Another classical trait of rice Christians; Claim persecution when they run out of argument. I insulted you, a bundle of inferiority complex who think that by converting he could improve his DNA/Blood. Your religion was insulted/shown fact when you in your "neo-convert's missionary zeal" took potshot at your Old religion.
And BTW Science has definitely proven that your semetic sky daddy could not exist. Poor Rice convert. Your religion could not exist without an controlling, petty and zealous sky daddy keeping his folks in line,like a shepherd. At least, Pagan religions do not need a god to make complete sense.
As i said, you were a scum when you were Hindu, you would become scum of Christiamity after converting. The best you can do is to vandalize your own church like you did in Manglore in order to cry persecution and apply for asylum in west. There you would get your dream job of cleaning Italian toilets (ceiling for a neo-convert).
I the meantime you could drink fairness cream like water in order to look like people who are better than you, and apply for gene therapy/white wife to your Church.