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we pakistanis and indians

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lol, As i said earlier, now just count the one in favour or against the thread..:lol:

This will not going to work on this forum cause we are in minority here,,:lol:

actually Pakistanis are in minority here... but it doesn't matter. I was grilled many months or perhaps more than an year ago. Divya is receiving the same treatment from across the border

Its normal for insane peoples. Abnormal for sane peoples (now don't ask me who is normal and who is abnormal)
actually Pakistanis are in minority here... but it doesn't matter. I was grilled many months or perhaps more than an year ago. Divya is receiving the same treatment from across the border

Its normal for insane peoples. Abnormal for sane peoples (now don't ask me who is normal and who is abnormal)

lol, As i said earlier, now just count the one in favour or against the thread..

This will not going to work on this forum cause we are in minority here,,

you missunderstood my point..! By we on my post i mean people who are in favour of peace and all or this thread, i didnt mean indian or pakistanis..:)
I guess mr riCoh u havent read my post properly...i talked about bloodline even in Pakistan's Punjab other than araees, rajputs, and jutts who are natives there are millions of people with different ethinic backgrounds in Pakistan's punjab which were never local to subcontinent.and they are majority...plz i request you to read my post again....i didnt talk about cultures i talked about ethinicities....dont try to change what i said.

Pakistan was made for muslims, not for any particular race, thats why we welcomed 8 million muhajirs from present day india....and our first embassador to UN was a Ukranian Jewish Convert Muhammad Asad nothing to do with us culturally or ehtinicaly yet he was our brother , part of Ummah....thats why he came to Pakistan.
No matter which bloodline you are from if you are a muslim you are part of Ummah (Muslim Nation)...ethinic nationalism (ur choice) was discouraged and disliked extremely by our Prophet (P.B.U.H)......anyways check my post I REPEAT AS I POSTED IN THAT POST majority of the residents of Pakistan's punjab arnt same ethinicaly as residents of your punjab...and i repeat again we dont share culture....that is why we got seperated...we always had a seperate culture...our historical elders and ancestors and heroes are your villains..there is no common ground between us...if you still claim there is any..u r more than welcome but you cant change the reality....

People of Pakistan's Punjab arn't all Punjabi, there are millions of people with other ethnicities and between them and baloch and pathans...1 thing is common that is they are all muslim...that was the concept of Pakistan..thats why they are together...Pakistan wasnt created on the basis of some god dammed ethnicity or culture....even in this sence Pak's Punjab shares nothing with Indian Punjab....still if you being an indian punjabi wanna be with Pak you are more than welcome to float this new idea of Indian Punjab joining Pakistan lol...just kidding :p:P:P

i would have loved to talk to you if you would have come up with facts and not brainwashed typical crap...which some of our indian friends in this forum use to counter the existence of a nation with 170 million people and they are doing it after more than 60 years..which shows they havnt recognized us till now...then along with that they expect us that we will live peacefully side by side as neighbors....How Pathetic and Ironic...I feel pity for people with this mentality
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you missunderstood my point..! By we on my post i mean people who are in favour of peace and all or this thread, i didnt mean indian or pakistanis..:)

Everyone is in favour of peace.

what is pathetic and paranoid here is the point that some people are harping still about the rant that Pakistan and India is one.


We are a separate country you are a separate country.

If criteria for being a peace supporter in the eyes of Indians is shedding our Pakistani identity then i am sorry i would be better without this title.
Its irritating........ I dont know why all of the indians r floating this wierd crappy idea tht we are the same ????! Is it some sort of a inferiority complex?Probably yes....
Heck u hate us still u wanna be us??? wierd.
Donno if i sound offensive or rude, but isn't the call for brotherhood questioning the very formation/existence/continuation of Pakistan as a nation.

If brotherhood is the order of the day, y did Pakistan have to split in the first case?

I guess we should stick to being good neighbours.:cheers:
Everyone is in favour of peace..

Not everyone.!! or i can say most of people are against these kind of threads, just take a look at posts,(this video is not about sheeding pakistani iddentity..!! have you even watched it??)I have seen many people on this forum who just want war and fight with india..!

what is pathetic and paranoid here is the point that some people are harping still about the rant that Pakistan and India is one.


We are a separate country you are a separate country.

We are not one now! But we were one.!(And we can't became one ever again..!)And you can't ignore the level of similarites btw indians and pakistani be it in daily lives,way of living,language ,entertainment,food...etc.etc........

If criteria for being a peace supporter in the eyes of Indians is shedding our Pakistani identity then i am sorry i would be better without this title.

I don't think there is any these kind of thoughts in mind of indians....peace is peace...

