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What Africans really think of China !!!!

I read carefully... all the authors or papers you listed are West mouthpieces. Even the SomalilandPress, which sounds African, but the author's name is Mark T Jones.

It explains all, you gleeful Indian. :lol:

Are they wrong?

If so, where?

That is the nub of the issue and not their nationalities.
If Kamkaze is an Indian, then you must be a monkey's uncle as the Americans say

Nice to see double American flags.

Guess who is a fake?

Where is that chinese flag that you used to sport?
The Chinese think they can fool the Africans as they are poor.

That's a typical Indian mentality jumping out from a Bharat brain.

Chinese business ethic calls for "no cheating on child or old." (童叟无欺) since ancient time.
That's a typical Indian mentality jumping out from a Bharat brain.

Chinese business ethic calls for "no cheating on child or old." (童叟无欺) since ancient time.

Your business ethics should be amended to include "no cheating on the poor" as well. :D
That's a typical Indian mentality jumping out from a Bharat brain.

Chinese business ethic calls for "no cheating on child or old." (童叟无欺) since ancient time.

No Africans are rich.

And the Chinese are only helping to them to get richer and have the larger share of the loot!!

Modern chinese ethics = who the hell cares so long as I can wean away the milk or something like that said by Deng!

chinese dont toot horns - they blare and then act coy like virgin brides!
Indian mentality says they are the best and wherever they go turns into a heaven due to intelligence and civilization of Indians and the arguments on this board reflect that. When it comes to business, Even india has a history of dealing smoothly with dubious regimes. Saddam or Iraq, Assad of Syria, Israel and even worst apartheid South Africa were / are Indians best trading partners.

In reality, we live in a free world and African countries are free as well open for business too. Indian enterprises have hard time operating in fair and transparent manner even in some of the most civlized countries like USA. H1-B scam, Indian racism towards locals, Indian colonialism of jobs is now all over the American media.

Lets not forget that most of these Indian companies will be riding their success on Chinese built and funded infrastructure.
May be they should learn to get along and conduct business ethically instead of being so overly focused on cost cutting.

If the Chinese are cheap, the Indian are not better either..at least not in my view..wages and working conditions at overseas branches of some name brand Indian business amount to slavery.

Sometimes its hard to comprehend the Indian logic but it is something like this:
If Chinese made it, its bound to be cheap quality and fail..?

Road and bridges fail all the time around the world..they are called accidents..teams scourge for evidence and scientefic facts. Nobody runs around looking for nationality of contractor and connect it to cause of failure.

Perhaps over shadows of colonial past where Asians were dehumanized and called chinks / yelllows?

I heard even today in India, the mongoloid looking people are highly discriminated against?

Back in the day during high school, our history teacher was from Ghana. He pointed right at us, the Pakistani flank in the class and said you people are lucky to have China on your side. That means something..definitely in his views!
No Africans are rich.

And the Chinese are only helping to them to get richer and have the larger share of the loot!!

Modern chinese ethics = who the hell cares so long as I can wean away the milk or something like that said by Deng!

chinese dont toot horns - they blare and then act coy like virgin brides!

Modern indian ethics = Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai to your face, march indian soldiers across the Chinese border to your back.

India has much work left to do to erase the caste system, honor killings, and wive-burning before it has anything to say about ethics.
Modern indian ethics = Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai to your face, march indian soldiers across the Chinese border to your back.

India has much work left to do to erase the caste system, honor killings, and wive-burning before it has anything to say about ethics.

Its like saying China needs to get rid of foot binding! Use the power of internet to educate yourself ffs!
Modern indian ethics = Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai to your face, march indian soldiers across the Chinese border to your back.

India has much work left to do to erase the caste system, honor killings, and wive-burning before it has anything to say about ethics.

Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai was Chou en Lai's cry!

Honour killing and caste are passé.

Wife burning, is like saying Chinese are wearing pigtails and Chinese women bandaging their foot.

