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What is everyone's opinion on Aurangzeb?

Great man,,

The best mughal emperor

He took on all forces and threats to his rule

To all Mods, my reply in the form of picture to this pic has been removed, then how on the earth this pic is allowed?? Biased isn't it???
Opinion of Aurangzeb? A savage fascist (like all Mughal emperors) who had no respect for other religions/cultures/communities. Our Pakistani brothers have imbibed his values and it's no wonder that they're in such a mess today. Actually this holds true for much of the Islamic world.
Aurangzeb's magnanimity and religious tolerance reached such a scale that one of the grandest ashur khanas in Hyderabad,celebrated for it's beautiful Safavid style architecture was turned into a horse stable by him. We can imagine how generous he would be with subjects belonging to other faiths as well. This is the perfect signature of an ideal ruler off course.
Superbly put. A very sweeeeet and cute ruler. :tup:

Marathas raiding was similar to Ghorids and others who did similar work in the NW.
In Bengal, there was even a large ditch made against the Maratha raiders.

Maratha Ditch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bargi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not many in N. India were fans of them. They made enemies through out. And grew too arrogant.
Not really - Bengal was an Islamic state and the ditch was never completed. Marathas are thanked all over India for overthrowing the Mughal empire.

Well let me post some of your relatives here:
I am sure you genealogy matches at some level.
I am sure you might even find some family resemblance.

She is probably one of the better looking of your kind. I have some more specimens for you at your request Cherokee Indian.
How is this relevant?

I am sure you are trolling but I can assure you these people look closer to your family than mine.
In fact I would wager good money on it.
Let us meet and compare family albums , Cherokee Indian.

If #Pakistan can produce one Aurangzeb, there would be no one raising his head against us.
I will pray that does not happen. I wish Pakistan to thrive. If there's an Aurangzeb - There will be no state to raise the head against in the first place. :disagree:

we need another aurangzeb here in bharat
1 babri masjid = 1000 hindo mandar
Good point. That was the policy of this bigot as well. :)

Aurangzeb was a wretched bigoted tyrant. But again this view is relative. He gave huge grants to Muslims, so if a Muslim likes him, he has his reasons. For non Muslims he was pretty much a nightmare - except some of the elites.
What do people from anywhere think about Aurangzeb, do you think he was a good ruler or tyrannical ruler who was responsible for the downfall of the Mughal Empire?

In Islamic religious circles, we call him a SANT or Saint of God, and His warrior.

He was a Naqshbandi Sufi, and his teacher was the top most Naqshbandi Sufi Master of ALL the Islamic World, called Mujaddid Alf Thani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi of Afghanistan rahmatuAllah alaih

This is the belief of the vast majority of Muslims whether in india or Pakistan.
Abul Muzaffar Muhi-ud-Din Mohammad Aurangzeb
A ruthless mad islamist ruler who killed scores of Hindus for not being Muslims...

Aurangzeb's childhood teachers included Muhammad Saleh Kamboh. Aurangzeb had a keen mind and learned quickly from his reading. He learned the Quran and the hadith very early and could readily quote from them. He mastered Arabic and Persian languages and learned Chagatai Turkic during his tenure at Kandahar Province. Aurangzeb was a prolific writer of letters and commentaries on petitions. He wrote Arabic with a vigorous calligraphy. Two richly bound and illuminated manuscripts written by him are located in Mecca and Medina, with another copy preserved in Nizamuddin Auliya Dargah.
law making should be left to govt. Judiciary role is to see its proper implementation. for that independence of judiciary is very important.

Judiciary role in government is never implementation, implementation belongs to the executive powers. Parliament legislates, executive carries out, and judiciary reviews laws.

Maratha's were numerically small against conventional army of Mughals.. Aurangzeb did not dared to come to our place what is now Maharashtra, until our great King Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj were alive... Such a coward Aurangzeb...
And Maratha's being Terrorist?? there was nothing called terrorism by then.. Maratha's were fighting for their survival against a tyrannical ruler who destroyed a good number of religious places of Hindus and many cultural places of almost all other religions... Maratha's were to so brave that they brought the pinnacle of Aurangzeb's Tent by raiding him... Terrorism means threatening and killing of peaceful peoples, and by that logic, mughals, turkik and Afghans were the terrorist who killed and destroyed peaceful Hindu's.. Non hindu king went to those muslim territories as aggressor..
I am a descendant of Maratha's, and I don't take a Shit from you... Keep that terrorism shit to yourself and your nation... We marathas are proud of our history and ancestors..

Aurangzeb was a coward yet we all know what he did to your king sambhaji. :lol: Also your king Shivaji had submitted to him but got pissed off during a ceremony where he felt he wasn't given proper rank and hence he went back into rebellion.
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A scum pig who did much harm to dharma and shias but in the end he fell and the hindu marati/sikh empire triumphed.

Shivaji was secular his commander was a muslim, he constructed temples and mosque when he came to power.
Not really - Bengal was an Islamic state and the ditch was never completed. Marathas are thanked all over India for overthrowing the Mughal empire.

Lmao, Marathas let their thugs raiding and pillaging throughout N. India. Many did not like the Marathas, what so ever.
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