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Yea, and when you search for "tschuss" on Google you find a zillion results from dictionaries, names of films etc etc....they must be all raping German by not writing it the way you insisted, ie "Tschüß" or "Tschues".....

You should know right. I suppose it's good enough if it puts food on the table, considering the meagre salaries of teachers in China. :lol:

Since German is my mother tongue and my work is closely related to my language, I of course do care a lot about the right orthograpy. I don't mind too much if foreigners have difficulties with our umlauts and orthography. You on the other hand claimed to be a native German speaker with a German speaking parent. We know that's lie, since you can't even write a short seven word sentence without making 5 mistakes, ok, four mistakes, since you claim to be from Switzerland where they don't use ß.

When you got caught, you hide behind the lame excuse of writing slang. Yeah, sure! :lol:

Yeah, when caught for being an ignorant all you can do is ad hominem. :lol:
Since German is my mother tongue and my work is closely related to my language, I of course do care a lot about the right orthograpy. I don't mind too much if foreigners have difficulties with our umlauts and orthography. You on the other hand claimed to be a native German speaker with a German speaking parent. We know that's lie, since you can't even write a short seven word sentence without making 5 mistakes, ok, four mistakes, since you claim to be from Switzerland where they don't use ß.

When you got caught, you hide behind the lame excuse of writing slang. Yeah, sure! :lol:

Yeah, when caught for being an ignorant all you can do is ad hominem. :lol:

lol, look,

1.) You don't know about Swiss language and it's differences compared to German, a simple fact which you have refused to admit for the last two pages, even when presented with a guide for dummies.

(in German speaking Switzerland one still needs to speak hochdeutsch)

Hochdeutsch in Switzerland is taught only in primary schools predominantly and despite being one of the four official languages it's only used in official documents, political TV-shows etc etc. In effect, it's like a second language. An example of you thinking how you know things but you really don't.

Here's some more from another guide for dummies, Swiss German - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

a.) German people tend not to understand Swiss German, therefore when an interview with a Swiss German speaker is shown on German television, subtitles are required.

b.)Swiss German is the spoken everyday language of all social levels in industrial cities, as well as in the countryside. Using dialect conveys neither social nor educational inferiority and is done with pride.

That's where the slang came from.

2.) You don't even know that much about German language, or are adhering to some archaic version that was taught in schools in 70's, probably in China where you learned it.
The "tschuss" example fits perfectly into this theory, you denied it at first, ridiculing me for using it in the above syntax, then a few days later (after consultations probably) you backtracked on it completely. LOL!
Oh they also told you history of the word, if you'd knew it before hand you would have written it immediately.

An example of your outdated knowledge:

Anyhow, tschus arschloch.
I don't have umlaut on this keyboard so you're gonna have to be satisfied with an ordinary u.

In case of keyboard without umlaut, anyone who is fluent is German would write ae = ä, oe = ö and ue = ü.
As a matter of fact, it's Tschuess if you don't have a German keyboard.
No clue about German

Above was written on November 6th, backtracking after consultations below written on Nov 17th:

Tschüß can be written with one, two "s" or with ß, depending on the region. and wether one writes the old orthography or the new.

No clue huh? :lol:
Makes one wonder how a "native German" speaker didn't know on on Nov 6th what he knew on Nov. 17th doesn't it?

3.) In my last post which got deleted upon you reporting it, i challenged your sorry reporter *** to go and call someone in Switzerland to check up on slang, seeing as you're a "reporter" you should have contacts and aquaintances all over.
Which so far you didn't, all you managed was to get the post removed.
Which is suspiciously like what some government employees of a certain country do on their own censored net when they run into comments above their cognitive skills.

So, who are you to be doubting me about my parents' language? lol....gtfo

I do care a lot about the right orthograpy.

The irony in the above quote is overwhelming. I bet you don't even know where you fucked up. :lol:
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lol, look,

1.) You don't know about Swiss language and it's differences compared to German, a simple fact which you have refused to admit for the last two pages, even when presented with a guide for dummies.

Hochdeutsch in Switzerland is taught only in primary schools predominantly and despite being one of the four official languages it's only used in official documents, political TV-shows etc etc. In effect, it's like a second language. An example of you thinking how you know things but you really don't.

Here's some more from another guide for dummies, Swiss German - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

That's where the slang came from.

