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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

One such incident,doesnot speak of the capability of the Indian media.............dat jawan should be given a life term inprisonment......dat would suit dat rascal well.......thnx
One such incident,doesnot speak of the capability of the Indian media.............dat jawan should be given a life term inprisonment......dat would suit dat rascal well.......thnx

I quoted it from one of the most respected media in India, which itself tells how the 3rd and 4th category media will do in such incidence.:hitwall:
Not neccessarily.......i told you one such incidence doesnt speak of ones capability.........even bbc or reuters faux sometimes.......but i agree all dis cannot hide da shame which dat rascal has brought to the nation....thnx
Mr Straight,

It doesnt matter how sad u & ur like minded friends felt about fellow muslim pakistani POW brothers in hindu indian hands,Its only the fact & actions urs in those days that counts.

So i'll disregard socalled muslim ummah feeling at tea time discussions and remind u what u actually did to each other during 71.

Accoring to ur own Govt data,Ur fellow muslim pakistani army didnt mind killing several lakhs of muslim & hindu bengalis in matter of some months.So much so that around one crore Bengalis entered hindu india as refugees.

muslim ummah feeling didnt stop pak army raping Bengali women in their army bases.Here is an independent media report,xwwPbkyZVJo[/media] - Bangladesh Genocide: Rape Victims

Its the hindu india which trained,funded & armed the Mukhti Bahini which u so like give all the credit for ur independence.

Also Mukhti Bahini didnt feel anything wrong in attacking pakistan army men and even some pakistani blame Mukhti Bahini for horrific atrocities on west pakistani muslim civilians.

So where was the muslim brotherhood bond, when u ppl were slaughtering each other in 71??

Finally let me say this to u and ur ilk on this forum,If u ever feel doubtful of indian contributions for the creation Bangladesh,just ask pakistani friends here.They would tell how much they hate india for dismembering their country.And they would love to do anything to avenge that humilitation of 71.Sometime thankless ppl like u make me feel u ppl didnt deserve indian assistance during 71 and we would have been better off with east pakistan.

…..Ah! ha!! I was expecting such abuse from you because—not only you—even an ordinary Muslim—with weak Imaan & Knowledge—fails to understand the Islamic view on the case of “too-emotionally-laden” Muslim vs Muslim issues. Islam—being complete in all sense—is accommodative of the fact that ‘Muslim can sometimes fail in their track committing crime’ and therefore , appropriate provisions have been kept for redress—unless he indulges in ‘shirq’.

Those who really committed the crime, we punished them as far as we could. The rest who escaped us---along with also those we punished on the earth---are left to Allah, the most effective embodiment of justice & executioner.

Now, what about those remaining millions who were not ‘actively’ involved, and also those descendants of the perpetrators ? It is again the beauty of Islam to leave appropriate and just & satisfactory instructions for such contingencies involving other innocents.

Yes, we took assistance from hindu India—but not free or as favor. You too know that. Do you yet go on raising the point only to get the pleasure of calling us “thankless” ?.

Please allow me to think you coming from higher strata.
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Sir,due to its geopraphical position and unfriendly relation with myanmar,it is highly unlikely for BD to get into a war like situation with INDIA...........further war brings huge economic downturns.......,india with its huge economy can somehow manage the situation,but can bangladesh??? Also in case of any possible war da path of any possible aid can be blocked due to its geographical positions..............how does BD plan to cope in case of such a situation???
Sir,due to its geopraphical position and unfriendly relation with myanmar,it is highly unlikely for BD to get into a war like situation with INDIA...........further war brings huge economic downturns.......,india with its huge economy can somehow manage the situation,but can bangladesh??? Also in case of any possible war da path of any possible aid can be blocked due to its geographical positions..............how does BD plan to cope in case of such a situation???

I dont think BD will ever think of going to war with India as BD have no interest in it. But the surrounding areas are very voloatile, and BD could be dragged into some regional conflict which is unwanted and the worst BD could ever think of. India and Myanmar is pushing from both sides and lot of bullshits we have to go through in day to day basis. As you are not a BD citizen and you will not feel how insecured it makes when India or Myanmar do some border skirmishes or blame us on every little things happen there.
We have a good relationship with India but it may sour anytime if NE rebel push too hard and I am 100% certain that India would force BD to get into that conflict.
The best option BD have right at this moment is to at least build a reasonable deterance militarily and pay more attention to economy and allies.
I told you in one of my previous posts,y india wd never go into war with bd..........atleast i dont find any interest for us attacking u,unless bd supports anti-india elements-(state or unstate actors).....wat makes u so sure of india attacking bd?........thnx
I told you in one of my previous posts,y india wd never go into war with bd..........atleast i dont find any interest for us attacking u,unless bd supports anti-india elements-(state or unstate actors).....wat makes u so sure of india attacking bd?........thnx

I am not saying direct invasion but India expect too much out of BD which may put us in the middle of any conflict specially with NE.:devil:
I am not saying direct invasion but India expect too much out of BD which may put us in the middle of any conflict specially with NE.:devil:

So whats the benefit India gets from this? Is there any benefit India can get by occupying BD? India cannot afford to spend money like US to occupy for the natural resources in BD. Any aggression against BD would be a major loss to India strategically. India supported '71 , so that no need to place its military in 3 of its borders in any of its conflicts .Why do you think India going to ruin its relationship with BD and lose an important partner which very much importance in safety of India .

Any kind of bad relationship with BD is a major loss to India and no "fool" will afford to lose what we gained after 71.
I cannot believe this much hate coming out of a country that we liberated! Talk about being inconsiderate...:hitwall:
I cannot believe this much hate coming out of a country that we liberated! Talk about being inconsiderate...:hitwall:
sir,first of all india only helped in the independence of bd(though in a huge manner),if it was not for the brave bd patriots,the liberation wouldnt have been possible...........and also you cant take the words of a few bangladeshis on the board as the voice of the nation.......
Well I had this thought cross my mind but if people find it too dumb or totally irrelevant and if the Mods find it stupid please delete it. How about Bangladesh sign an energy treaty with India? We have a nuclear deal and it can be used to produce electricity and you Have reserves of oil on your coastline. You give us oil and we will give you electricity.
Well I had this thought cross my mind but if people find it too dumb or totally irrelevant and if the Mods find it stupid please delete it. How about Bangladesh sign an energy treaty with India? We have a nuclear deal and it can be used to produce electricity and you Have reserves of oil on your coastline. You give us oil and we will give you electricity.

man ,let india first solve its own electricity problem.....there is a lot which is needed to be done in this sector,...thnx
yes...I know that Jako but if the FBR is successful then we will not have any kind of problem with electricity I suppose.
sir,first of all india only helped in the independence of bd(though in a huge manner),if it was not for the brave bd patriots,the liberation wouldnt have been possible...........and also you cant take the words of a few bangladeshis on the board as the voice of the nation.......

Thanks! I never doubted the bangladeshi freedom fighters,hats off to them, but unfortunately today, wars are won with technical superiority.

India knows how bangladesh is important in the south asian equation, and we will help you improve and prosper economically if you become a secular democratic nation.
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