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what is the relationship between Afghan and Pak?

there is only one thing which we should put before our beign pakistani. and that is we all are muslims. after religion come nationalism. if u want peace there shouldnt be anything bw these two points. however in our case we have got race colour and creed. is this wat islam teaches us that punjabis should say they are better than pashtuns??? with all respect let me just ask u, if FATA gets seperated wat do u pashtuns think will there be peace amongst u. the only thing which i can thik of is that tribal warfare will start and each tribe will be looking for a seperate country. so wat do we want. a one man country for everyone???
ppl think about gettin muslims together under one flag and here we are fightin on our race saying that we are more manly and all that crap.
Punjab is nothing more than a geographical location to most Punjabi's now, yet Pathans in certain areas hold on to their racial differences as if its a seperate religion or culture. Same goes for many Balochis. This will be their undoing if they don't WAKE UP. Outside interests are utilizing this weakness and these idiots are here blaming Punjab and Sindh for their own idiocy.

Our country is called Pakistan, we are under no obligation to have open borders with anyone, and if you guys don't like it here, move back to Afghanistan or Iran. We will not give up an inch of our soil and yes NWFP and FATA is PAKISTANI SOIL and many brave residents will fight for Pakistan but for those with ulterior motives, you shall burn along with your false nationalism that supersedes your obligation to Allah and Pakistan.

How does China deal with uprisings or people who think they are completely different from the rest.
Tibet can be an example for the govt. of Pakistan
Complete authority, that is what needs to be shown.
We need the country to be united instead of divided.
You are talking exactly what Indian rulars used to say when Afghans started invading Delhi. Open your eyes and see how Swat has fallen.. its just the beginning. Your Nukes won't save you.. come out of slumber. Pakistani army will defect to Taliban one by one.


Before you spout more vitriol, first make sure your country has all its areas underd its control. Apparently not, read this :-

Terror kills more in Northeast than in J&K

5 Jan 2009, 0247 hrs IST, Subodh Varma, TNN

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NEW DELHI: The serial blasts in Guwahati on New Year’s Day were a chilling reminder to the country of a forgotten but deadly war being fought in the Brahmaputra valley and the surrounding hills.

In the year just gone by, over a thousand persons were killed in terrorist related violence in the seven states of the northeast. The bulk of these deaths occurred in just two states - Assam and Manipur. Assam reported 372 fatalities while the death toll in Manipur was just shy of 500, second only to Kashmir, which recorded 539 deaths.

While the country has been preoccupied with Kashmir and escalating terrorist violence elsewhere, separatist violence in northeast has crept up. Data from the South Asian Terrorism Portal (SATP) shows that the total number of deaths in this region has increased from 640 in 2006 to 1057 in 2008.

These figures include a steadily increasing number of fatalities among the separatists themselves, but there is a parallel rise in deaths of innocent civilians as the terrorists take recourse to bombings like the one in Guwahati on Thursday.

The number of terrorists killed has increased from 317 in 2006 to 501 in 2007 and further to 612 in 2008. But the civilian death toll too has mounted from 231 in 2006 to 405 in 2008. Casualties among security forces operating in the region have declined drastically from 92 in 2006 to 40 in 2008. An estimated 2 lakh persons are reported to be internally displaced due to ethnic strife.

Northeast is no stranger to insurgencies with all its seven states having witnessed some form of armed separatism over the last six decades. In the 15 years since 1994, an estimated 16,271 persons have been killed in this volatile region.

A combination of persistent economic backwardness and the presence of several dozen ethnic groups has made this region a crucible of identity politics. Nearly 20% of the 50 million people of the region are below the poverty line. Of the 635 tribal groups identified by the Anthropological Survey of India, 213 reside in the northeast.

Some states have a very low or passive level of separatist activity like Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. In Mizoram, the insurgency ended in 1986 after the accord between the Union government and the Mizo National Front led by Laldenga. Meghalaya too has a relatively lower and declining level of terrorist activity although a number of separatist groups are active in extortion and other criminal activities.

Tripura, which till a decade back was a hotbed of terrorist actions, appears to have overcome the menace through a determined political effort.

But in three states - Assam, Manipur and Nagaland - separatist violence continues with an incendiary mix of ethnic strife. While terrorist actions in Assam still get attention, Manipur, with the second highest number of terrorist related deaths after Kashmir, has remained below the national radar. All 59 police stations in the state
have reported terrorist activities, and 32 of them have been placed in the high violence category.

SATP estimates that there are at least 15 major militant groups with approximately 10,000 cadre active in the state. The desperate situation is highlighted by the fact that Manipur continues to remain classified as a disturbed area since the 1970s.

