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What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
WHAT about if ,PAF has to defend pakistan on 2 different fronts!

India was ready for air strike’
December 16, 2008 Tuesday Zilhaj 17, 1429
By Our Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Dec 15: The United States believes that after the Mumbai attacks India’s air force began preliminary preparations for possible strikes at suspected terrorist camps in Pakistan, a US news channel reported on Monday.

US military officials confirmed to CNN that the United States had information, indicating that India began to prepare air force personnel for possible missions into Pakistan after the terror attacks.

“The comments indicate that the two nuclear powers were perhaps closer to conflict in the days just after the Mumbai attacks than previously acknowledged,” the American television network observed.

One Pentagon official told CNN that the Indian air force “went on alert”.

A second official said the United States concluded these preliminary preparations would have put India quickly in the position to launch air-strikes against suspected terrorist camps and targets inside Pakistan. During these preparations, a number of senior US officials were urging India to exercise restraint.

Until now, the Bush Administration has publicly said it saw no signs of military movement by India and no indication that the Indian government was preparing any type of retaliation.

The Pentagon officials broadly described the activity as checking on the status of crew, fighter jets and weapons that were available. The extent of the reported preparation was not immediately known.

The report, however, indicates that the Bush administration took the possibility of an India-Pakistan war over the Mumbai terror attacks much more seriously than they publicly acknowledge.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen visited both India and Pakistan right after the attacks, apparently to ease tensions between the neighbours.

On their return to Washington, both officials said they saw no indication that either India or Pakistan were preparing for a war.

But in an interview to CNBC on Friday, Ms Rice said that while in New Delhi she urged Indian leaders not to take actions that could destabilise the region.

“Anything that, in fact, would make the situation worse or might introduce unintended consequences is not going to be good for the stability of the region,” said Ms Rice. “It isn’t going to address what needs to be done, and that was also my message to India.”

The statement confirms that the US not only worried about the possibility of the Mumbai attacks leading to a war but also discussed it with Indian and Pakistani leaders, urging both to show restraint.

Drone attacks to continue, says Bush
December 16, 2008 Tuesday Zilhaj 17, 1429
By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Dec 15: US President George W. Bush has indicated that drone attacks on suspected terrorist targets inside the tribal areas would continue and Washington will not consult other governments before ordering such strikes.

“You know very well that when it comes to certain matters, the US government doesn’t discuss operations,” said Mr Bush when asked if Afghan President Hamid Karzai and he were on the same page on drone attacks.

President Bush, who was talking to the White House press corps on his plane en route to Afghanistan, said he believed the Pakistani government, particularly President Asif Ali Zardari, had the determination to fight terrorists.

“President Zardari is determined,” said Mr Bush. “He’s said so publicly and he’s said so to me privately. He looked at me in the eye and said: ‘You don’t need to talk to me about extremist violence; after all, my wife got killed by extremists.’”

The US president said that for dealing with extremists who got embedded in the population, a country needed to combine pressure with a strategy to win over the hearts and minds of the local people.

“Find them and get them, press them hard, and then win the hearts and minds of the locals through economic development,” he added.

Mr Bush said that if Pakistan continued to be a place from which terrorists felt comfortable attacking infrastructure, citizens and troops, it’s going to make it difficult to succeed in Afghanistan.

“That’s why we’re working with the Pakistan government to keep the pressure on the extremists. And the more that we can get Pakistan and Afghanistan to cooperate, the easier it will be to enforce that part of the border region,” he said.

Even during this serious conversation on the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Sunday’s incident, when an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at Mr Bush, kept coming up.

Asked what Pakistan needed to do to fight terrorism, Mr Bush replied: “Well, first of all, the first question is, is there a determination” and then the engine of his plane made a sharp noise.

“The other shoe just dropped,” Mr Bush joked, causing every one to laugh.

“Quick ducking there, sir,” said a journalist referring to Mr Bush’s reaction to the shoe-throwing incident in Baghdad.

“I was worried about you. I thought you were going to have a heart attack,” said Mr Bush.

“I didn’t know what the guy said, but I saw his sole … his first … I’m pretty good at ducking, as most of you will know.”

