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Weaponisation of Space Should India Join the Race?

We should all oppose the weaponization of space. In regards to India, the elephant should focus their resources on domestic problems.

and Uncle Sam should do something about his habit of poking his nose in anybody and everybody's business...There has been enough instances already.It will be a long list if I start compiling those instances.

So far as weaponization is concerned,I think the same can be said about US when the atom was split for the purpose of destruction,when the 'Super' was unleashed.But,in spite of protests,what had to be done was done.Why all these were done??Because ,the then national leaders decided that it was necessary for US to do so,for the sake of national security....

Well,the very same goes for India as well..If anything is considered to be necessary for the sake of national security,then we should do it...
☪☪☪☪;905206 said:
India should move Indian Slums to space.
we should outsource the job of making space shuttles for the purpose to Pakistani agencies....
It reminds me on joke, there were two man talking about Pakistan problem , one said what if one Pakistani go to space , other replied still a problem, then what if two Pakistani go to space other said still a problem. then first what if all Pakistani go to space other replied immediately problem solved
This is interesting thread, I think research should be done since it takes years to develop the technology in this case Star Wars one can say, anyway even if we don't deploy such technology we can always understand and study results and outcome and how it can be put in other areas.
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It reminds me on joke, there were two man talking about Pakistan problem , one said what if one Pakistani go to space , other replied still a problem, then what if two Pakistani go to space other said still a problem. then first what if all Pakistani go to space other replied immediately problem solved

plz....stop acting like a kid and contribute something worthwhile instead of making lame kiddish jokes
I never liked the idea of making space wepon now wars will be taking up place in space humanity should leave atleast one place at rest T_T.

also this wasn't to offended indina members i trageted every country who are inthe starwars project =P.
We the third world.(CHINA,INDIA & Pakistan) Over populated & poor...should not compete with US or between ourselves..what I've seen and learned..with right infra & leadership, our capabilities are almost par with each other, that means that what China can make, India can also do, so also Pakistan, our IQ levels are very similar, only difference being the economy of scale, If China can produce millions of engineers, thats because of high population, same thing can be said in case of Pakistan, Pakistan is nowhere in space launches compared to India because they didn't give much priority.being a small country they didn't visualise commercial launches and China helping them they might've thought that China will launch vehicles for them cheaply, but the space tech has helped India immensively, from the spinoffs from R& D & projecting commercial launches .if China posses ASAT capability Indian can also do it..so also Pakistan at a later stage,
I never liked the idea of making space wepon now wars will be taking up place in space humanity should leave atleast one place at rest T_T.

also this wasn't to offended indina members i trageted every country who are inthe starwars project =P.

Let me contribute my 2 cents...

Hi Shattered, nice point, but still when compared to building nuclear weapons, missiles etc, space weapons are far better I would say...

I think when space wars happen there will be do direct loss of human lives, people will be shooting their missiles on the satellites and say I won, you won etc... and I crippled your communication satellites so you can't call your mom and you can't watch television etc... that would be the effect... so I support weaponisation of space in this view as direct loss of life will be much less when compared to conventional warfare and nuclear warfare ...
I would be very very surprised if what needs to be done is not already being done.
The article's heading is misleading, India has already joined the military space race in a big way. We were using our radar, electro-optical and communication satellites for years. Now we going for dedicated military satellites and protecting our satellites from enemy ASAT weapons. DRDO also mentioned that they are working on missile tracking satellites and other systems. It should be noted that MoD technology roadmap reports mentioned every possible way of military space systems development on the way.

I think our RLV has huge military applications.

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