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I enjoy seeing vile hatred seeping through the ducts of the inter-tubes.

Seep more fundamentalists!!!
:angel: You would be doing a great service to your country if you can do some introspection.

Same for you.

But please try to talk like a female,

And what is the criteria in your country for female talking ?

do not get into mould of a Internet Warrior who can show no achievements in real world.

Why that should be any of your business ?
Reason: i was bored and i didn't have a girlfriend then :D

too addicted to leave now. ;)
I enjoy seeing vile hatred seeping through the ducts of the inter-tubes.

Seep more fundamentalists!!!

Sadly we have enough generalizing trolls in this forum. No need fo' more, thanks
Ahmad he meant - Atleast something good (You joined Def.Pk) happend because of them (Google search result - Good taliban).
I was bored & Didn't have a Girlfriend then

too addicted to PDF now.

When I first got to PDF through Google searches, I was expecting this to be a hate site with all kinds of fundamentalists posting nonsense. However, when I read several posts, I realized that the moderators and senior members of this forum are actually balanced and sensible individuals - and I saw quite a lot of Pakistanis who were moderate here.

A country's fate, to a large extent, depends on the mindset of the policymakers and decision makers. If the Pakistani decision makers were like the owners of this forum, Pakistan would have been like a small version of China today. I am most impressed by the fact that even though this is a Pak forum, Indian members are allowed to post here in huge numbers. Commitment to free speech is a very good trait of this forum.

Among Pakistani posters I enjoy posts by T-Faz, AgosticMuslim, SparklingWay, Santro, Muse (and several others), even though I do not always agree with their views. I dislike posters who are constantly seeped in conspiracy theories like Jana and Batman, for example.

My honest 2 cents.
:angel: You would be doing a great service to your country if you can do some introspection.

There is no scarcity of politicians in India, so I never expected you to talk like politician.

But please try to talk like a female, do not get into mould of a Internet Warrior who can show no achievements in real world.

Epic sexist fail.

Earlier visiting this forum I had a type of neutral opinion about Pakistan, i.e. neither like nor dislike. But this forum has made me to hate Pakistan from the core of my heart.

Hey....You are going to hate us more...Because such stupid comments and few below will surely lead you to ban......

And who know then you come again with new id and BS.....

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