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'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

That's exactly what I am trying to say. We Punjabis learn Hindi, does that make us forget Punjabi? Nope cause we don't have an inferiority complex.

You are an idiot. along with @JayZ

The only opposition is with Tamils.

Kannadigas, Mallus, and Telugu speakers are not that bothered with this.
You are a South Indian chauvinist and follower of evil Periyar.

Ah so you are a fan of direct methods I see.

And here I was thinking you would engage in some foreplay.

sigh :(

Back on topic. I was correcting him that don't see the South as a monolith.

The Dravidian parties are the flip side of Hindi chauvinists.

So if you didn't understand that, and if you like Arya Desa, and JayZ all you Hindi Chauvinists need to take your head out of your rear ends.

May be you people need to learn English better.

DESERT Roja, I have lost patience with small minded petty regionalists today. So either don't waste my time by accusing me things I am not, or SHUT THE HELL UP.

If you want to speak in Punjabi or Hindi or impose on us, stay the F1CK in Punjab or U.P.
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i wonder why I bothered to post this thread !! :( hitwall[1].gif
Ah so you are a fan of direct methods I see.

And here I was thinking you would engage in some foreplay.

sigh :(
No sir, foreplay is for girls. Real men are straight to the point.
Now tell, do you see the evil mleccha Periyar as a hero?
No sir, foreplay is for girls. Real men are straight to the point.
Now tell, do you see the evil mleccha Periyar as a hero?

Yes and No.

Yes, because he had some genuinely progressive social ideas like equality for Women, Rationalism, mature outlook on sexuality.

I hated his Anti-Hindi and over the top Anti-Brahmanism.

If he had moderated those two to reasonable levels, I would have considered him a hero.

And what's with this Mlechaa business?

This is the 21st century.
Yes and No.

Yes, because he had some genuinely progressive social ideas like equality for Women, Rationalism, mature outlook on sexuality.

I hated his Anti-Hindi and over the top Anti-Brahmanism.

If he had moderated those two to reasonable levels, I would have considered him a hero.

And what's with this Mlechaa business?

This is the 21st century.
Mlecchas are a threat to humanity, they must be purged from Hindustan.
it involves terrorism and Tamil terrorism needs to b nipped in the bud
No, Malaysian Muslim with Tamil interests should find a real homeland instead of crying on a defence forum.

Purging sounds like a lot of hard work.

I am too lazy :sleep:

You go ahead with the purging.
Okay, just don't forget to learn Hindi and u will be safe.
No, Malaysian Muslim with Tamil interests should find a real homeland instead of crying on a defence forum.

Okay, just don't forget to learn Hindi and u will be safe.

I can't speak Hindi fluently. But can understand some of it.

I see no further use in learning it.
Mlecchas are a threat to humanity, they must be purged from Hindustan.
why u have to be such a jerk when talking to other...
south Indian are as indian as any of us are....
they live in the same country....
talking to ur fellow country men like this shows ur maleech habits....u fool..
why u have to be such a jerk ehen talking to other...
south Indian are as indian as any if us are....
they live in the same country....
talking to ur fellow country men like this shows ur maleech habits....u fool..
South Indians but followers of dog periyar are not.
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