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We salute Pak fight against terror: Israel

I once met an Israeli man (twice actually), me and him had a very interesting conversation. This was my first time sitting down and speaking with an Israeli eye to eye, and face to face (thunder sound in the background lol). I believe this was his first time meeting someone of Pakistani origin and Muslim face to face. When I asked him where are you from he said "Israel" I was excited and interested here is a man from "Israel", supposedly "the enemy of Islam". We both thought it was interesting that a Pakistani meets an Israeli face to face, considering what some may expect us to react (i.e hate each other). He was a gentleman and so was I. We discussed controversial historical and political events. British colonialism, occupation, Palestine, Israel, Kashmir, etc. In the end, I think and feel we both left a good impression of one another. This was important to me as this was my first time meeting an Israeli face to face and actually discussing with him difficult and sensitive issues.

Anyways, he did blame British imperialism involvement for certain problems. From what I remember he supported the two-state solution and so do I. As for Kashmir he felt politicians on both sides weren't doing enough, and politicians were the only ones benefitting from the Kashmir dispute.

Last but not least, I asked him the million dollar question perhaps every Pakistani wish he/she could ask an Israeli.

"What do Israelis think of Pakistan?"

His eyes got big and said "Most Israelis see Pakistan as a big Muslim nuclear power!"

I laughed, and assured him that was the wrong perception to have. He agreed with me on that point. In the end we both wanted to see peace.

Well it was your first experience but i am telling you that he told not reality at the end. I am telling you that their thinking about Pakistan not so good. They still believe that Pakistan is threat for Israel. Yes they are straight forward and can deal best so this is their general characters.
Deal with them as they deal with you. Then you get something useful.
guys, believe it or not a lot of jews are just regular people like you and me.

but when we start spouting crap about jews being this and that then we create out own enemies because we tar all people with the same brush, and people just think we are stupid and hateful.

what need is there to make a quarrel with the regular jewish person, and create bad impressions upon them?

fight for what is right and beneficial for pakistan, but do it in a way that is intelligent and effective.

there is one very immediate benefit if openly talking to israel directly - we no longer have the moronic stance of being more arab than the arabs, they recognise israel, but we in s.asia do not, i still dont see why not.

We are not being antisemetic i think the following statement should tell you how Pakistan would like its relationship with Jews:

“To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable.”
Thank you so much for your offer we already having lots of trouble in Pakistan even though you do not interfere directly but through american embassy and indian embassy you have created hell of myth in pakistan so with due to respect keep your offer with your favorite countries america and india and try to support dollar as it is falling rapidly as compare to other currencies.We do not have any kind of relation with you leave phalastine and then come to us we will consider your offer to some extent ... and we do not care if some of arab traitors have relationship with you ....... but have you forgotten first speech ever made by your president against pakistan ....... we do have love for arab and it will increase instantly because we can see Mahdi's arrival is very near even you can see it because you are planing for it since ages ...................so please don't pull us because we won't bow down to you i do not know about our leaders as one of them named musharaf is traitor but others are question marks aswell........but being a pakistani and muslim we will not accept you INSHALLAH

MashAllah, very nice reply.

It's really messed up how there can be people speaking of peaceful relations whilst at the same time they ignore such realities as you mentioned. But it's a sad fact that many people today are indeed very much oblivious to things like Palestine.

Who doesn't want peaceful relations. There should be no dispute of any kind, anywhere in the world and there should be fair and mutual trade everywhere but this is not how our world works.

I know there are good Israelis out there. People within Israel who are against the occupation of the Westbank. There're leftwing, peaceloving people who sympathize with the real injustices in all the nonMuslim world but few people or governments pay any heed to them.

The fact still remains that IF Pakistan were to become a tradepartner with Israel - it would benefit mutually perhaps but it would mean we're doing business with those people who torture, rape and keep our brothers and sisters in a prisonstate.

The only help the Muslim world is giving the Palestinians is in the form of the limited aidmoney that people donate, but despite that their living conditions are amongst the poorest of the world.
if we accept India and have diplomatic relations with them, and even talk about friendship and exchange programs and all that other nonsense, then why not Israel. Lets not be a bunch of hypocrites.

