong but this could be bec punjabis and sindhis were more effected by british and hindu rule as they were close to the centre. however our ppl living on western border were not that much effected. also during partition it was punjab which saw the most bloodshed. i sometime feel sad when my balochi and pashtun brothers associate us punjabis with indians. pakistan was made on the spirits of islam but guess everyone here talk more about his race and less about being muslims. today we are lik this coz we failed to develop that islamic spirit which Jinnah wanted to see in his Pakistan. Pashtuns is there any way we punjabis could also become pashtuns so that u may stop hating us?????????????? same question goes for balochis?????? u guys need to understand that we became Pakistanis on 14th August 1947. we left our punjabism on that same day.

Mera bhai, who told you Punjabis and Sindhis left India? We didn't have to leave any place, we always lived in our land.

Punjab and Sindh are also provinces of Pakistan just like NWFP and Balochistan, we were never from hindustan we always lived in our land in Punjab and Sindh, which are provinces of Pakistan so we are as much part of Pakistan as people from Balochistan and NWFP, but it sometimes feel like we are more patriotic. :pakistan:

Today there's more Pashtuns in Karachi (Sindh) than there are Sindhis, we invite people to our homes because we say we are all Pakistani brothers and Punjab and Sindh belongs to every Pakistani citizen, I wish our brothers in our western provinces would think the same way that we are all Pakistanis.
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I didn't know Muhammad Bin Qasim was from Afghanistan....please learn the history of Pakistan and understand why there's a Qasim Port in Karachi.

No he was not, but majority of the muslim population of jehlum onward towards was under a suppressive hindu domination, people from western borders helped fight that and thats why you had people like ghuri etc who helped bring about a muslim domination. Mughals are a classic example of this.

I dont question anyones ethnic group, nor do i and most people of west pakistan see eastern pakistanis as any different.

Problem is when you raise issues that are important people tend to bring the ethnic issues along, like now everyone is feeling that punjabi, sindhis are not well liked and balochs and pushtoons dont have same sort of patriosm as they do.
Well thats utter rubbish.
Mera bhai, who told you Punjabis and Sindhis left India? We didn't have to leave any place, we always lived in our land.

Punjab and Sindh are also provinces of Pakistan just like NWFP and Balochistan, we were never from hindustan we always lived in our land in Punjab and Sindh, which are provinces of Pakistan so we are as much part of Pakistan as people from Balochistan and NWFP, but it sometimes feel like we are more patriotic. :pakistan:

Today there's more Pashtuns in Karachi (Sindh) than there are Sindhis, we invite people to our homes because we say we are all Pakistani brothers and Punjab and Sindh belongs to every Pakistani citizen, I wish our brothers in our western provinces would think the same way that we are all Pakistanis.

wat i meant was those indian roots which we are often blamed for. punjab and sindh were closer to central india and therefore had more cultural influence. when i said we left india 60 yrs back thats wat i was referrin too. i should have been more clear.
thanks for being supportive btw:pakistan:
Pushtoons dont think of punjabis or sindhis as not equal or different to balochs or pushtoon.

Punjabis mostly inherited the british governorship as pakistan was created. Large section of the pakistan army and politicians were of sindhi or punjabi heritage, these people served under the british and felt that they had the right and experience to run the matters of pakistan.

They didnt take the other groups of pakistan seriously, they felt that they were the voice of every pakistani. Much energy was put towards the development of sindh and punjab, they felt punjab being a bread basket and sindh being and industrial hub deserved all the attention.

Opportunity's for pushtoons were just in the military and not at great percentage, balochs were totally neglected, killed and attacked for sometimes voicing their concerns.

But through the time of wars and worries we stuck together for a better day, for us and our kids.

All pakistan needs is reshaping, restructuring to make it a fairer society, fairness and opportunity for all.

Equal developments and royalties for us all, one rule for all, i have travelled so much in punjab and sindh, most people have stereo typical views of pashtoons and balochs, sometimes you feel like a second class citizen.

Pashtoon,balochh,sindhi,punjabi hum sub muslim hum sub bahi.

i do understand wat u r sayin and also i do agree to some extent. however u cannot blame us for everything. most of balochistan and some part of pakhtonkwa have been living under tribal system. u ppl never wanted gov to come to ur area or intervene in ur affairs. balochis never said anything about development untill after bugti died. bugti used to take all the money and then sit on it for the whole year. he never let gov do anything in his area except with his permision. same was the case with most of the other maliks. part of the province which was under gov did see some development if not much. same goes for pakhtonkwa. FATA ppl kept on fightin among themselve. tribe vs. tribe. now under such circumstances who would lik to go to FATA and carry our development work. those part of pakhtonkwa which were under gov saw development. eg abotabad peshawar etc.
however i do agree that gov should have taken ppl living in those areas more seriously.
Punjab is nothing more than a geographical location to most Punjabi's now, yet Pathans in certain areas hold on to their racial differences as if its a seperate religion or culture. Same goes for many Balochis. This will be their undoing if they don't WAKE UP. Outside interests are utilizing this weakness and these idiots are here blaming Punjab and Sindh for their own idiocy.

