In the Christian bible, the word antichrist only appear in that context, like common people, non-supernatural. But hollywood movies created confusion about that, mixing "antichrist", "son of Devil", "satan", "supernatural evil one" concepts.
If you ask to a common western what understand about "antichrist", he likely would say something like "son of devil" but it's due to hollywood movies, it's not Bible based.
The idea of Dajjal / Antichrist in Islam is more like Hollywood movies who mention Christian "antichrist", who talk about one powerful evil figure.
In Christianism exist that concept in Revelations book, but it's not called antichrist, it's called "beast".
But Revelation books is a book full of symbol, if you take literally some part, you can understand the beast of revelations book like something supernatural evil figure like islamic Dajjal.
The Islamic description of antichrist you said can be literally millions people, The only different thing could be if he use their "powers" to change the world (to worst), change the world can be done by few powerful people.
Beast in the Jewish prophecy language means a big country (powerful country).
Anti-Christ, False Prophet, and Mystery Babylon are identified as beasts (big powerful country).
Yes, there are three big countries (beasts).
Anti-Christ is the beast that comes out of the sea. Sea means a large population, so Anti-Christ is a big powerful country that is rising from a place with a big population.
False Prophet is the beast that comes out of the land. The land means sparse population, so False Prophet is a big powerful country that is rising from a place with sparse population. It has two horns and speaks like a dragon, it means at first False Prophet is a good religious country, but later it becomes a dragon (evil). Many identify False Prophet as USA, because USA is the only big country born from a place where the population is sparce but later grow much bigger. At first, USA is a Christian country, believe in God, but later is not, and later have a powerful propaganda machine. False Prophet is technologically advanced as it can perform magic like throwing fire from the sky (missiles or nuclear bomb?).
The third beast, who is the Harlot (Whore, Mystery Babylon). Some say the third beast is Roman Catholic Church, because Babylon is the cryptic name of Rome. Some say it's Jerusalem or Israel. Since the whore is wearing a purple cloth, it must a religious institution, it could be Catholic or Jewish.
The location of Anti-Christ is supposed to be in the Middle East. Perhaps in the form of Caliphate, or an alliance of multiple Middle East countries. Something that the territory included all four ancient Middle Eastern empires. This country has existed in the past, and rerise again in the future. In my opinion, Caliphate is the biggest candidate as no other Middle Eastern empire has territory at this size.
Backed by USA (False Prophet), blessed by Roman Catholic Church or Israel.
Since it's backed by USA for USA interest, definitely it's a fake Caliphate, blasphemy. The teaching is to endorse USA, to make it fit with USA perspective and interest, by selling the name of God.
But one thing that is still puzzling me, why would Anti-Christ massacre the Jewish people in Israel if this is from them. Perhaps is because Jewish people know they have been fooled, so they are rebelling?
The fake Messiah is a CIA created figure?