It has a higher police-to-population ratio than the national average and yet there is no end to violence.

Assam, the biggest state in the northeast, has been the hunting ground of Ulfa despite several army operations against it, including the 2005 sweep in sanctuaries in the Bhutanese foothills.

Decades of Ulfa violence has spawned rival outfits from amongst plains tribals and Muslims, leading to an ever escalating spiral of violence on innocent civilians of every community. Current estimates put active terrorist groups at 12, while inactive groups number over 20. Recent reports suggest that Ulfa has also tied up with some factions of Naga separatist groups, operating in Nagaland and Manipur.


Looks like our shining hindustan doesnt have control over its North east and central hindustan. But here you are telling us about Swat.............more to follow and you be the judge which army and even Police is more likely to defect to insurgents. :cheers:
the truth is we hate each other a-stan is an indian ally yet it needs pakistan and is completely dependant on us whether they admit it or not all their food,aid,water everything comes through pakistani territory not to mention we host the largest afghan refugee population in the world many of them move to the larger cities and become pakistani over time.It's basically a leech host relationship afghanistan being the leech.
Demonising heros of others is a well known policy of controlling populations. In Pakistan all non-punjabi heros like G M Syed, Bhutto, Badssah Khan, Bugti etc have been demonised and and majority killed by Army. Pakistan is nothing but Punjabi colonisation as others hardly have much say. Occasionally there are some stooges who find place in government.


this coming from a resident of a hindu rashtra where handful of north indian brahmins are ruling the subcontinent and curbing the aspirations of whole bunch of nations....... have a look at your history before starting mudslinging but i will not disappoint you....... talking about demonising heroes, i believe Ravan is considered a prince by poor south indian Dravidian but your brahmins have a field day in calling him a villain....... and you come here to tell us who is a demonising whom.

Was it hidustan or any other country which sacked a democratic government in Tamil Nadu because they gave a threat of seccession. Spare us this hogwash and free the Tamils, assamese, kashmiris, mizoramese, nagas, arunchalis, sikhs, tripurese and many others from your yoke before teaching us what and what not to do..........................
Instead of worrying about Pakistani provinces, why dont you tell us why was hindu rashtra constitution amended to remove seccession clause from it which was the promise of liar Nehru to all the different nations in sub continent. What about giving all these people a chance to decide their future...............

What about hindu rashtra army which comprises 80% of its strength from the usurper north hindustan.................. the purpose being to crush the mutinies......... Shame on you for being such a hypocrite................:agree:

One little advice...... stop talking through the back of your head...................:lol:
what a logic. By your logic Pakistan should be part of India as we have more Muslims. Afghanistan ruled over Pakistani territory and never other way. Afghanis still have that dream my deal friend. Whatever is happening in western Paksiatn is an indicator to that. Swat is almost gone. Other ares will follow..

In case you are behind the curve Mr RK, here is some latest news from the land of milk and honey i-e hidustan :-

Chhattisgarh Maoists recruiting minor girls: Police

14 Jan 2009, 1025 hrs IST, IANS

RAIPUR: Maoist insurgents in Chhattisgarh are recruiting minor girls as part of a stepped-up drive to get members for a women's wing, say police.

The Maoists, who run a de facto administration in the state's vast southern mineral-rich Bastar region, are trying to get cadres for the Krantikari Adivasi Mahila Sangh, said a senior police officer.

"Maoist militants are now on a stepped-up drive to recruit minors, mainly female adolescents, because it's easier to brainwash them," Pawan Deo, a senior officer at the police's special intelligence branch (SIB) here, said.

"The forced recruitment drive in the Bastar hinterland is now basically to fill up hundreds of slots vacated due to mass desertion of Communist Party of India-Maoist cadres due to relentless police pressure and exposure of the myth of Maoist ideology," he claimed.

Vishwa Ranjan, the state's police chief, had earlier said that roughly 10,000 highly militarised insurgents operate in Chhattisgarh, backed by another 35,000-40,000 cadres called 'Sangham members'.

"Some 30 percent or 15,000 of a total of 50,000 armed rebels are female insurgents who actively participate in carrying out major strikes against civilians and police forces," said Ranjan, who was additional director in the country's Intelligence Bureau (IB) before he became state police chief.

All five districts in the 40,000 sq km Bastar region have witnessed a string of deadly attacks on police bases and civilians since June 2005 when a government backed civil militia movement, Salwa Judum, was launched to take on militants in two districts - Dantewada and Bijapur, the nerve centre of militants' since early 1980s.