“You were quick,” said another journalist.

“I’m talking about ducking your questions,” said Mr Bush.

“So you weren’t a lame duck,” said a third journalist, using a phrase used in the US to define a president about to hand over power to another. The comment caused moans and groans from other journalists.

“It was just a bizarre moment, but I’ve had other bizarre moments in the presidency,” said Mr Bush.

US missile attack kills two near Miramshah
December 16, 2008 Tuesday Zilhaj 17, 1429
dawn news

MIRAMSHAH, Dec 15: A missile strike by US forces killed at least two militants and injured three othersin North Waziristan on Monday, an official said.

Nuclear assets out of terrorists’ reach, Kerry told
December 16, 2008 Tuesday Zilhaj 17, 1429
dawn news
By Syed Irfan Raza

ISLAMABAD, Dec 15: Pakistan’s nuclear assets are safe and out of terrorists’ reach, President Asif Ali Zardari told US Senator John Kerry on Monday.:agree:

He is also reported to have assured the Senator, who had arrived here after a visit to India, that no one would be allowed to use Pakistani soil for terrorist activities against any other country.

The president accused India of levelling baseless allegations against Pakistan, without providing evidence.

Pakistan, he said, had already offered to cooperate with India to investigate the Mumbai terror attacks, but it had not yet responded.

“India is not providing any evidence against people allegedly involved in the attacks,” he added.

President Zardari said that Pakistan’s nuclear assets were in safe hands and well-protected and there was no possibility of their falling into the hands of terrorists.

According to sources, the president also apprised Senator Kerry about two intrusions by Indian Air Force planes into Pakistan territory.

The Senator said he did not believe that the Inter-Services Intelligence or the government of Pakistan were involved in the Mumbai attacks, but that Pakistan should take tough action against ‘non-state actors’ and cooperate with India in investigating the attacks.

He said terrorist organisations like Lashkar-e-Taiba were also a constant threat for Pakistan.

Conveying a message from US President-elect Barack Obama, Mr Kerry said the US government would help Pakistan in combating terrorism.

According to the APP, he praised the role of Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and said he was aware of what needed to be done and so was the Director-General of ISI, Lt-Gen Shuja Pasha.

He said the government had evolved a good strategy to combat Taliban in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and the NWFP, and the military had done a good job in the anti-terror war.

He said: “We hope they continue to remain more active in western parts of Pakistan and with Gen Kayani there, I think we are building a strong foundation.” Acknowledging the democratic nature of Pakistan’s government, he said: “I was there as an observer and I know it was a truly democratic election... So, we have to help them. They understand that this insurgency is also a threat to them,” he adeed.

Agencies add: Earlier in New Delhi, Mr Kerry said after meeting Indian leaders that the ISI must be tightly controlled and not be allowed to act independently.

“It is imperative that the intelligence service of Pakistan not be able to make its own choices or operate outside of the standards that we have a right to expect.”

A missile fired by US forces killed two people outside the town of Miramshah in North Waziristan tribal district,” a security official told AFP.

Three other people were injured in the strike and it was not immediately clear if the missile was fired from a drone or by US forces deployed across the border in Afghanistan, he added.

dear commrads, this a very important time in pakistan's history, most of us were thinking , about IAF ambitious plans to strike inside pakistan, but i guss , its not only that, i guss , from 1 side USAF+NATO will be taking on PAF, on the other side IAF would be looking in to the ezy targets inside pakistan.

so, does PAF has a plan & capabilities to defend pakistan , on both sides at the same time!

plz give up your good sums!
I still maintain that India is going to attack, even after we give her everything.

If I was the leader of Pakistan, I would've sent out a message that if we have enough intel that an attack from India is imminent, we won't hesitate to preemptively strike at any location within India.

I should remind you Sheikh Rasheed's attitude, "Hamla toh India ka **** bhi nahi karsakta". Obviously he doesn't know for sure, but its that kind of aggressive attitude that makes us Pakistanis. We used to take it from no one, not even Clinton was able to push us around when we were much weaker. A disciplined aggression is key here. It will ultimately reach to regional peace.
I still maintain that India is going to attack, even after we give her everything.