Our country is called Pakistan, we are under no obligation to have open borders with anyone, and if you guys don't like it here, move back to Afghanistan or Iran. We will not give up an inch of our soil and yes NWFP and FATA is PAKISTANI SOIL and many brave residents will fight for Pakistan but for those with ulterior motives, you shall burn along with your false nationalism that supersedes your obligation to Allah and Pakistan.

We may have provincial rivalry but when push comes to shove we have united e.g the evidence was there after the american incursions into pak soil when even tribals in nwfp who have always been pretty much independant and against non-pashtuns esp punjabis vowed defend pakistan if the army didn't.:pakistan:
We may have provincial rivalry but when push comes to shove we have united e.g the evidence was there after the american incursions into pak soil when even tribals in nwfp who have always been pretty much independant and against non-pashtuns esp punjabis vowed defend pakistan if the army didn't.:pakistan:

yes that is true. and that is y we punjabis and other pakistanis can never dislike u. u guys have always acted like a metal wall when it comes to pakistan's security. even before pakistan, it was u guys (pashtuns from both side of the durrand line) who used to come for help inorder save muslims of the sub-continent. but the question again comes back to if u guys lik us or not. and u guys can never lik us untill some substantial development takes place in ur area. the problem however is wat u have already said. u have always been living pretty much independant. this means gov is restricted from carryin out development work in ur area. im not blaming any pashtun. im blaming ur system (this is my view and i could be wrong). it will be really hard for development to take place if u guys dont enter the mainstream pakistan. and till then u guys will keep on dislikin us.
supplying weapons to Afgans to run US troops out so far succesfull 72% of Kabul in our hand
... Whatever we know of Pakistan, its controlled by Punjabis and others are discriminated whole sale....

...Punjabis think they are a superior race and others are lesser human beings.

Please keep such bullshi* off the forum, and on your racist and prejudiced Indian fora.

The senior membership of this forum and the administration team hail from all parts of Pakistan - I hardly think we would be working together, and respect each other, were it not for a complete lack of these 'supremacist attitudes' BS you Indians bring up.

This is a typical Indian canard in an attempt to disparage Pakistan, and shows the extent to which Indians have been brainwashed with propaganda by their government.

I have seen Hamid Zaid calling Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan traitor.
KAGK's ideology was anti-Pakistan and pro-India, there is no doubt about that. Despite that, I thought his non-violence and social policies were excellent.

KAGK and the GoA were both contacted by the GoI during the 1947 war to open up a separatist front on Pakistan's North West - the then British CiC of the PA voiced those concerns (I'll try and dig out the quotes and references from Shuja Nawaz's book Crossed Swords), so the allegation is to entirely without merit.

Funniest part is that they hate Afghans and still take pride in Afghani rulers. I wonder if any great Muslim ruler was even born in Punjab who made significant impact on the history of subcontinent ?

Pakistanis (of all shades) dislike those Afghans who express hatred towards Pakistan and seek to dismember it. We have nothing but friendship and a bond of brotherhood with those who seek to coexist with us.
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pakistan doesnt hate afghan we just dislike the taliban
the taliban really taints afghanistan's image
yes that is true. and that is y we punjabis and other pakistanis can never dislike u. u guys have always acted like a metal wall when it comes to pakistan's security. even before pakistan, it was u guys (pashtuns from both side of the durrand line) who used to come for help inorder save muslims of the sub-continent. but the question again comes back to if u guys lik us or not. and u guys can never lik us untill some substantial development takes place in ur area. the problem however is wat u have already said. u have always been living pretty much independant. this means gov is restricted from carryin out development work in ur area. im not blaming any pashtun. im blaming ur system (this is my view and i could be wrong). it will be really hard for development to take place if u guys dont enter the mainstream pakistan. and till then u guys will keep on dislikin us.

That is not entirely true that we are independent and hinder any development or modernization that federal government tried or wishes to bring to nwfp and balochistan.

However the people that are suppose to run the government matters and its institutions in these are mostly corrupt and run on favored grounds.

Most of the population dislikes these peoples, because they are there with federal backing and jobs but hardly do anything for these areas.

I personally think we should get rid of the provincial government, because in my eyes that the root of all evil, we should have more structured and local zilla governments that are resposible for development of there area.

Citizen classes for all, where history of all is respected and common history, future and common vision are sought. Every pakistani to be clued up about all other pakistanis. All our kids from day one taught the benefits of unity and togetherness as a muslim and a pakistani.

We openly welcome development, schools, jobs rule of law, but problem is due to lack of jobs and development and jobs, people are embroiled in crime, drug trafficking arms manufacture and distribution.

What we need to is disarm the awaam, no one to possess any arms with or without license, however stockpiles of arms should be kept at zilla level to distribute in time of war.

I was brought up to believe of punjabi sindhi, muhajir etc to be equal of me , but a bit different from me.

We would like to see pakistani milatry reprsenting atleast 20 percent of pushtoons and 20 percent of balochs and all the remainder from all other groups.
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