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Wealth Inequality in America

Here is where you are wrong...

Say that the aggregate of mine and my neighbor's wealth is $1,000,000. Does that tell you which one of us is wealthier than the other? No. Two + Two = Four. So does 3 +1. So does 1 + 3. So does 0 + 4.

The point is that you cannot take the total estimated wealth/GDP of a country, compare it against another, and make a moral judgment about wealth inequality between the two. If your goal is about FORCED wealth distribution, in other words, make everyone inside a country equal in terms of individual wealth level, then make that moral judgment. But as long as you allow the people to exercise the freedom to play capitalist, then inside one country, you will have 2 + 2 = 4, another country will have 1 + 3 = 4, another country will have 0 + 4 = 4, and so on.

So is my wealth $500,000 and my neighbor's is $500,000 for a combine of $1,000,000 ? Hardly. My neighbor's wealth is $800,000 and mine is $200,000 and we got along just fine. Even if his wealth is $950,000 and mine is $50,000 that does not give anyone the credible justification to criticize our wealth disparity because he got his wealth through honest means, and so did I. We just have different talents and different amount of luck, if you want to inject luck into the discussion.

You are nothing more but one of the many peddlers of petty jealousy infesting this world.


If anyone wants to keep their current system, then that is their choice.

I am glad that no injured/sick person is turned away here due to inability to pay.
EzioAltaïr;4096166 said:
That may be true, but all the countries voted as having the best lifestyle have partly socialistic economies. Sweden, Canada, Norway, etc.

These countries were rich, homogeneous to begin with. They don't need fast paced growth.

If anyone wants to keep their current system, then that is their choice.

I am glad that no injured/sick person is turned away here due to inability to pay.
So basically, all your blather here are for nothing. You wanted to poke US in the eye but ended up doing it to yourself.

Good job. We are enjoying the spectacle.
America is just a corrupt and dying country. It's economy has collapsed and not recovered in 5 years. All the do called 'growth' are just inflation, not real growth. American debt is $200 TRILLION. Interest rates still at 0.25% which shows they have not recovered.
America is just a corrupt and dying country. It's economy has collapsed and not recovered in 5 years. All the do called 'growth' are just inflation, not real growth. American debt is $200 TRILLION. Interest rates still at 0.25% which shows they have not recovered.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

Think you should wake up and read the news. Unemployment levels are the lowest in history.

Maybe you shouldnt suck upto them too much.

What do you expect? When you wasted billions on 2 wars, billions in buy countries like India and pumping weapons and money in to Israhell... of course you will be drenched. Not forgetting those that live on state benefits who refuse to work in the US lmao...

Because of slippery people like you who are long on criticisms but short on details.

My house is 3000 sq/ft on .24 acre. Just me and my G/F.

Chopping %50 of his wealth still would not come close to his basic needs one bit, ya think? So how about %99 then? Come to think of it, may be we should chop %90 of YOUR wealth.

Quick on the defense yourself eh arrogant american?

Maybe you need to open up and think about stuff on a broader range than be a narrow minded git!

Am sure you got .24 acres but guess what? Before you try to blagg someone off yeah, learn to use the "%" mark properly - several times in your reply you used it before the sum you meant i.e. %50 not 50% - dont think you even passed school. If your grammer and education is that poor I think you might be living in 0.24m square corner in some homeless shelter son!
Quick on the defense yourself eh arrogant american?

Maybe you need to open up and think about stuff on a broader range than be a narrow minded git!

Am sure you got .24 acres but guess what? Before you try to blagg someone off yeah, learn to use the "%" mark properly - several times in your reply you used it before the sum you meant i.e. %50 not 50% - dont think you even passed school. If your grammer and education is that poor I think you might be living in 0.24m square corner in some homeless shelter son!
Another 12 yr old on the forum.
Socialism doesn't mean wealh equality.

It just means that the government/ruler takes away your wealth for whatever it wants to do. Or can someone explain why there were fabulously wealthy people and hungry souls in communist USSR with socialism in full force ??

Someone on the thread said that an illiterate can become wealthy in the US. Yes, it's true but only because the US economy is large enough to generate millionaires. Other countries with capitalist principles, esp you-know-whos, can hardly think of success stories beyond expatriates opening up businesses and settling down in large villas.
Another 12 yr old on the forum.

yeah I am 12 as I picked up your errors lmao. Mentally that does make you 6 though haha. Go back to school.

Typical american cant answer something asked but whinges and throws cheap childish insults, you mad kid?

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