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Weaponisation of Space Should India Join the Race?

Of course , we should join . I would be surprised if Gov agencies already would not have planned out it much before .
When you have Tech, Resource,Money why wait and left behind others. If Nixon saw that decades back , our leaders will be fool not to have planned out now

If our assets are under threat , we must make sure adversary's assets are under threat as well . That is how you stamp your authority.

Also brings one more point - Its easy to direct beam and destroy when you know exact orbital characteristic of Satellite , its much more difficult to destroy Enemy's satellite . Also brings that incident -
When ISRO lost the track of their own satellite and had to take help of US space agency and NASA to track it back . Its difficult to track back the satellite.
With the DIAMOND shape of sats today they have so called stealth shape -its much more difficult to track them

And yes about ASAT -
Infact US has used F15 aircraft and AEGIS system for ASAT role before ,they are way ahead of everyone .
also reminds me reading about K100/Awacs killer that it can be used for ASAT weapon role as well .
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and Uncle Sam should do something about his habit of poking his nose in anybody and everybody's business...There has been enough instances already.It will be a long list if I start compiling those instances.

What has that got to do with the topic?. We poke our nose in other people's business not because we want to, but because we can.

Having said that, does India never meddle in another countries business?.

So far as weaponization is concerned,I think the same can be said about US when the atom was split for the purpose of destruction,when the 'Super' was unleashed.But,in spite of protests,what had to be done was done.Why all these were done??Because ,the then national leaders decided that it was necessary for US to do so,for the sake of national security....

Again, about the US and off topic.

Well,the very same goes for India as well..If anything is considered to be necessary for the sake of national security,then we should do it...

Here is where you are on topic.
10 satellites in a single launch:cheers:

ummm china has had the technologies to launch multiple payloads at least since September 1981(3 sats 1 rocket)

now i understand that this is not 10 satellites but then again this was 30 years ago and the payloads weren't 1kg either
ummm china has had the technologies to launch multiple payloads at least since September 1981(3 sats 1 rocket)

now i understand that this is not 10 satellites but then again this was 30 years ago and the payloads weren't 1kg either

10 sats 1 rocket only 850kg~~~is still at a low level

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