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What do you think will happen to the islamic world once israel is uprooted?

The Iranian leadership has adopted such a firm stance that it can not back out of it without losing face.

Do they have a really have a face? They don't wear beard for good looks, We blame more often the Wahabi Islam as the precurseur of the destruction of the Arab world, but the Mollah with Rafsendjani married it to terrorisme...Those guys have no face and are dirty as they look.

You remember the demonstrations in Iran by the opposition? Be assured that they will make full use of any change in Iranian policy. This is why Ahmedinejad and the Ayatollah will continue the current foreign policy with regards to Israel.

Iran does not have a belligerent policy against Israel all that noise of warring drums are for domestic consumption. The only policy that Iran has in his sleeve is to crush the sunny domination of the middle east and it is a battle of wills between Saoudi Arabia and them. Israel is only a spectator in a wrong show.!

And maintaining low level relations is nothing to be excited about. We maintain better ties with a country we've fought wars with. So I hope you'll pardon me if I don't attach too much importance with "Iranian presence" in Tel Aviv because neither does Israel.

I was talking about Iranian goods in Israelis markets...
The conditions for the Jew to achieve their homeland was laid out both in the Torah and the Quran. One of which was they had to wait until their messiah comes and he would relocate them to Israel and establish just rule throughout the world. The Jews say their messiah has not come yet so basically they prematurely created the nation state and broke from the covenant of God. That is why a lot of American Jews do not recognize Israel and have no ties to Israel, because they consider it blasphemous. If you are a Muslim you say their messiah did come and they refused to recognize him so they broke with the covenant regardless.

Kindly, can I have the reference? Verse number etc? Please.
Kindly, can I have the reference? Verse number etc? Please.

Bible prophecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those are from the Hebrew bible (Torah), according to their own torah it was their messiah who will reestablish Israel and since they did it prematurely they have broken with the covenant.

Quran references to Israelites

The Banishment

[59.2] He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book to go forth from their homes at the first banishment you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah; but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts; they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers; therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes!

[59.3] And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have chastisement of the fire.

The Ranks

[61.6] And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the apostle of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Apostle who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic.

[61.7] And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah and he is invited to Islam, and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

[61.14] O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as~ Isa son of Marium said to (his) disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost.

In the Quran it is made clear that they are being punished for their rejection of Jesus (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) afterwards which is why they broke with the covenant.

Although if you have read a couple of Hadiths you will know the capture of Al quds by Jewish forces and Israel was all foretold along with what happens next but I will not post those because I do not want to start a troll war. Although it is questionable if said Hadiths are truly Sahih.
I only believe this:

And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness. So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled. Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower
[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.

Noble Quran » English - Sahih International » Sorah Al-Isra ( The Night Journey )
nothing, you guys will keep being as ignorant as you are nowadays !!
you have been fighting for the last 14 centuries, what will change now or tomorrow ?

you will invent new reasons to hate each, you will create a new enemy, you are going to blame a new entity and you are going to be as you are right now "a failure state story".

don't worry you can't help it, it's your nature to be that way :/
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