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What is everyone's opinion on Aurangzeb?

When did i claim North Indians or Pakistanis are aryans? Read my posts again, at this point

So, you don't even know the basic postulates of the Aryan Invasion theory? The Aryans occupied ancient northern India and pushed the original inhabitants of ancient south asia i.e. the Dravidians to the South. You're an Aryan if you believe in the AIT.
Thats why South Asians were not Aryans, otherwise ASI genes would be in Europeans. It means South Asia was inavded by Aryans and europe also. But in case of Europe since natives and aryans were racially similar people unlike Aryans and South Asian natives.

Can you please pass on the link to the research study that you're quoting moron? How many times do I have to ask you for it?
So, you don't even know the basic postulates of the Aryan Invasion theory? The Aryans occupied ancient northern India and pushed the original inhabitants of ancient south asia i.e. the Dravidians to the South. You're an Aryan if you believe in the AIT.

Read my posts again. Aryans from central Asia migrated/invaded Pakistan 1500 BC, that was their homeland for 1000 years before they migrated to India in 500BC. One is only aryan if he believes in OIT, otherwise last time i checked Central Asia is not South Asia. South Asia is not original homeland of aryans.

Can you please pass on the link to the research study that you're quoting moron? How many times do I have to ask you for it?

I already told you difference between South Indian brahmin and dalits.

Harappadna.org here you can find many samples and see youself how brahmins have higher ANI ancestry then others where they live. For exemple see difference between bihari brahmin and other caste bihari.

Hopefully after this you stop asking same stupid questions again and again.

Hi Shan bhai! Sab Khairiyat? Guluchulo ko mera pranam kehna.;)

Everything is all right bro, how are you?
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Read my posts again. Aryans from central Asia migrated/invaded Pakistan 1500 BC, that was their homeland for 1000 years before they migrated to India in 500BC. One is only aryan if he believes in OIT, otherwise last time i checked Central Asia is not South Asia. South Asia is not original homeland of aryans.

Utter and absolute moron. Cooks up his own history. Now Aryans invaded Pakistan first and then moved to India :omghaha: The Question of original homeland doesn't arise. Your and my ancestors were Aryans according to the AIT. Aryan is just a race. You're so stupid to be honest.

I already told you difference between South Indian brahmin and dalits.

Firstly, the DNA of every individual is different except for twins. So difference in DNA isn't of any relevance to the AIT debate. What is of relevance is a common genetic marker and genetics has proven beyond doubt that all castes in India share a common genetic marker. End of story.

I asked you to share the research that you were referring to and you share some blog with me. Anyways, this is all I could find there on the Aryans - Aryans | Harappa Ancestry Project This proves nothing. Having a different DNA is of no relevance as i said earlier.

Goodnight and stop talking out of your a** in future.
Utter and absolute moron. Cooks up his own history. Now Aryans invaded Pakistan first and then moved to India :omghaha: The Question of original homeland doesn't arise. Your and my ancestors were Aryans according to the AIT. Aryan is just a race. You're so stupid to be honest.

Firstly, the DNA of every individual is different except for twins. So difference in DNA isn't of any relevance to the AIT debate. What is of relevance is a common genetic marker and genetics has proven beyond doubt that all castes in India share a common genetic marker. End of story.

I asked you to share the research that you were referring to and you share some blog with me. Anyways, this is all I could find there on the Aryans - Aryans | Harappa Ancestry Project This proves nothing. Having a different DNA is of no relevance as i said earlier.

Goodnight and stop talking out of your a** in future.

Hindutvadi Bharoti will never understand simple things. I mean your stupidity is pretty clear the way you explained genetic differences between populations lol

Aryans were from central asia and invaded Pakistan first, if you payed attention in geography class you would know then why that was the case. The only way South Asians can claim aryans is if they originated from our land which they didnt. Anyone who believes in out of india theory is grade a idiot. No one believes that a part from hindutvas, thats why world laugh at your stupid historians who mix religion with history.

Anyway on topic, aurangzeb was no worse then Aryans or hindu kings like Asoka. Indian worship both of them but hate Aurangzeb for religious reasons. Especially aryans who were neither hindus or Indians.

So some Pakistanis loving Aurangzeb for religious reasons is hardly surprising.
If you go through whole discussion two aspects are evident Muslim aspect and hindo aspect of each and every history and occasion person.
So Muslims and hindo are entirely different nations, would remain different in many more centuries. Basic believes, life pattern is different SO CORE OF DISCUSSION is this difference what ever the personality is subject.THIS WAS IS RESOLUTION OF 23 MARCH 1940.
Judiciary role in government is never implementation, implementation belongs to the executive powers. Parliament legislates, executive carries out, and judiciary reviews laws.


i never said that judiciary role is to implement the laws. Its main function is to oversee the implementation and review it on timely basis.
Judiciary role in government is never implementation, implementation belongs to the executive powers. Parliament legislates, executive carries out, and judiciary reviews laws.

