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What do you think will happen to the islamic world once israel is uprooted?

I think Iran will be uprooted before Israel. Iran doesn't have nukes. Israel has already nuclear arsenal. They only need a good excuse.

Geography of the area will be suicidal for either one them to use these kind of weapons. Beside they don't need them to achieve the same results and neither Israel or Iran will be uprooted...

I propose a similar doctrine for Pakistan, aptly named "The Samossa Option"!

Btw, it comes in two varieties, baked (tactical) and deep fried (thermonuclear). :D

Do you really thing that Pakistan will be given the time to use it's arsenal?
Why would Israel need a deterrent against West while She has neigboring and regional countries as enemies? I thought Israeli nukes are deterrent for countries who threaten her existence..I dont see any western country threatens her existence
Israel's neighbors are not a threat to its existence, the shoa wasn't the legacy of it's neighbors either. Those nukes are destined to protect them the ones that complicitly sent them to Hitler's gas chambers.

KSA has nukes? Interesting..I dont think so[/QUOTE]
KSA bankrolled the Pakistani nuclear program and they are the only one beside Israel that has a de facto working nukes with complecency of the USA...
I propose a similar doctrine for Pakistan, aptly named "The Samossa Option"!

Btw, it comes in two varieties, baked (tactical) and deep fried (thermonuclear). :D

They probably already have such a doctrine.

Israel's neighbors are not a threat to its existence, the shoa wasn't the legacy of it's neighbors either. Those nukes are destined to protect them the ones that complicitly sent them to Hitler's gas chambers.

KSA has nukes? Interesting..I dont think so
KSA bankrolled the Pakistani nuclear program and they are the only one beside Israel that has a de facto working nukes with complecency of the USA...[/QUOTE]

You are asinine, KSA has no nukes if Pakistan had given them some it would have came out by now. Israel's nukes are aimed at all Arab capitals and a bunch of European capitals as well they have never tried to deny it and the Samson option is well known. You are trying to say the nukes would not used on their neighbors?? Why, because they send roses to each other every valentines day that only you know about?? :lol:
You are asinine
That applies more to you and here I am the rider here..
KSA has nukes and are fitted to the missiles that she bought from China...

Israel has no geographic depth to use those weapons on its arab neighbors unless they are of tactic type (shells) because it will endanger its own population from the fall out. Beside in the last wars, Israel overcome the arab troups with conventional weapons and they can do it again with one hand tied behind their back.
Every country has a Samson option, but nuking their arab their backyard is simply suicidal...Beside Israel is smart enough no to defecate where she eat.
That applies more to you and here I am the rider here..
KSA has nukes and are fitted to the missiles that she bought from China...

Israel has no geographic depth to use those weapons on its arab neighbors unless they are of tactic type (shells) because it will endanger its own population from the fall out. Beside in the last wars, Israel overcome the arab troups with conventional weapons and they can do it again with one hand tied behind their back.
Every country has a Samson option, but nuking their arab their backyard is simply suicidal...Beside Israel is smart enough no to defecate where she eat.

You have no idea what you are talking about.....
Read up on the history of the samson option, they have already threatened to nuke Cairo and Damascus in 1973.
M.A Jinnah said:-
"Israel is the bastard son of the west":coffee:
I will love to see its total anhialation!
You have no idea what you are talking about.....
Read up on the history of the samson option, they have already threatened to nuke Cairo and Damascus in 1973.
Threat to us them when the IDF was in disarray, but never loaded them. That is a big difference. Time has evolved so are strategies..

M.A Jinnah said:-
"Israel is the bastard son of the west":coffee:
I will love to see its total anhialation!
You sound like Pat Roberson.
Threat to us them when the IDF was in disarray, but never loaded them. That is a big difference. Time has evolved so are strategies..

You sound like Pat Roberson.

The sampson option is designed to be used when Israel state has been overrun conventionally so I do not think they would care about the consequences of nuclear fall out. :cheesy: It is "if we go down we are taking everyone with us".
Threat to us them when the IDF was in disarray, but never loaded them. That is a big difference. Time has evolved so are strategies..

You sound like Pat Roberson.

pat robertson was pro-israel
They probably already have such a doctrine.

KSA bankrolled the Pakistani nuclear program and they are the only one beside Israel that has a de facto working nukes with complecency of the USA...

You are asinine, KSA has no nukes if Pakistan had given them some it would have came out by now. Israel's nukes are aimed at all Arab capitals and a bunch of European capitals as well they have never tried to deny it and the Samson option is well known. You are trying to say the nukes would not used on their neighbors?? Why, because they send roses to each other every valentines day that only you know about?? :lol:[/QUOTE]

I don't think Israel Is that stupid to nuke its neighbour.
Just today, 69 Pakistanis were killed in bomb blasts. How many THOUSANDS have died in Iraq after U.S left? Muslim World needs to put their house in order first. Total GDP of Islamic World is somewhere around ~$10 trillion (PPP). What an effin shame...Israel doesn't threat Islam..Muslims' backwardness, laziness, and retardness does however threat Islam.

Muslims must "uproot" their ignorance/poverty/backwardness before uprooting Israel etc.

State of Palestine shall be established and E.Jerusalem must be the capital of this state. Simple as that.

Jews also have a right to have a country..no?

Btw , people are discussing so called "Samson Option" of Israel...Well if Israel deploys this, then it means the end of Judaism/Jewish race forever from the face of this Earth...Just sayin
M.A Jinnah said:-
"Israel is the bastard son of the west":coffee:
I will love to see its total anhialation!

Jews also have a right to have a country..no?

You see this why having knowledge on this topic is so important. Ignorance is a major problem.
Persuading Muslims to have Jews their own land is silly. Even if you brain washed all the hard core Mullahs and devoted Muslims together of Israel existence should be, Israel will still be in pearl. Even Jews have said that they are not allowed to have their own because it wasn't them or Muslims or any other mortal that made that decision but from the Jewish God - YHWH - ALLAH (swt). The lord of the worlds the most forgiving and merciful He has said that the Jews will never have their own land because of them spreading corruption around the world. ANd belive me its pretty bad .So if you want JEws t have their own land talk to God not hate a Muslim.
You see this why having knowledge on this topic is so important. Ignorance is a major problem.
Persuading Muslims to have Jews their own land is silly. Even if you brain washed all the hard core Mullahs and devoted Muslims together of Israel existence should be, Israel will still be in pearl. Even Jews have said that they are not allowed to have their own because it wasn't them or Muslims or any other mortal that made that decision but from the Jewish God - YHWH - ALLAH (swt). The lord of the worlds the most forgiving and merciful He has said that the Jews will never have their own land because of them spreading corruption around the world. ANd belive me its pretty bad .So if you want JEws t have their own land talk to God not hate a Muslim.

Where does in Qur'an or Sahih Hadiths it *specifically* says that Jews can not have their own homeland ever etc? Kindly, post the verse.

BTW, why your flags are Israeli? Are you an Arab Israeli? Or a Pakistan that is just putting flags of Israel?

BTW, why your flags are Israeli? Are you an Arab Israeli? Or a Pakistan that is just putting flags of Israel?

WHy is my flag so important
Why is your Flag pakistani ? A lost person or some troll to start a flame on the thread.
STOP Trolling its against forum rules.
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