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West will fail in 'war on terror' without Pakistan: Musharraf


Sep 21, 2006
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West will fail in 'war on terror' without Pakistan: Musharraf

ISLAMABAD: The United States and its allies will fail in the so-called "war on terror" without the support of Pakistan and its intelligence service, Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf said Saturday.

In an interview with BBC radio, Musharraf was asked for his response to the view that Pakistan was not a good ally in the fight against global extremism because of the links between terrorism and his country.

"You will be brought down to your knees if Pakistan doesn't co-operate with you. That is all that I would like to say. Pakistan is the main ally. If we were not with you, you would not manage anything. Let that be clear," he said.

"And if the ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) is not with you, you will fail. Let that be very clear also. Remember my words: if the ISI is not with you and Pakistan is not with you, you will lose in Afghanistan."

Earlier, the meeting between Gen Musharraf and British premier followed a leaked British defense ministry think-tank report that claimed the ISI was indirectly supporting extremism in Afghanistan, Iraq and Britain by backing the coalition of Pakistani religious parties.

Musharraf, who seized power in a coup in 1999, again strongly denied the claims, which were written by a senior military official linked to Britain's foreign intelligence service, MI6, after a fact-finding mission there in June.

The president accepted Blair's assurances that the document was not a reflection of the British government position.

Musharraf pointed to ISI and Pakistan Army successes in the US-led "war on terror", in particular the capture of hundreds of suspected Al-Qaeda militants.

They included the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he said, while they played a key role in foiling an alleged terror plot to blow up US-bound passenger jets on August 10 this year.

The Pakistan President called for more understanding of his country's predicament as it struggled with the continuing fall-out from the Cold War played out by proxy in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan in the 1980s.

"From 1979 to 1989 we fought the Soviet Union for you. We won the Cold War for you," he said, explaining that the Pakistan army and ISI played a part in training the tens of thousands of mujahideen fighters to resist the Soviets.

But after the Soviet withdrawal, the West left Pakistan "high and dry", he said, leading to the creation of the radicalised Taliban and Al-Qaeda from the remnants of the mujahideen resistance.

"The world must understand our problem. It is for you that we did it and we are suffering," Musharraf told the broadcaster. "Our national fabric has been torn.

"Now, without understanding, everyone blames us for what is happening in Pakistan. It is something that is happening, understand it and help us."

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pakistan’s help blocked another 9/11: Bush

By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: President George Bush said on Friday that “were it not for information gained from terrorists captured with Pakistan’s help, our intelligence community believes Al Qaeda and its allies would have succeeded in launching another attack against the US”.

In a speech to members of the Reserve Officers Association at a local hotel, Bush said, “The CIA’s questioning of these and other suspected terrorists provided information that helped us break up a cell of Southeast Asian terrorist operatives groomed for attacks inside the US, disrupt an Al Qaeda operation to develop anthrax for terrorist attacks, stop a planned strike on a Marine camp in Djibouti, prevent a planned attack on the Consulate in Karachi and foil a plot to hijack passenger planes and fly them into Heathrow Airport and London’s Canary Wharf.”

Bush said President Musharraf had joined the fight against the terrorists, and “America is grateful for that”. He said the US was helping the Musharraf government establish stronger control over the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and “President Musharraf understands that terrorists hide in remote regions and travel back and forth across this border”. The US, Bush said, was helping equip Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Corps, funding the construction of more than 100 border outposts, providing high-tech equipment to help Pakistani forces better locate terrorists attempting to cross the border and funding an air wing with helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.

Bush said, “America is also supporting President Musharraf as he takes steps to build a modern and moderate nation and hold free and fair elections...” He called Afghanistan and Pakistan “strong allies in the war on terror”.

Mush to West: You can’t do without us

We Could Bring You To Your Knees, Pak President Warns As He Launches A Finger-Wagging Attack

Rashmee Roshan Lall | TNN

London: General Musharraf has mixed rank self-righteousness with a remarkably stark warning to the West that it could be “brought to its knees” if Pakistan withdraws its cooperation in the so-called war on terror.
Launching a fierce and fingerwagging attack on the West’s growing doubts about Pakistan’s role in fighting Islamist terrorism, Musharraf said the US and UK had to understand Pakistan is the West’s “main ally…If we were not with you, you won’t manage anything.”
In his strongest warning ever on the issue, Musharraf declared, “You’ll be brought down to your knees if Pakistan doesn’t co-operate with you. That is all that I would like to say. Pakistan is the main ally. If we were not with you, you won’t manage anything. Let that be clear. And if ISI is not with you, you will fail.”
But sources here said Musharraf’s passionate defence of his country and its infamous intelligence agency on Saturday morning was yet again undermined after Mumbai’s police chief firmly blamed the ISI for planning the 7/11 train blasts.
In an extraordinary coincidence, Musharraf issued his blunt warning to the West to cease doubting Pakistan’s role and commitment to fighting terrorism just a couple of hours before the Mumbai blasts were formally alleged to have been masterminded by the ISI.
Commentators said that Musharraf’s attempt to silence Western critics of Pakistan came across as blustering over-defensiveness after the Indian allegation. Musharraf ’s firm denial of Pakistani two-facedness in the war on terror came just days after a leaked report criticised the ISI for fomenting Islamist radicalism by helping the Taliban and Al Qaida.
Late on Thursday, an angry Musharraf challenged British PM Tony Blair on the issue and received a public assurance that the British government does not doubt Islamabad’s commitment to fighting terrorism. But Musharraf has let it be known he is riled about Western doubts over Pakistan’s role in the war on terror.
With a visible sense of entitlement, Musharraf said the US and UK should acknowledge a “historic debt” of gratitude to Pakistan because it had helped “win the Cold War” for the West. Blaming the West for creating Al Qaida, he said it had been foolish for the West to arm and train the mujahideen to fight the Soviets and then leave them to turn their rage — and weapons — on their creator.
Pupets dont threat there masters , but his brave enough to kill and torture his own people...
Like who?