2.) You don't even know that much about German language, or are adhering to some archaic version that was taught in schools in 70's, probably in China where you learned it.
The "tschuss" example fits perfectly into this theory, you denied it at first, ridiculing me for using it in the above syntax, then a few days later (after consultations probably) you backtracked on it completely. LOL!
Oh they also told you history of the word, if you'd knew it before hand you would have written it immediately.

An example of your outdated knowledge:

Above was written on November 6th, backtracking after consultations below written on Nov 17th:

No clue huh? :lol:
Makes one wonder how a "native German" speaker didn't know on on Nov 6th what he knew on Nov. 17th doesn't it?

3.) In my last post which got deleted upon you reporting it, i challenged your sorry reporter *** to go and call someone in Switzerland to check up on slang, seeing as you're a "reporter" you should have contacts and aquaintances all over.
Which so far you didn't, all you managed was to get the post removed.
Which is suspiciously like what some government employees of a certain country do on their own censored net when they run into comments above their cognitive skills.

So, who are you to be doubting me about my parents' language? lol....gtfo

The irony in the above quote is overwhelming. I bet you don't even know where you fucked up. :lol:

LOL, how many time have I told you that communication between Germans and Swiss are always conducted in hochdeutsch and only someone whose command of German is crappy hides behind some Swiss slang?

Where did I backtrack as the word tschüß is a typical northern German word that is normaly not used at all in southern Germany? Since 1996 we have had two orthography reforms and it's not deemed as wrong if I still use the old pre-reform orthography that my generation grew up with and neglect the new orthography. It's also normal to get consultation, if ne sees an unfamiliar orthography, what else are the millions of Duden printed for? Decoration for the book shelve?

What a liar! Your post got deleted because, as a sorry loser that you are, it was full of personal attack. Why should I call a collegue in Switzerland to ask him whether you have written Swiss slang or not? Why should I care since everyone I communicate to in Switzerland speaks, unlike you, perfect German or French.

Yeah, after writing a few hundred words, you managed to find a typo while all the other times I wrote that exact word without mistakes. Clutching at straw, ey?
Same old, same old :blah:....debunked in several posts in this thread. And you're even asking on backtracking, lol cognitive dissonance much?

The irony of it was overwhelming, especially seeing as you act smart on a language you don't understand.

Yea, they leave the worst kind of racial slur up but somehow my post attracted their attention without you reporting it. lol....please.

I don't know what is there for you to argue more?

First you said, you don't have time to write in German but keeps writing pages in English.

Secondly, you wrote a seven word sentence "German" with five mistakes, ranging from tense, grammar to orthography.

Thirdly, when confronted with this fact, you start hiding behind your Swiss slang.
I don't know what is there for you to argue more?

First you said, you don't have time to write in German but keeps writing pages in English.

Secondly, you wrote a seven word sentence "German" with five mistakes, ranging from tense, grammar to orthography.

Thirdly, when confronted with this fact, you start hiding behind your Swiss slang.

All of the above already addressed. You go girl! :girl_wacko: I really feel no inclination to repeat myself ad nauseaum.

If you are so sure im an auslander gastarbeiter, so be it, i couldn't care.
I tried reasoning with you but to no avail, so be my guest in thinking whatever you wish.


Some butthurt mod keeps deleting my replies lol.
Hey Chinese, don't be like idiot indians.

Don't post such threads. China is far behind U.S.A but that is nothing to care about. It must make you more hungry, more dedicated towards your nation.

United States is still number one economy and is all set to remain so for decades. And even when China surpasses it in raw terms, U.S will still be outproducing China by many times (based on labor productivity)...So don't just get carried away with such bogus news.

Leave this to indians who post threads "india the super power..and india the holder of NASA" blah blah...and world laughs at them..
Good now that you understand that your repeated lame excuses is simply ad nauseam.


It's more like futile to try to educate you on a language that you think you understand, but you really don't.

It's more like futile to try to educate you on a language that you think you understand, but you really don't.

Sure, I don't understand my mothertongue that earns me handsomely while you are an expert in writing a seven word sentence with 5 mistakes.
Sure, I don't understand my mothertongue that earns me handsomely while you are an expert in writing a seven word sentence with 5 mistakes.

So now you're saying Schweizerdeutsch is your Muttersprache? Or know it as good that you count mistakes in sentences written in it? lol

I see that link about the differences between Schwizerdutsch and Deutsch for dummies i linked you did wonders. :lol:

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