Quoted for the truth!! I don't understand why people can advocate friendship with India (our enemy) when we've gone to war with them countless number of times, have them go around bad mouthing Pakistan all over the world, commit human rights violations in Kashmir, etc. And then say how we can never have relations with Israel even though they have never done anything to us!
Dance u are on again this time supporting friendship with israel do you think it would benefit us ? If yes please explain how ? Don't worry about pakistans image just answer the q ok ?
Dance u are on again this time supporting friendship with israel do you think it would benefit us ? If yes please explain how ? Don't worry about pakistans image just answer the q ok ?

Please tell me where I said I wanted Pakistan to become best friends with Israel? I just said that its very hypocritical that we can have relations with india but not Israel. Plus theres nothing wrong with having diplomatic relations with them, many Muslims countries do. Its better to have people on your side then against you.
oh my dear lady you are very innocent and naive that's all I would say
so now you left the difficult job for others i.e. to prove otherwise.
You seem to believe your self sitting on the chair of prophecy!!!!!

In any case.. i keep missing your point in landing with such revelations?

No I sit on the chair of a design engineer..

The point being.. Our agencies left no holds barred in the 90's to survive..
and slept with anyone and everyone who could help keep our military machine sharp..

Be it the Israeli's, The South Africans.. or the Ukranians.

So to act like Israel violated the sacred cow of Pakistani supplies by giving us stuff.. is .. moronic.
oh like we were dieing for this appreciation .. :D
btw i don't mind having LIMITED diplomatic relations with israel..... most of the arab countries have diplomatics relations with them, few are kept secret under the table & few of them are openly dealing with them.......
releations with israel are useless to Pakistan as israel was unwilling to offer any millitary tech..the only thing israel is good for!
No I sit on the chair of a design engineer..

The point being.. Our agencies left no holds barred in the 90's to survive..
and slept with anyone and everyone who could help keep our military machine sharp..

Be it the Israeli's, The South Africans.. or the Ukranians.

So to act like Israel violated the sacred cow of Pakistani supplies by giving us stuff.. is .. moronic.


This was Israel who help Iran in building its chemical weapon industries & Missile technology without any recognizance while they had diplomatic relations (1948–1951, 1953–1979). Both countries have severed their diplomatic and commercial ties with each other. Iranian government does not recognise Israeli government and refers to it as the "Zionist entity" or the "Zionist regime".

My point is to develop military ties for our interests is not bad, but we will think over recognition thousand times. where you use word sacred cow then we have to keep balance & careful balance between Bin Gorian words & now Israeli ambassador words for not to violate your so called Pakistani cow.

Well that reply was obvious and i expected that-

Being Rational----
Being a Muslim- you should not have any problem in recognizing Israel- As Allah in the Glorious Quran has already accepted them- as a nation- and have not forbidden us in doing trade with them-

Being a Pakistani- you should understand that- we have nothing to loose here- all benefits- Its always good to relate with an Enemy's friend- :tup:

Being Emotional----
Heck we should disconnect all ties with America and Nato countries as well- why only Israel? Are Palestinians more Muslim brothers to us than Iraqis and Afghanis?

P.S: Wouldn't it be nice- if we can visit Bait ul Muqadas in Israel?-

Being rational : you may Not have adequate knowledge about Quran so pls don't quote Quran .Quran and Hadees has said lot about jews .In that perspective, a full relationship with Israel is Impossible . May be trade but not so much benefited and No arms trade .Any diplomatic relation may further cause insatiability to Pakistan,take case of Raymond Davis.

Being Pakistani : you know what Israel founding father David bin Gorion said about Pakistan in 1948 ."Pakistan is our first target and big threat to our existence....no threat from Arabs but from Pakistanis.....Hindus are our natural allies ".Both are ideological nations with some purpose ,opposite to each other .As Israel two times try to attack Pak nuclear facilities and PAf also shoot down few Israeli fighters in past and few other incidents. And their will adverse response from Muslim world, if only Muslim nuclear power accept Israel.

Being Emotional: Israeli are trying to demolish Al Aqsa Mosque ,one of the Holiest place of Muslims ,so they will build their temple and also planning to make Greater Israel in Muslim heartland..Occupying Palestine land and other big issues like Zionist Regimes , Paper currency , illegal wars,divide and rule,using world powers etc etc..there is a history of relations between Jews and Muslims since time of Prophet .
I personally believe , India and Pakistan can be Best friends but never with Israel .
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