If I was the leader of Pakistan, I would've sent out a message that if we have enough intel that an attack from India is imminent, we won't hesitate to preemptively strike at any location within India.

I should remind you Sheikh Rasheed's attitude, "Hamla toh India ka **** bhi nahi karsakta". Obviously he doesn't know for sure, but its that kind of aggressive attitude that makes us Pakistanis. We used to take it from no one, not even Clinton was able to push us around when we were much weaker. A disciplined aggression is key here. It will ultimately reach to regional peace.

Asim Aquil; sir
you are right on the target, we need to show some sort of "disciplined aggression", also we has to shut down the drone attacks, for the time bieng, and there should be some kind of aggressive pattrolling by PAF on each fronts, i mean in NWFP even PAF Have to go inside the afghani area, for my view there should have some kind of flights on some of the indian consulats in AFGHANISTAN.
also there should be same "kind of aggressive pattrolling by PAF" on some of selected area bodering INDIA...?
I still maintain that India is going to attack, even after we give her everything.

If I was the leader of Pakistan, I would've sent out a message that if we have enough intel that an attack from India is imminent, we won't hesitate to preemptively strike at any location within India.

I should remind you Sheikh Rasheed's attitude, "Hamla toh India ka **** bhi nahi karsakta". Obviously he doesn't know for sure, but its that kind of aggressive attitude that makes us Pakistanis. We used to take it from no one, not even Clinton was able to push us around when we were much weaker. A disciplined aggression is key here. It will ultimately reach to regional peace.
Exactly the same thing I was wishing for, a change in our mentalities and policies.
Showing weakness these days, and especially in our current world means that you're automatically labeled as a country that can be easily pressurized and be told what to do.
And that's not what us Pakistanis are waiting for, the Pakistani government should act like a pitbull.
Strength is the only thing that matters in this world, everything else is just a delusion for the weak. - this is a quote I remember and always keep in mind.

These Indian threats should be dismissed, Pakistan should not be overwhelmed or feel insecure by India, instead, they should enhance their defensive capabilities so that nobody in India would even think of a military solution inside Pakistan.
If we don't act, they will, so we better be prepared.
We're dealing with a country which is flexing its muscles, it may intimidate other countries around the globe, but it sure as hell won't intimidate Pakistan.
I don't think there would be a problem for Pakistan in war by air or ground. But what about the sea? I think India may have a stronger navy than Pakistan and could cause much damage.

The most unpredictable part of the triangle in the pakistan's armed forces is the PAF. India bragging about their hi tech aircraft----PAF fans talking about their ' man behind the machine mindset'---IAF fans talking about cobra maneuvers----PAF talking about low level flt training---IAF standoffish about their 70 mile BVr's---PAF won't tell you what they have---you want to find out, you got to play the big boys games----where two leave home and only one comes back.

That makes us civilians very concerned. We say to these fighter jocks---we understand your valour and courage----but we don't want to put the fate of the nation on a gamblers instinct---. When the cards are stacked against you---it is time to fold. Come back to fight on a favourable day. That time is about two to three years away.
IMO when Indian jets violated Pakistani air space, though PAF was already waiting and responded, however a proper response would have been if Pakistan tested something new in its missile arsenal, something like gharui 3 or perhaps shaheen 3 or maybe an SLCM, giving them a clear signal that in case of a conflict, the whole of India falls within the strike range of our missiles.
Pakistan may be a pin prick, but she can cause serious damage. Therefore course of action India is likely to adopt is to keep up International pressure on Pakistan to do more and more.

Consequences of the actions against Taliban by Pakistani forces will be either that extremist elements are eliminated, in that India has achieved her objective.

Or Pakistan disintegrates into small warlord dominated provinces such as Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan. In such a scenario different factions inside Pakistan would be too busy fighting among themselves to bother India and if they do IAF could easily take care of them without the fear of any serious reprisals.

Thus India is a win win situation whereas the very existence of Pakistan is in danger.

Pro Taliban Pakistani media has done great damage to Pakistan and to Islam; because these people are the opinion makers and have been constantly reinforcing the view that Taliban are good and friends of Islam and Pakistan and Pakistani forces on the other hand are killing innocent women and children at the behest of USA and Zionists.