In March 2007, the rebels launched their biggest attack so far, killing 55 policemen in an overnight attack on a police outpost in Bijapur district.

Wow......... amazaing, talk about Swat..... man, that is nothing in comparison to what is going on from where you comfortably sit behind your computer. Just peep outside your house, you will find the truth. Talk about Swat gone and others to follow, it seems that Chattisgarh, Assam,Jharkand, Kashmir, and North east is gone............ south and centre hindustan to follow. Leaving behind a truncated hindustan comprising uttar pardesh and part of madhya pardesh............... so much for the future of our shining hindustan.......... :cheesy:
there is one thing we will need to accept. pashtuns care about pashtuns first and then pakistan or afghanistan. punjabis and sindhis left india 60yrs back and preferred that they should be called pakistanis. however on our western border things have largely remained unchanged. balochis wants to be balochis and pashtuns want to be pashtuns. i might be wrong but this could be bec punjabis and sindhis were more effected by british and hindu rule as they were close to the centre. however our ppl living on western border were not that much effected. also during partition it was punjab which saw the most bloodshed. i sometime feel sad when my balochi and pashtun brothers associate us punjabis with indians. pakistan was made on the spirits of islam but guess everyone here talk more about his race and less about being muslims. today we are lik this coz we failed to develop that islamic spirit which Jinnah wanted to see in his Pakistan. Pashtuns is there any way we punjabis could also become pashtuns so that u may stop hating us?????????????? same question goes for balochis?????? u guys need to understand that we became Pakistanis on 14th August 1947. we left our punjabism on that same day.

Pushtoons dont think of punjabis or sindhis as not equal or different to balochs or pushtoon.

Punjabis mostly inherited the british governorship as pakistan was created. Large section of the pakistan army and politicians were of sindhi or punjabi heritage, these people served under the british and felt that they had the right and experience to run the matters of pakistan.

They didnt take the other groups of pakistan seriously, they felt that they were the voice of every pakistani. Much energy was put towards the development of sindh and punjab, they felt punjab being a bread basket and sindh being and industrial hub deserved all the attention.

Opportunity's for pushtoons were just in the military and not at great percentage, balochs were totally neglected, killed and attacked for sometimes voicing their concerns.

But through the time of wars and worries we stuck together for a better day, for us and our kids.

All pakistan needs is reshaping, restructuring to make it a fairer society, fairness and opportunity for all.

Equal developments and royalties for us all, one rule for all, i have travelled so much in punjab and sindh, most people have stereo typical views of pashtoons and balochs, sometimes you feel like a second class citizen.

Pashtoon,balochh,sindhi,punjabi hum sub muslim hum sub bahi.
Pashtoon,balochh,sindhi,punjabi hum sub muslim hum sub bahi.

Funny you say this now after a thorough verbal bashing, because you came in with a totally different attitude, even taking the side of a random Indian member to bash Punjabi's, when Punjab was never a discussion in the first place. Your lack of patriotism was utilized by an outsider (similar to what's happening in FATA/NWFP). Please don't let it happen again.

I forgive you from my side.
the truth is we hate each other a-stan is an indian ally yet it needs pakistan and is completely Dependant on us whether they admit it or not all their food,aid,water everything comes through pakistani territory not to mention we host the largest afghan refugee population in the world many of them move to the larger cities and become pakistani over time.It's basically a leech host relationship afghanistan being the leech.

Goverment of afghanistan those who running it, should be ashamed to be part of anti pakistan policies, but such is the game at the moment till america has its hold on afghanistans puppet goverment many people will looking to benifit in harming pakistani interests.

Taliban is a problem but a problem created by us, this has created many problems for pakistan, since they feel abandoned by pakistani support,they have turned to our rivals and those rivals are exploiting all opportunities to harm pakistan.
this coming from a resident of a hindu rashtra where handful of north indian brahmins are ruling the subcontinent and curbing the aspirations of whole bunch of nations....... have a look at your history before starting mudslinging but i will not disappoint you....... talking about demonising heroes, i believe Ravan is considered a prince by poor south indian Dravidian but your brahmins have a field day in calling him a villain....... and you come here to tell us who is a demonising whom.

Was it hidustan or any other country which sacked a democratic government in Tamil Nadu because they gave a threat of seccession. Spare us this hogwash and free the Tamils, assamese, kashmiris, mizoramese, nagas, arunchalis, sikhs, tripurese and many others from your yoke before teaching us what and what not to do..........................
Instead of worrying about Pakistani provinces, why dont you tell us why was hindu rashtra constitution amended to remove seccession clause from it which was the promise of liar Nehru to all the different nations in sub continent. What about giving all these people a chance to decide their future...............

