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What is everyone's opinion on Aurangzeb?

BTW if you zoom the map posted by @Nuri Natt the high frequency of R1a1a around North-West Pakistan(Attock ke us paar) and Afghanistan. ;)

lol ... the attock kay us par theory of r1a1a hold no weight no water ,

here is a real map of people whose 12-maker Y-DNA matches with me ( R1A1A ) , these are real people and very up to date , last match being from 16 March 2014


The clustering in the above makes perfect sense and aligns with the many studies that have now been done on R1A1A and also the pattern of human migration becomes somewhat clear , which in theory started from Africa into present day Arabia , from where it split with one group heading eastwards into asia and the other group heading westwards into europe. These markers dont show recent history even as far back as 3000 years but the tell how humans may have migrated 10,000 years ago , the migration paths are hypothesis but not absoulte proofs , what is absloute proof though that all human being are related to 'scientific adam' since the marker of 'scientific adam' is carried by every single human being on the planet.

on the matches going further , when the Y-DNA results are filtered for 25 and 37 markers then I have no matches , meaning that the above 'sameness' with individuals spread out on in the globe goes away

end of the day all of this doesnt really matter BUT it is still good to have this information to shut people up ( especially indians, afghan and some iranians ) who just produce stink and nothing scientific to back their claims :lol:

and as far the question posted by the OP , then I think Aurangzeb Alamgir was the greatest emperor to rule over india , and Pakistan lives up to his legacy

Im an evil panjabi from Lahore :lol:
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lol ... the attock kay us par theory of r1a1a hold no weight no water ,

here is a real map of people whose 12-maker Y-DNA matches with me , these are real people and very up to date , last match being from 16 March 2014


The clustering in the above makes perfect sense and aligns with the many studies that have now been done on R1A1A and also the pattern of human migration becomes somewhat clear , which in theory started from Africa into present day Arabia , from where it split with one group heading eastwards into asia and the other group heading westwards into europe. These markers dont show recent history even as far back as 3000 years but the tell how humans may have migrated 10,000 years ago , the migration paths are hypothesis but not absoulte proofs , what is absloute proof though that all human being are related to 'scientific adam' since the marker of 'scientific adam' is carried by every single human being on the planet.

on the matches going further , when the Y-DNA results are filtered for 25 and 37 markers then I have no matches , meaning that the above 'sameness' with individuals spread out on in the globe goes away

Your gene is just one sample among 20 crores Pakistanis. ;)

and as far the question posted by the OP , then I think Aurangzeb Alamgir was the greatest emperor to rule over india , and Pakistan lives up to his legacy

Credit goes to Akbar by making his Uzbek Turkic tribe into completely Desi race, Aurangzeb spoiled all of it and in the last his Mughal Dynasty got bashed up by Pashtuns, Marathas, Ahoms, Jats, Rajputs almost everyone while his own Subedars and Wazirs betrayed him and collaborated in further decline of Mughal Empire.
Aurangzeb was a terrorist king unlike Akbar who was benovalent king. aurangzebs discouraged art and music unlike previous mugals.
R1a1 is very common in Pakistan, me and friend both got this haplogroup.

In Pakistan it is found at 71% among the Mohanna tribe in Sindh province to the south and 46% among the Baltis of Gilgit-Baltistan to the north (Underhill 2009). Among the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka, 13% were found to be R-M17 positive (Kivisild 2003).

In Afghanistan, R-M17 is found at 51.02% among the Pashtuns who are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and 30.36% among the Tajiks. It is less frequent among the Hazaras (6.67%) and the Turkic-speaking Uzbeks (17.65%) (Haber 2012).


I don't know much about Hindko ancestry many of them have Pashtun ancestry but I heard their language is closest to the language of Gandhara. The Hindu Shahis were Janjuas. People of Gandhara spoke a North-West Prakrit, an Indo-Aryan language.

Gandhara was where some of the greatest Sanskrit literatures were composed, I am baffled to see some people try to associate ancient Gandhara with Pashtun culture knowing the fact that ancestors of Pashtuns didn't practised Hinduism.