I still see Dr Shahid Masoud, Kamran and Hamid Mir openly preaching for the gov't to defy UN council. They don’t realize that times have changed. The mere fact that China didn’t veto the resolution signifies that world is getting fed up with Islamic jihadis and Pakistan is friendless in these circumstance.

UN Security Council has just passed a resolution to allow land action against Somalian pirates because Somalia govt has failed to stop them. Indians have succeeded in engineering a resolution which stops just short of declaring Pakistan as a terrorist state. If actions similar to the one in Bombay is repeated, we could possibly face a resolution similar to the one passed against Somalia. In such a case an international force will take action against the jihadis.

Based on the above, I don’t see why IAF should take action against Pakistan, when they can possibly get an international force to do their job. Therefore IMO IAF won’t attack inside Pakistan because this means total war with unforeseen consequences. If the actually do, than they are being stupid.
Pakistan may be a pin prick, but she can cause serious damage. Therefore course of action India is likely to adopt is to keep up International pressure on Pakistan to do more and more.

Consequences of the actions against Taliban by Pakistani forces will be either that extremist elements are eliminated, in that India has achieved her objective.

Or Pakistan disintegrates into small warlord dominated provinces such as Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan. In such a scenario different factions inside Pakistan would be too busy fighting among themselves to bother India and if they do IAF could easily take care of them without the fear of any serious reprisals.

Thus India is a win win situation whereas the very existence of Pakistan is in danger.

Pro Taliban Pakistani media has done great damage to Pakistan and to Islam; because these people are the opinion makers and have been constantly reinforcing the view that Taliban are good and friends of Islam and Pakistan and Pakistani forces on the other hand are killing innocent women and children at the behest of USA and Zionists.

I still see Dr Shahid Masoud, Kamran and Hamid Mir openly preaching for the gov't to defy UN council. They don’t realize that times have changed. The mere fact that China didn’t veto the resolution signifies that world is getting fed up with Islamic jihadis and Pakistan is friendless in these circumstance.

UN Security Council has just passed a resolution to allow land action against Somalian pirates because Somalia govt has failed to stop them. Indians have succeeded in engineering a resolution which stops just short of declaring Pakistan as a terrorist state. If actions similar to the one in Bombay is repeated, we could possibly face a resolution similar to the one passed against Somalia. In such a case an international force will take action against the jihadis.

Based on the above, I don’t see why IAF should take action against Pakistan, when they can possibly get an international force to do their job. Therefore IMO IAF won’t attack inside Pakistan because this means total war with unforeseen consequences. If the actually do, than they are being stupid.

Media isnt the only one calling out for such course of action, your very own democratic parliment has also move in such a resolution for a complete withdrawl of Pakistani forces from the area and let there be a diplomatic solution too all of this.
The majority of the Pakistani Nation thinks, its not their war and to some extent they are right, because now if we analyse the situation, its more complex then ever, where on one hand we are told to do more and hunt down the taliban and the so called AQ, on the other hand what India is doing in afghanistan right under the nose of the US and NATO, the continue propaganda of West against our nuclear programe and that too in a time when Pakistan is supposely the biggest Non NATO ally in WOT, all of this points to something else. So in a situation like this, is it wise to create more enemies, certainly not.
As for China not vetoing against the so called UN resolution, what you are forgetting is that Pakistan it self did not object the resolution, how will you expect others to stand by you if you yourself are direction less. I dont see it any other way round. If Pakistan had objected the resolution and had gone forward to contest it in the international court and china would have not stood up, then we could agree to what you just said above, however when we our self are not objecting to it, how can we even think that china will go the other way round.
I am appalled at the defeatist mentality shown here...

Allow me to provide some hope in this dreary and weary thread. Very interesting topic if I may say so...

First, we must realize India has many enemies in our region, let's exploit this animosity against India, if Pakistan wishes to live in this tough and brutal neighborhood called South Asia than indeed we must play rough but ultimately wise!


