Here is where you are wrong...
Say that the aggregate of mine and my neighbor's wealth is $1,000,000. Does that tell you which one of us is wealthier than the other? No. Two + Two = Four. So does 3 +1. So does 1 + 3. So does 0 + 4.
The point is that you cannot take the total estimated wealth/GDP of a country, compare it against another, and make a moral judgment about wealth inequality between the two. If your goal is about FORCED wealth distribution, in other words, make everyone inside a country equal in terms of individual wealth level, then make that moral judgment. But as long as you allow the people to exercise the freedom to play capitalist, then inside one country, you will have 2 + 2 = 4, another country will have 1 + 3 = 4, another country will have 0 + 4 = 4, and so on.
So is my wealth $500,000 and my neighbor's is $500,000 for a combine of $1,000,000 ? Hardly. My neighbor's wealth is $800,000 and mine is $200,000 and we got along just fine. Even if his wealth is $950,000 and mine is $50,000 that does not give anyone the credible justification to criticize our wealth disparity because he got his wealth through honest means, and so did I. We just have different talents and different amount of luck, if you want to inject luck into the discussion.
You are nothing more but one of the many peddlers of petty jealousy infesting this world.
If anyone wants to keep their current system, then that is their choice.
I am glad that no injured/sick person is turned away here due to inability to pay.