Hindko is punjabi dialect.
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People say he crushed all rebellions. But they forget those rebellions were caused by his tyrannical ways. Had he not antagonized so many people who were previously peaceful, they would not have taken up arms and become deadly foes of the empire. He over expanded the empire instead of consolidating what he had and making it more efficient.
You mean Khushal khan khattak, aimal khan mohmand and darya khan afridi who fought against Aurangzaib, were hindus?
The fact is Pashtuns were never hindus or buddhists in the history.......when we came upon across hindus in the present day KPK we called them hindi or hindki and their language was called hindko by us.......i.e Pashtuns are not the oldest inhabitants of KPK and eastern afghanistan.......historical homeland of Indo-iranic pashtun tribes was sulieman mountains of present day balochistan for the long time.....from there they spread to kandahar and from kandahar afghan tribes moved towards eastern afghanistan and from eastern afghanistan towards KPK......in eastern Afghanistan we also absorbed some persio-turkic tribes e.g ghauris, suris, ghiljay/khilji etc and pashtunized them......in kpk we absorbed hindu and buddist converts

Kunar , bajaur and nooristan were once greater kafiristan inhabited by kalash like kafir tribes......now kunar and bajaur are inhabited by Afghan/pashtun tribes while kalash people are reduced to some villages in chitral......demographics changed a lot during medieval times specially during mongol invasion, e.g sur tribe had large population and were once very powerful but most of them got annihilated by mongols.....at the time of sher shah suri, sur tribe was considered small and insignificant.

Now coming back to orangzaib, his war against sunni afghans indicate that he was not exactly following ati-hindu and anti-shia agenda, he was crushing any one who was rising against mughals.........

@Aeronaut, @ghilzai, @EyanKhan, @Spring Onion, @Abu Zolfiqar @Armstrong, @farhan_9909
first of all, 99% of Pakistani Pashtuns are R1a1 m17 which is common in many nonpashtun tribes the highest being the Brahmins of bangladesh, second, Hinduism is a fake religion started from Brahmins to subjugate aboriginal people of India the real proto rig veda people are Kalasha and Nuristani people, and third Afghanistan was a Buddhist nation which is why Taliban destroyed those statues, and also Indo Aryan people of India originated from Central Asia, so this whole concept of rig vedas is from the outside not India at all, the original name of Pakistan today is Sakadwipa and Sakasthan, from the hordes tribes of Scythian people who invaded Pakistan and Haryana also, many groups in India such as the Agni Rajputs are from the Iranian hun tribes, and many Pashtun tribes like the Karlani are adopted people, that's why all the Karlani Pashtuns are in Pakistan many Afghan Pashtuns are haplogroup G which is similar to Khazarian Jews of Israel from studies.

Your gene is just one sample among 20 crores Pakistanis. ;)

Credit goes to Akbar by making his Uzbek Turkic tribe into completely Desi race, Aurangzeb spoiled all of it and in the last his Mughal Dynasty got bashed up by Pashtuns, Marathas, Ahoms, Jats, Rajputs almost everyone while his own Subedars and Wazirs betrayed him and collaborated in further decline of Mughal Empire.
there is no desi race, a person from Sri Lanka to Kalasha are considered as desi even though their histories are absolutely way off, and Indo Aryans have origins from Central Asia not India from studies

R1a1 is very common in Pakistan, me and friend both got this haplogroup.

In Pakistan it is found at 71% among the Mohanna tribe in Sindh province to the south and 46% among the Baltis of Gilgit-Baltistan to the north (Underhill 2009). Among the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka, 13% were found to be R-M17 positive (Kivisild 2003).

In Afghanistan, R-M17 is found at 51.02% among the Pashtuns who are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and 30.36% among the Tajiks. It is less frequent among the Hazaras (6.67%) and the Turkic-speaking Uzbeks (17.65%) (Haber 2012).


Hindko is punjabi dialect.
Pakistan is a Scythian nation mixed with Indo Aryan people and some aboriginal bhil blood, even though Balochis speak northwestern Iranian and Pashtuns speak Eastern Iranian, while the Mohanna tribes speak Indo Aryan, they're all R1a1 M17, remember Indo Aryan and Eastern Iranian are really close to each other not like Arab and German is

BTW if you zoom the map posted by @Nuri Natt the high frequency of R1a1a around North-West Pakistan(Attock ke us paar) and Afghanistan. ;)
R1a1 is most in Mohanna tribes and then Bengali Brahmins after that its Pashtun people.
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