We have Myanmar (Anti-India) which is propped up by China, we have Bangladesh a pretty Anti-India country itself, we also have Sri Lanka a country fed up with Indian adventurism, we also have Kashmir and many provinces in India that are chaotic and unstable and frustration with Hindu India is at an all time high. WHY is Pakistan not using this too it's advantage??? Are we really afraid of the US or India that much, that Pakistan is becoming a Lamb State?

We should understand what Sun Tzu mentioned in the Holy Book of War "The Art of War."

From the chapter Tactical Dispositions

2. "To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own
hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is
provided by the enemy himself.
3. "Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself
against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the

To secure ourselves against defeat lies in OUR OWN HANDS. This is what Today's Pakistan has forgotten! It does not lye in the hands of the US nor the hands of the UN or China. We are not using the most creative ways to fight and defend against India, we should not rely simply on our Military wings and ISI to defend us, we are outnumbered in all three categories... (Army, Navy, Air Force)

We should execute attacks from Myanmar, from inside India, let's not forget there are 160+ Million Muslims in India many of whom have sympathies with Pakistan (as Mr. Jinnah fought for them as well). Attack from Bangladesh, set up camps and bases to distract India away from Pakistan to divert it's attention elsewhere and that India will spend it's energy and time everywhere else except Pakistan.

We should learn what has happened to the USA in Iraq, WE CAN also bog India down in Bangladesh, in Kashmir, in Myanmar, and in Sri Lanka, we must become creative and our attacks must not simply be conventional they must be brilliant and mysterious, I call this shadow war. Meaning fighting enemies and battles that are not your true enemy though to you they appear as the TRUE DANGER however they are a mere shadows distracting you from the real entity (in this case Pakistan).
However, today Pakistan is perceived weak and under pressure which it is, we can also use this "perception" to our advantage.

22. "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate
him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant
." - Laying Plans -Sun Tzu

So what does this mean for Us? That is for you to think about...

You can thank me later.
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Pakistan may be a pin prick, but she can cause serious damage. Therefore course of action India is likely to adopt is to keep up International pressure on Pakistan to do more and more.

Consequences of the actions against Taliban by Pakistani forces will be either that extremist elements are eliminated, in that India has achieved her objective.

Or Pakistan disintegrates into small warlord dominated provinces such as Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan. In such a scenario different factions inside Pakistan would be too busy fighting among themselves to bother India and if they do IAF could easily take care of them without the fear of any serious reprisals.

Thus India is a win win situation whereas the very existence of Pakistan is in danger.

Pro Taliban Pakistani media has done great damage to Pakistan and to Islam; because these people are the opinion makers and have been constantly reinforcing the view that Taliban are good and friends of Islam and Pakistan and Pakistani forces on the other hand are killing innocent women and children at the behest of USA and Zionists.

I still see Dr Shahid Masoud, Kamran and Hamid Mir openly preaching for the gov't to defy UN council. They don’t realize that times have changed. The mere fact that China didn’t veto the resolution signifies that world is getting fed up with Islamic jihadis and Pakistan is friendless in these circumstance.

UN Security Council has just passed a resolution to allow land action against Somalian pirates because Somalia govt has failed to stop them. Indians have succeeded in engineering a resolution which stops just short of declaring Pakistan as a terrorist state. If actions similar to the one in Bombay is repeated, we could possibly face a resolution similar to the one passed against Somalia. In such a case an international force will take action against the jihadis.

Based on the above, I don’t see why IAF should take action against Pakistan, when they can possibly get an international force to do their job. Therefore IMO IAF won’t attack inside Pakistan because this means total war with unforeseen consequences. If the actually do, than they are being stupid.

Honestly, Sir, regardless of my nationality, I have to agree here. It's high-time your country got rid of extremism.
well,, neither numbers nor technologies win battles it is the selfdetermination and the morale which matters.. indians do know that agar aik musalman iman kay naam peh khara ho jay to phir uss ko koi chees nai rok sakti and they also know that agar unhon nay hamla kia to unhi ki band bajay gee.kyunki hum to pehlay say hi tarsay huwae log hain aur indians ki band bajanay kay lyae aur wait nai kar saktay
War or pre-emptive strike: NO WAY….We are not ready yet…:disagree:

If we look at the last two military conflicts with India, one thing stands out….Military fought their heart out and did their best, it was political leadership that let everybody down and made us look like a clown in the eyes of the rest of the world….Look around you guys and its almost the same situation once again….

