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What has made you smile today?

I did not know that Aleem Dar (ICC Cricket Umpire of the Year 2010) has been paying money every month to the family of the bus driver (who was driving the bus that contained the match officials and players) who died in the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan Cricket team.

This info made me smile today. He is true Hero of Pakistan, role model for youngsters. Deserves a lot of respect.


I have this habit of not reading the user Ids of members on forums carefully which often result in reading them wrongly and almost every day i come to know what was the real name lolzzz

it makes me laugh sometimes
I got a smile and laugh just 5 minutes ago due to fight in my next cubicles. 2 girls from different projects were working and suddenly start fighting "u dont know anything" "U go offf" "u better get off":argh::argh: .. lol this was hilarious for my cubicle's fellow.. I am still rofling :rofl:..

i wish fight go ahead and i could see they are pulling each other's hair and slap each other.. :rofl: :rofl:
That I was again late from office and still avoided cross on my attendance :lol: :lol:......my odds are doing fantastic these days :D
Hillary Clinton´s sudden fart while she was delivering a speech!
:cool: What made me smile was the sudden realisation:

It's FRIDAY ! :partay:

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