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what do you russians think about us

I don't think that thread is fitting to you, you have no idea about the subject, you have no idea about the history or the nature of these historical subjects, you just have a grudge againts Islam and idle talking here.
I don't think that thread is fitting to you, you have no idea about the subject, you have no idea about the history or the nature of these historical subjects, you just have a grudge againts Islam and idle talking here.

Go ask cossacks on the subject of muslims , preferably older generation,like ones settled in kransodar krai or ones settled near kazakh borders.They know a lot about the practices of their forefathers.

But don't tell them your name or use fake name.If they know you are muslim they will sugarcoat it.
And my great great uncle was saying all Arabs should have been killed, because he fought at Arabian peninsula at ww1, so what ? are we gonna get his opinion as fact ? seriously go read history.
And my great great uncle was saying all Arabs should have been killed, because he fought at Arabian peninsula at ww1, so what ? are we gonna get his opinion as fact ? seriously go read history.

are you cherkesi?
No why ?
I personally have no problems with the Turkmens. I hope that in a few years we will again live in our common superpower - to conquer the space, develop science, visit each other's homes.

Most Pakistanis today would love to have a much better relations with the " New Russia ".

Russians would find a warm Welcome in Pakistani homes.

Large number of cherkesi were in ottoman/turk army..

seriously go read history.

A lot of things that cossacks would do and organize are not documented.Same for islamic invaders . But then there are taunts used by cossacks ,like did you gulp the cabbage soup at naur ,my man ,used in Adegya ,which still start of bloody fights.If you have full knowledge behind the history of cossacks then I think you will understand.Even western historians don't have full advantage and knowledge.

But nowadays ,most russian settlers in adegya frown at cossacks and cossack-wannabes and they are seen as ruffians and hooligans looking for fights with cherkessi and what cossacks call churkha .

But then cossack patrols have good support in Moscow,Krasnoder Krai etc as they have been instrumental in controlling crime.
And a lot of the things they think cannot be accepted as fact, just like the example I gave, such rural people have simple and straight opinions, we fight againts Muslims ? Muslims are bad, we fight againts Arabs ? Arabs are bad.
I think the occupation of Turkmenistan was necessary, otherwise it would have continued capturing Russian slaves until this day. Persians were also kidnapped by Uzbeks and Turkmens because they were Shia.
Your turk ancestors were a lot worse than this . Google what Timur did in India to kafirs. Your islamic empires killed over 270 million. What Russians did was a reaction to islamic brutality on kafirs. Russian policy is always vengenance if harmed and I applaud them for this stance.
lol just for know iran's populations before ww1 was about the 8 million with all farms mountain and sea it was maximum of our populations cuz we need fed them idk how you could increase your population in 13/14 century to that size which you could give 279 million casualty of war btw the only army which could kill such great population is a nomadic army the last nomadic army in world was the mongol army which they were gone long time before raise of timur . what a super natural army was that army which could kill 270 million and you indian just sit and watch how they killing you :lol: i cant imagine what size of army can do that dude i thing you watch supernatural tv show too mach! :omghaha:
but raising and feeding that size of arm is surly impossible . even if they kill 270 million indian are you comparing 13-14 century with with government of 18-19 century ?:crazy:

Yep,Turkmens/turkics and other muslim nations use to have sex slave markets where kafir women captured in raids were sold.
Totally disgusting
turkmen and sex slave :eek: . here among turkmens male and females are equals probably you know nothing about my people you don't know how we marry lol isn't you indians have traditions of offering your girls to rich mens and see it as oblation ?? i know turkmen have slavery and we use it instead of execution have you ever ask why turkmenistan dont have a execution punishment today or life time imprisonment ? maximum punishment in turkmenistan is 20 years in jail thats all :wave:
but sex slavery? with kafirs ? the question is how can we get those "kafirs" you probably failed in geography lesson:rofl: . do you know how far Ashgabat and moscow are ?with no road or railway ? :omghaha::crazy:

I do agree that Russia civilised the stans
if so the British have done same with you the differences is , we fight to get our independence in every single opportunity we get but you were to loyal to your British masters even you killed your own people for them ! :disagree: . cossacks were just like you :agree:

i understand you wanna show you are a friend of russians but jumping and trolling in the thread which have n0thing to do with you is NOT the way
I think the occupation of Turkmenistan was necessary, otherwise it would have continued capturing Russian slaves until this day.
the only reasons russians came here was the our gold mines which today is among 10 top biggest gold mine in the world they need gold to fight of ottomans in Ukraine

Persians were also kidnapped by Uzbeks and Turkmens because they were Shia
don't be silly you were fundamentalists-fanatics shia which see as as kafir and always wanted t become shia while our islam as half pagian half sunni and when amir kabir make pace with us you get mad so you just murderd him and invite our agh'saghal (eldars) and ishans(people's chosen to speak for turkmens ) to talk in mashad but you killed them all so you could start your holy war you wanted and attack us with 5 time larger army after 14 month fight you defeated and returned with handful of your men

جنگ مرو - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

and since you were not willing to give us pace proposal than we raid all khorasan to force you to make one

the topic is about turkmens and russians and it dont talk about past history but today feelings toward each others :offtopic:
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