Have you guys ever heard your leaders? Have you monitored their tones? Ever listened to their lame/weak explanations? A toy bomb goes off in Tamil Nadu and they start to poop in the pants here….They get loose motions over a teeny remark from across the border and can't even stand by their own strong points….Do you want to sacrifice your million men/women for these twinks and tits who cant even take a stand for you….

I am sorry to predict that, but if we have a war with India right now, we will be the biggest losers’ courtesy to our own leadership…In current situation; we will be trampled so badly from all directions that will take decades to recover…..

A weak force with strong leadership can still do wonders BUT a war (of words) that is lost on table cannot be recovered by people in the field: no matter what weapons you have or how bravely one fights…
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Pakistan may be a pin prick, but she can cause serious damage. Therefore course of action India is likely to adopt is to keep up International pressure on Pakistan to do more and more.

Consequences of the actions against Taliban by Pakistani forces will be either that extremist elements are eliminated, in that India has achieved her objective.

Or Pakistan disintegrates into small warlord dominated provinces such as Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan. In such a scenario different factions inside Pakistan would be too busy fighting among themselves to bother India and if they do IAF could easily take care of them without the fear of any serious reprisals.

Thus India is a win win situation whereas the very existence of Pakistan is in danger.

Pro Taliban Pakistani media has done great damage to Pakistan and to Islam; because these people are the opinion makers and have been constantly reinforcing the view that Taliban are good and friends of Islam and Pakistan and Pakistani forces on the other hand are killing innocent women and children at the behest of USA and Zionists.

I still see Dr Shahid Masoud, Kamran and Hamid Mir openly preaching for the gov't to defy UN council. They don’t realize that times have changed. The mere fact that China didn’t veto the resolution signifies that world is getting fed up with Islamic jihadis and Pakistan is friendless in these circumstance.

UN Security Council has just passed a resolution to allow land action against Somalian pirates because Somalia govt has failed to stop them. Indians have succeeded in engineering a resolution which stops just short of declaring Pakistan as a terrorist state. If actions similar to the one in Bombay is repeated, we could possibly face a resolution similar to the one passed against Somalia. In such a case an international force will take action against the jihadis.

Based on the above, I don’t see why IAF should take action against Pakistan, when they can possibly get an international force to do their job. Therefore IMO IAF won’t attack inside Pakistan because this means total war with unforeseen consequences. If the actually do, than they are being stupid.

Dear niaz , sir
thanks a lot sir, for your contribution to the thread but, i dont agree to the point that pakistan should keep its hands in the dirty war in afghanistan, its oky with the small kind of opreation against the people who were fighting against pakistan, but we should stop of bieng " chokidar"!
after 8 long years , pakistan was still told "do more,do more" and there is no concrete thinking of pakistan's economic, & defence needs , we were bieng payed like a "daily wages employe", the other thing which we should take care of! is our "slave like attitude", & our fear of the hardships !

yes we should , try to build good relationship with india, but its not only on us that we should follow everything , from everybody?
if india can break in to our airspace 3 times in week , USAF keep sending its drones , no matter how much our people like or not! is that what we called ourselves a independent nation!

the whole theory , of "FIGHTING THE WAR OF TERROR" was resulted in huge distruction of the pakistani society, its economy & its unity, i guss its about time that we should , try to mentain peace, but only if the others are serious about peace too, its not only pakistan,s responsibilty to be a " CHOKIDAR" OF PEACE.
well , i dont mind if you cant see , IAF flying SU30's on lahore , karachi , faisalabad, sialkot, its already 3 times this week that , IAF BREAK INTO OUR AIRSPACE, still you think that they are just , looking some tea shop to drink tea! than its oky & fine:lol:
How can we include Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar as allies when mother China itself won't help us in the UN Security Council...

I knew all that nakli cheen aur pakistan dosti was horse radish, it's time we relied on ourselves as so many are suggesting and make our stance firm and stop pussy footing around.

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