What about hindu rashtra army which comprises 80% of its strength from the usurper north hindustan.................. the purpose being to crush the mutinies......... Shame on you for being such a hypocrite................:agree:

One little advice...... stop talking through the back of your head...................:lol:

I would have given you few lessons on India, however, you lack even minimum requirements of a would be pupil on history. Better for me would be to accept that you are 100% right on everything you say...

In case you are behind the curve Mr RK, here is some latest news from the land of milk and honey i-e hidustan :-

Chhattisgarh Maoists recruiting minor girls: Police

14 Jan 2009, 1025 hrs IST, IANS

RAIPUR: Maoist insurgents in Chhattisgarh are recruiting minor girls as part of a stepped-up drive to get members for a women's wing, say police.

The Maoists, who run a de facto administration in the state's vast southern mineral-rich Bastar region, are trying to get cadres for the Krantikari Adivasi Mahila Sangh, said a senior police officer.

"Maoist militants are now on a stepped-up drive to recruit minors, mainly female adolescents, because it's easier to brainwash them," Pawan Deo, a senior officer at the police's special intelligence branch (SIB) here, said.

"The forced recruitment drive in the Bastar hinterland is now basically to fill up hundreds of slots vacated due to mass desertion of Communist Party of India-Maoist cadres due to relentless police pressure and exposure of the myth of Maoist ideology," he claimed.

Vishwa Ranjan, the state's police chief, had earlier said that roughly 10,000 highly militarised insurgents operate in Chhattisgarh, backed by another 35,000-40,000 cadres called 'Sangham members'.

"Some 30 percent or 15,000 of a total of 50,000 armed rebels are female insurgents who actively participate in carrying out major strikes against civilians and police forces," said Ranjan, who was additional director in the country's Intelligence Bureau (IB) before he became state police chief.

All five districts in the 40,000 sq km Bastar region have witnessed a string of deadly attacks on police bases and civilians since June 2005 when a government backed civil militia movement, Salwa Judum, was launched to take on militants in two districts - Dantewada and Bijapur, the nerve centre of militants' since early 1980s.

In March 2007, the rebels launched their biggest attack so far, killing 55 policemen in an overnight attack on a police outpost in Bijapur district.

Wow......... amazaing, talk about Swat..... man, that is nothing in comparison to what is going on from where you comfortably sit behind your computer. Just peep outside your house, you will find the truth. Talk about Swat gone and others to follow, it seems that Chattisgarh, Assam,Jharkand, Kashmir, and North east is gone............ south and centre hindustan to follow. Leaving behind a truncated hindustan comprising uttar pardesh and part of madhya pardesh............... so much for the future of our shining hindustan.......... :cheesy:

Such things have been going on in India for last 500 years. We know how it works..

Of course, actually countering Raj's arugments would be out of question :tsk:

Of course, truth hurts, doesn't it ????????????????????

Such things have been going on in India for last 500 years. We know how it works..


So, you should be the last one throwing stones at others............ Fall of Swat.........my foot. First, make sure, you have control over your country.

I would have given you few lessons on India, however, you lack even minimum requirements of a would be pupil on history. Better for me would be to accept that you are 100% right on everything you say...


History...............:lol:... even my son will be able to teach you a thing or two on history of hindu rashtra............ so dont worry about it. Make sure, you know enough about it next time before you get into argument with me on hindustani history.
Funny you say this now after a thorough verbal bashing, because you came in with a totally different attitude, even taking the side of a random Indian member to bash Punjabi's, when Punjab was never a discussion in the first place. Your lack of patriotism was utilized by an outsider (similar to what's happening in FATA/NWFP). Please don't let it happen again.

I forgive you from my side.

I openly apologise if at anytime i have offended you or any other fellow pakistani with my posts, how ever most of those you even cannot deny are accurate.

However i found ill mannered some comments about afghans/ pushtoons that were made by fellow pakistani forum members.

I did agree with the indian member even though i didnt like it but there was some element of truth.

obviously he is not here for the benifit of pashtoon, balochs , sindhis or punjabis, but here to spread indian propaganda to disunite.

Useless propaganda is no good, as well all know the benefits of unity and ittefaq, togetherness. that ittefaq is pakistan and that people should realise is not easilly breakable.
I tried to ask many times on this thread about pak-afghan businss relations..no one speaking abt...i dont know what you guys are proving here...india pak and afghan has many groups by region my langage...no one is great no one is bad...ok...

Now back to thread topic...pls give details about pak-afghan economical relations...i posted india-afghan business ...
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