Doesn't matter, nothing's going to change. Forgive me for being a pessimist.
Its irritating........ I dont know why all of the indians r floating this wierd crappy idea tht we are the same ????! Is it some sort of a inferiority complex?Probably yes....
Heck u hate us still u wanna be us??? wierd.

We are not same now..!! And neither will became same again..!! But we were same..!!

Inferiority complex:woot:?? lol,if i reply on this then you will blame me for trolling. so,better leave it:lol:

I don't hate pakistanis i have many online frnds from lahore and karachi with whom i talk almost daily..! I just hate Terrorists and those who think evil about my country..!
Sorry Me too dont subscribe to this fake-brotherhood (call me a hawk,a pessimist but I don't like to mince words)

In this internet forum maybe this bon-homie can be good,can be attainable and get some brownie points,but on ground ???:no:

Tell me (to those who propound this Brotherhood), what does a South Indian from Tamil Nadu have in common with a Pashtun from KP or a Bengali have in common with a Balochi ? Absolutely nothing. No shared culture, no tradition,no language,no religion. So on what ground does this brotherhood stand. ?

Maybe the Punjabis or the Haryanvis have something in common with Pakistani Punjabis or the Gujjus have something in common with the Sindhis.Other than that ??

It would be better if we can try to be good neighbours which is definitely possible and not something that we were not and definitely would not be.

exactly u hit the right chord, India is a land of vast diversity,and expect those cultures sharing boundary on both sides,we have nothing in common

It's like saying Indian and Chinese r same race because north east is in India.

in the same sense Pakistan is also a land of wide diversity,Baluch share more in common with Afghan's than any of the Indian

i feel miserable when i see this kinds of thread, basically serve no purpose,its just like keeping ourselves in a delusional world,we all know how much love both India and Pakistan share for each other
We are not same now..!! And neither will became same again..!! But we were same..!!Inferiority complex:woot:?? lol,if i reply on this then you will blame me for trolling. so,better leave it:lol:

I don't hate pakistanis i have many online frnds from lahore and karachi with whom i talk almost daily..! I just hate Terrorists and those who think evil about my country..!

Im from Balouchistan.... tell me wat similarity i have with u? or a syed,hazara,pushtun,gakhar,etc etc have with u? excluding rajputs,jats or gujjars which are in minority.
self delete..concluded it wrong..!!!
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Damn..!! I never though you got so much knowlegde about indians..!!lol

If you saying this,then i have no problem regarding your posts..!!:lol:

rajputs,jats or gujjars..! minority????

For your kind information i am myself "Gujjar" And my Gotra is "Dedha"..!! And i live in new delhi.. North india is only filled with rajputs,yadav,jatts and my community the gujjars..!!

Lol r u blind im talking about Pakistan!:disagree:
secondly, you are comparing physical features??? I was talking about india as whole nation before [partition..! And you should have known that india is diverse country then even now,,north indians look diff from south indians and East indian,(manipur,assam) who basically looks like nepaless,chiness,japens in appearence..!!

65-70% Pakistan was not even a part of india?
It was Balouchistan state and Afghanistan.

And not all pakistanis are balochs,,,are they??

Nope they are
Balouch,pashtun,hazara,balti,sindhi,and then in Punjab..... NOTE= Punjabi is not an ethnicity rather its used for the people living in Punjab!
There u have Niazi pahtuns,kekaizais,khakwanis,etc etc all pashtuns who speak punjabi.
U have legharis,buzdar,rind,bugtis etc all balouch ..... but speak seriaki or punjabi.
There u will find Gakhars,ariens etc of iranian origin.
U will find Syeds,qureshis,etc of middle eastern origin.....
Then u will find Rajputs,Gujjars,Jatts etc who are not a very large portion of Punjabi population and due to their physical features kinda blend in....

lol,,enjoy your thinking ..!

First read,comprehend and then rant.
Lol r u blind im talking about Pakistan!:disagree:

65-70% Pakistan was not even a part of india?
It was Balouchistan state and Afghanistan.

Nope they are
Balouch,pashtun,hazara,balti,sindhi,and then in Punjab..... NOTE= Punjabi is not an ethnicity rather its used for the people living in Punjab!
There u have Niazi pahtuns,kekaizais,khakwanis,etc etc all pashtuns who speak punjabi.
U have legharis,buzdar,rind,bugtis etc all balouch ..... but speak seriaki or punjabi.
There u will find Gakhars,ariens etc of iranian origin.
U will find Syeds,qureshis,etc of middle eastern origin.....
Then u will find Rajputs,Gujjars,Jatts etc who are not a very large portion of Punjabi population and due to their physical features kinda blend in....

First read,comprehend and then rant.

Firstly, my bad i did'nt saw it carefully..!!

lastly, Whatever makes you happy man..:lol:

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