Aurangzeb was a coward yet we all know what he did to your king sambhaji. :lol: Also your king Shivaji had submitted to him but got pissed off during a ceremony where he felt he wasn't given proper rank and hence he went back into rebellion.

That coward made Chatrapati Sambhaji maharaj a martyr after he was betrayed.. Otherwise Aurangzeb was loosing the battle... About Shivaji maharaj, since Jai Singh had a huge army who attacked maratha teriitory and garrisons of Maratha were overwhelmed, he had to give up 23 of his fort to save his men.. For Shivaji, his men were more important than the territory unlike Aurangzeb... And for you info, he took thoes 23 forts back as well from Mughals...
He had hindu ministers, also he fought Afghans who were muslims. And killing other people in South Asia doesnt make Asoka any less then Aurangzeb. As i said before the only difference is religion, otherwise Indian loves hindu rulers who became rulers by massacring people.
Afghans were not muslims then they were hindus
The History of Modern Day India

5500 BCE to 2000 BCE: Indus Valley Civilization. Provinces withIndus Valley Civilization Sites: Sindh, Rajasthan, Punjab(both East & West), UP, Gujrat, Baluchistan, Haryana, Kashmir, Maharashtra.

2000 BCE to 600 BCE: Vedic Civilization or Gangetic Civilization.

600 BCE to 300 BCE: Sixteen Mahajanapadas or Sixteen Great Kingdoms.

4th Century BCE: The Nanda Empire. It was the first powerful and influential Indian imperial power.

322 BCE to 185 BCE:TheMaurya Empire. It was the largest ever Indian empire and imperial power.

1st Century BCE to 1st Century CE: 1) North-West India: Indo-Greek Kingdom. 2) North-Central India: Sunga Empire. 3) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 4) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

1st Century CE to 3rd Century CE: 1) North India: The Kushan Empire. 2) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 3) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

4rd Century CE to 6th Century CE: The Gupta Empire. Most of the historians consider this period as The Golden Age of India.

6th Century CE: 1) North India: The White Huna Kingdom under Mihirakula and his father Tormana. And also many small Kingdoms.. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire.

7th Century CE: 1) North India: Empire of Harshavardhan. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire and The Chalukya Empire.

NOTE: Contrary to popular beliefs, Islam came to India in this time, mainly in the south India in the 1st half of 7th century by Arab traders.

8th Century to 12th Century CE: 1) West India: TheGurjara Pratihara. 2) East India: Pala Empire. 3) South India: Rashtrakutas Empire and Chola Empire. Again, between 8th and 11th century a fierce Tripartite Struggle took place among them over Kanauj or Gangetic plane. Again, the Karkota dynasty of King Lalitaditya Muktapida of Kashmir created a huge north Indian empire (625-1003) extended upto Central Asia(Turkestan).

13th Century CE to Mid 16th Century CE: 1) North India: Delhi Sultanate. It was the third Indian empire of Central Asians after Scythians and Hunas. Sufism and Bhakti Movement started during this time. 2) South India: Chola Empire( upto mid 14th century) and Vijaynagar Empire (upto mid 16th century). 3) Other Areas: Rajputana by Rajputs, Himalayan Kingdoms by Gurkhas and Maharasthra by Bahmani Empire.

1526 CE to 1556 CE: 1) North India: Total Chaos. Four rulers came into being: Babur, Sher Shah, Humayun and Hemu Vikramaditya. 2) South India: Vijaynagar Empire.

1556 CE to 1707 CE: Mughal Empire. It was one of the greatest empires of India. Mughals were Chagatai Turks of Uzbekistan. During this time, a new culture of singing, dancing, drinking, writing, art, inter-religious marriages and synthesis of faiths developed.

1680/1707 CE to 1805/1818 CE: Maratha Empire. It was the last Pan-Indian imperial power. At its peak, it was stretched from Bengal to Peshawar and from Kashmir to Tamilnadu.

Bengal: Battle of Palassey(1757) took place which later proved to be a turning point in the history of India.

First half of the 19th Century: 1) North-West India: Sikh Kingdom in Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir and KP. 2) Rest of India: Rapid expansion of British East India Company rule annihilating many small states.

1857 CE: The Sepoy Mutiny or The Indian Rebellion.

1858 CE to 1947: British India. Bengal Renaissance. Congress was established in 1885, Muslim League in 1906 and RSS in 1925. Age of Gandhi (1919- his death).

1947 CE: Partition of India. The Republic of India was born.

1947 CE to Present Time: Nehruvian Period (1948 to 1964). Help in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. First Non-Congress Government came in 1977. India becomes a Trillion Dollar economy in 2007.

Nice summary of Indian History !!!
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