Party program
The Communist Party of Poland proclaims anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist slogans. It seeks to introduce socialism and take over political and economic power by the proletariat. It also calls for the replacement of capitalist property by social ownership through the nationalization of industry, trade and natural resources. They advocate broad social rights (including free and universal education and free healthcare). The party is for equality and full separation of the Church and the state (including non-financing by the state of religious associations and withdrawal of religious instruction from public schools). They also postulates cessation of privatization and reprivatization and tax reform (progressive tax system, limitation of VAT), as well as property vetting. It criticizes the liquidation of the Polish People's Republic and the political transformation. The KPP is also against Poland's participation in the European Union and NATO. In addition, the party strongly opposes the decommunization laws adopted by the Law and Justice government and the historical policy pursued by the Institute of National Remembrance.