And please dont give me any BS article on baluchistan or afgans since aghans where a burden on pakistan from the very beginning and the baluchistan uprising is a very small issue. Pushto make up most of the pak army and services sector. I myself am a baluch and love my nation.

Also the only master slave relationship around here is you and your hindu and MMA masters
Like who?

And please dont give me any BS article on baluchistan or afgans since aghans where a burden on pakistan from the very beginning and the baluchistan uprising is a very small issue. Pushto make up most of the pak army and services sector. I myself am a baluch and love my nation.

Also the only master slave relationship around here is you and your hindu and MMA masters

Where did afgan/bloach issue came from? what are you on about?
Where did afgan/bloach issue came from? what are you on about?

I was refering to this post

Pupets dont threat there masters , but his brave enough to kill and torture his own people...

You where most likely refering to the propaganda of the baluch and waziristani issues
I was refering to this post

You where most likely refering to the propaganda of the baluch and waziristani issues[/QUOTE

I was refering to Mush/Bush relation. Not Balouch/waziristan we are one nation, no balouch no punjab no Iraq no Afgan. One ummah, One Allah one Mohammed (pbuh) one quran. I dont beleive in fake boundries created by west between us.
I was refering to this post

You where most likely refering to the propaganda of the baluch and waziristani issues[/QUOTE

I was refering to Mush/Bush relation. Not Balouch/waziristan we are one nation, no balouch no punjab no Iraq no Afgan. One ummah, One Allah one Mohammed (pbuh) one quran. I dont beleive in fake boundries created by west between us.

Yeah why not tell that to the arabs. This is reality, the 1 single thing in the world which is leading to the downfall of manking is religion itself like it or not its all there. Its only idiots like you who think that muslims will live in harmony, the time we do will be when our blessed prophet will return
Yeah why not tell that to the arabs. This is reality, the 1 single thing in the world which is leading to the downfall of manking is religion itself like it or not its all there. Its only idiots like you who think that muslims will live in harmony, the time we do will be when our blessed prophet will return

It is a fact that muslims had been ruled by one leader since 668 till 1924, and it will be come again with prosperous and kindness for all human beings, not only for muslims. It's natural for people to unify, as we see in Europe, and so will the muslims.

In the nearest time a Khilafah will establish to lead muslim and non-muslim live in harmony .
Wake up please! how many more muslims have to be butchered? how many more muslim woman have to be dishonored? how many more of our lands needs to be occupied by the crusaders before idiots like you realise what the solution for our problem is?

Wake up for Allah sake!
Yeah why not tell that to the arabs. This is reality, the 1 single thing in the world which is leading to the downfall of manking is religion itself like it or not its all there. Its only idiots like you who think that muslims will live in harmony, the time we do will be when our blessed prophet will return

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) will not return to to guide us again, he has left his guidance with which quraan and sunna.

Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing
him to be wronged. And if anyone helps his brother in need, Allah will help
him in his own need; and if anyone removes a calamity from [another] Muslim,
Allah will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of
Resurrection; and if anyone shields [another] Muslim from disgrace, Allah
will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari
and Muslim, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar]
The West sees the Khilafah as a frightening giant that controlled the word for hundreds of years. They entered into a wrestling match with this giant for a very long time, finally defeating it with the destruction of the Khilafah in 1924.

After the First World War, Europe succeeded in colonizing the Islamic lands and destroying the ‘Uthmani Khilafah, claiming that they had come to save the Arabs in the exact same manner the US claimed that they came to Iraq to save the Iraqis from Saddam Hussein. And in the same manner that the US committed horrible atrocities in Iraq, Britain and France committed the most despicable crimes in the Muslim lands. With this colonization, the West charged their agents with the task of perverting the education curricula to raise a generation that venerates the West and is embarrassed of its own history, exactly as the education curricula are being changed today. In school, Muslims would memorize the history of Europe more than the history of their own lands, and would memorize the details of German Prime Minister Otto Von Bismarck’s battles more than the battles of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi or Al-Thaahir Beebars. This twisted history taught the Muslims to look at the ‘Uthmani Khilafah as an invading state, unaware of the fact that it was a state that managed their affairs and protected them; even in its worst days at the end of its life, the situation in the Khilafah never reached the miserable low it has reached today. It is sufficient for us to compare the stance of the Sultan Abdul-Hameed II, who protected Palestine, and the stance of the rulers of today who bend over backwards to please “Israel”.

This perversion of the truth greatly affected the Muslims, where some completely absolved themselves from anything to do with the Islamic civilization, although it would have been more prudent of them to ask if this history was so terrible, then why did this Islamic State last for more than 1300 years? Why did the people living under it continue to believe in Islam and carry it after the destruction of the Khilafah? Why was it that, while the Islamic State was the guiding light for the whole world, Europe was fumbling in the darkness of the Middle Ages? The answer to all these questions is to return to their history and to study it from only trustworthy sources, rather than taking it from their enemies.

The statements of Bush are little more than a continuation of this campaign to distort the image of Islam to justify the war on Muslims. This restlessness regarding the return of the Khilafah is but glad tidings that true change is just over the horizon.
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