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What if......A nuclear free world?

Survival of the fittest do you mean??
Nope dont worry the speed with which our species has been acquiring self destructive weapons ,we would not have to "fight" for our survival, as in another 500yrs our planet would have been wiped off this solar system, courtesy human greed and nuclear war.

I like greed, greed is good. :D

It is the main motivating agent in my life, i imagine the day i'd drive my way to work in a Jaguar or Bentley, and the number platte will read, 'Suck on that, bitches'. :lol:
I like greed, greed is good. :D

It is the main motivating agent in my life, i imagine the day i'd drive my way to work in a Jaguar or Bentley, and the number platte will read, 'Suck on that, bitches'. :lol:


Btw a number plate CAN NOT have a sentence.8-) And specially not an obscene one.
And I thought your fav car was Nissan GTR :coffee:
So greed...no greed, you will NOT get a number plate in any case.8-)
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Btw a number plate CAN NOT have a sentence.8-) And specially not an obscene one.
And I thought your fav car was Nissan GTR :coffee:
So greed...no greed, you will get a number plate in any case.8-)

GTR is good too, but that doesn't ooze out the class as a Bentley or Jaguar does. If i'm lucky enough, i might buy a Jaguar if i get good enough funding. :)
I love to post Hypothetical scenario which is not possible/achievable, but I ask for fun. In one thread I asked what would the world look like or do if suddenly there is no US/UN in one fine morning. In another thread I posted about top 11 armies. Then there was a poster which said that some countries can destroy the world XX times with their N-weapons. This brought another hypothetical question in to my head after having three pegs during my club meeting (today is Saturday Night...:D)

Question : What would the world look like or countries behave on a fine morning when you woke up with all the countries which have nuclear weapons (all kinds i.e Atom, Hydrogen, Neutron etc.) hidden or declared are found to be "dud"? (I do not know how but by any means..say by magic).......:azn:

@DRAY @Skull and Bones @Indischer @Dem!god @scorpionx @Peter C @gambit @levina @Jaanbaz @Marshmallow @Sidak @Chinese-Dragon @chak de INDIA and others for funny and serious comments
Human civilization is over 5000 years old. Nuclear weapons are less than 70 years old.

I dont think that last 70 years of human history were worse than previous 5000.
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GTR is good too, but that doesn't ooze out the class as a Bentley or Jaguar does. If i'm lucky enough, i might buy a Jaguar if i get good enough funding. :)

Whats so good about a jaguar???
Why not a buggati??? or a rolls royce???
But then I guess Rolls Royce guys would not allow your kinda number plate. :coffee:
Nope we are humans and not animals.
Morality exists in humans and not in animals.Humans and animals negotiate ‘conflict' by fundamentally different means. According to Darwinian evolution we select for behaviours that minimise conflict and strengthen social ties but in animal kingdom it is ‘you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'.
Human beings negotiate conflict through socially created values and codes of conduct.So NO we dont have to behave like animals or use "feral attacks" as an excuse to possess nuclear arms.
And as somebody said "We use nuclear weapons everyday ...to deter our potential foes and provide reassurance to the allies to whom we offer protection."America being one big brother who keeps more than what it needs to protect itself because they're supposedly protecting their younger "siblings".
Humans are worst than animal if they want to be cz animals kill not for fun its their nature their way of survival Humans do for fun for land , for money even without reasons
If animals are loyal the stay until die you cant say about all humans
Darwinian Prove his theories are correct , now even the scientist believe thats not possible
@DRAY @Skull and Bones @Indischer @Dem!god @scorpionx @Peter C @gambit @levina @Jaanbaz @Marshmallow @Sidak @Chinese-Dragon @chak de INDIA and others for funny comments:

Another hypothetical not so serious question (as to day is Sunday) :

If you have to live in your own country not leave it and you are given only one chance to do the tectonic shift and allowed to take your country any where, then Where would you like to shift it and surrounded by whom and why?.....:D
near Venezuela.....where u can find the best of the best hotties...... :D:D
I would like to participate in rio carnival too....and I am definitely going to do that within couple of years from now....:partay::partay:
@DRAY @Skull and Bones @Indischer @Dem!god @scorpionx @Peter C @gambit @levina @Jaanbaz @Marshmallow @Sidak @Chinese-Dragon @chak de INDIA and others for funny comments:

Another hypothetical not so serious question (as to day is Sunday) :

If you have to live in your own country not leave it and you are given only one chance to do the tectonic shift and allowed to take your country any where, then Where would you like to shift it and surrounded by whom and why?.....:D

Nobody, I would prefer us to be a separate sub-continent in the middle of the ocean, just like Australia. Though @Skull and Bones proposal of Latin America is very tempting. :D
I love to post Hypothetical scenario which is not possible/achievable, but I ask for fun. In one thread I asked what would the world look like or do if suddenly there is no US/UN in one fine morning. In another thread I posted about top 11 armies. Then there was a poster which said that some countries can destroy the world XX times with their N-weapons. This brought another hypothetical question in to my head after having three pegs during my club meeting (today is Saturday Night...:D)

Question : What would the world look like or countries behave on a fine morning when you woke up with all the countries which have nuclear weapons (all kinds i.e Atom, Hydrogen, Neutron etc.) hidden or declared are found to be "dud"? (I do not know how but by any means..say by magic).......:azn:

@DRAY @Skull and Bones @Indischer @Dem!god @scorpionx @Peter C @gambit @levina @Jaanbaz @Marshmallow @Sidak @Chinese-Dragon @chak de INDIA and others for funny and serious comments

WW3 within a year. :D
@DRAY @Skull and Bones @Indischer @Dem!god @scorpionx @Peter C @gambit @levina @Jaanbaz @Marshmallow @Sidak @Chinese-Dragon @chak de INDIA and others for funny comments:

Another hypothetical not so serious question (as to day is Sunday) :

If you have to live in your own country not leave it and you are given only one chance to do the tectonic shift and allowed to take your country any where, then Where would you like to shift it and surrounded by whom and why?.....:D
to some beautiful island like Bora Bora etc where theres natural beauty....sea...greenery....awesome weather all the time...away from rest of the crazy world so no wars/conflicts and only peace!:tongue:
Smaller Nations with weaker Conventional forces are much better off as Nuclear Powers as " MAD " keeps the stronger ones blackmail smaller Nations, Militarily.

Ever since Pakistan has developed Nuclear Force, India has died a thousand deaths trough Frustration. The day Pakistan exploded the Nukes, there was a scene of ARMEGADDEN in the Indian Parliament.....
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