Rip Van winkle?
Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai was Chou en Lai's cry!
LOL THAT'S INDIAN HISTORY YOUR YOU. MAKE UP WHATEVER FEELS GOOD. Good job:tup: India will surely be a great nation. Even if India gets blown up, I'm sure your kind will spin it into a story of triumph.

p.s. Foot-binding is a feudal practice that was eradicated soon as the communist government secured nation. the pigtails is a manchurian hairstyle. If you're trying to say that a harmless cultural practice like a hairstyle is morally degenerate, you're completely off your rocker.
p.s. Foot-binding is a feudal practice that was eradicated soon as the communist government secured nation. the pigtails is a manchurian hairstyle. If you're trying to say that a harmless cultural practice like a hairstyle is morally degenerate, you're completely off your rocker.

Key word, right there.
Key word, right there.

And what's your point? China has a long and turbulent history. Unlike India, of course, always shining and bright and perfect and better than everyone else.

Unlike some country, with their vibrant and superior democracy, China's government actually gets things done.
LOL THAT'S INDIAN HISTORY YOUR YOU. MAKE UP WHATEVER FEELS GOOD. Good job:tup: India will surely be a great nation. Even if India gets blown up, I'm sure your kind will spin it into a story of triumph.

p.s. Foot-binding is a feudal practice that was eradicated soon as the communist government secured nation. the pigtails is a manchurian hairstyle. If you're trying to say that a harmless cultural practice like a hairstyle is morally degenerate, you're completely off your rocker.

Yes my friend.

Your examples are as modern as the pigtails and foot binding!

and your explanation of the history of the pigtail in China is as bogus as most of the arguments that you all bandy around here. Totally contrived and totally hilarious!

The pigtail was a mark of political enslavement to the Manchu dynasty, and westerners made fun of the Chinese hair style. The pigtail was abolished in China in 1911 when the Manchu dynasty was overthrown in favor of the Republic. Cutting off a pigtail was a terrible insult to the Chinese as they believed it would hurt them spiritually.
The Straight Dope: What's the origin of "pigtails"?

"Originally it was a sign of submision demanded by the first Manchu Emperor only one year after seizing the throne in 1645. Chinese men shaved the front of their head, then combed the back hair into braids. They used not only their own natural hair, but also horsehair or black silk. The Chinese came to see their braided pigtails a sign of dignity and manhood. For the Chinese, to pull on another's pigtails was a great insult."


Chinese boys and men until the Revolution were famous for wearing plaited pigtails. This was a fashion introduced by the Manchus in the 17th century. Originally it was a sign of submission demanded by the first Manchu Emperor only one year after seizing the throne in 1645. Chinese men shaved the front of their head, then combed the back hair into braids. They used not only their own natural hair, but also horsehair or black silk. The Chinese came to see their braided pigtails a sign of dignity and manhood. For the Chinese, to pull on another's pigtails was a great insult. The pigtails were abolished in 1911.


That is the history of pigtails in China.

As is the Chinese posters style of obfuscating, you claim it was the Manchurian way of hairstryle (The pigtails is a manchurian hairstyle as you state with such pithy falsehood).

Interestingly you state - harmless cultural practice like a hairstyle is morally degenerate, you're completely off your rocker.


Hardly harmless when you insult people by forcing them to shave a part of their head and have pigtals.

Morally degenerate?

Of course.

It is was a sign of subjugation.

Why was it banned in 1911 if it were merely a hairstyle?

Why fudge and pander falsehood and psycho babble?

Why are you chaps so economical with the truth?

Why re-write history to cover National Shame?

You speak about the Muslim Conquest of India. Sure, it happened. Part of history. Why should it be wiped out?

Unlike the Manchus who made the Hans wear pigtails to make them look servile, the Muslim did not make everyone to become circumcised!!

Got the difference?

The Chinese history is all about making some group or the other bow down in total submission.

That is why China has 92% Han!!!!!!!!! 92%!

And it was only when the Communists came to power that the ethnic count was taken and recognised. Before that, the Cultural Arrogance counted all as Hans as if no others existed!

The Hans when they came into power, then subjugated all to become Hans.

They are now trying the same in Tibet and East Turmenistan (Xinjaing).

Why this power lust?
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