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we pakistanis and indians

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Even north indians are a minority in india.

lol,,this was really joke of the day..!!:D

North indian are basically aryans..!! And you saying they are minority???:rofl::rofl:

just take a look :-

The most basic division of the Indian society is of Aryans and Dravidians. According to this division, nearly 72% of Indians are Aryans and 28% are Dravidians. The north Indians are the descendants of Aryans and the south Indians are Dravidians. The languages spoken in five states of south India are considered Dravidian languages and most of the languages spoken in the north are considered Aryan languages. The general script of the Aryan languages is different from the general script of Dravidian languages. The Indians also distinguish themselves by the general north Indian accent and general south Indian accent

Aryans and Dravidians

Go and rant somwhere else...:wave:
Not everyone.!! or i can say most of people are against these kind of threads, just take a look at posts,(this video is not about sheeding pakistani iddentity..!! have you even watched it??)I have seen many people on this forum who just want war and fight with india..!

These kinds of threads advocating we are same people is based on deep entrenched psyche at your end still harping for seeing Pakistan merging with India are Not at all peace drives.

On this forum we dont want war with India rather Indians come here with dozen multiple IDs posting shty propaganda against Pakistan.

Those who come up with breaking Pakistan should be sure we are also not in eternal love for you in that case.

We are not one now! But we were one.(And we can't became one ever again..!)

We were NEVER one. Rather we were forced to live with you on the same undivided land sans any power any rights.

this word again , uniting BACK are all wrong because we were not one so there is no question of again or back because at that time there was NO tricolour flag India neither two-coloured flag Pakistan.

And you can't ignore the level of similarites btw indians and pakistani be it in daily lives,way of living,language ,entertainment,food...etc.etc....

BULL crap because desis also wear jeans and western attire in daily lives, also eat Pizzas and burgers in daily lives also drink Pepsi in daily lives, also try to speak desi version of English in daily lives: So it does not make Indians and Pakistan one with Americans or westerners.

I don't think there is any these kind of thoughts in mind of indians....peace is peace...

:no: sugar coated pills
These kinds of threads advocating we are same people is based on deep entrenched psyche at your end still harping for seeing Pakistan merging with India are Not at all peace drives.

On this forum we dont want war with India rather Indians come here with dozen multiple IDs posting shty propaganda against Pakistan.

Those who come up with breaking Pakistan should be sure we are also not in eternal love for you in that case.

We were NEVER one. Rather we were forced to live with you on the same undivided land sans any power any rights.

this word again , uniting BACK are all wrong because we were not one so there is no question of again or back because at that time there was NO tricolour flag India neither two-coloured flag Pakistan.

BULL crap because desis also wear jeans and western attire in daily lives, also eat Pizzas and burgers in daily lives also drink Pepsi in daily lives, also try to speak desi version of English in daily lives: So it does not make Indians and Pakistan one with Americans or westerners.

:no: sugar coated pills

lol, Be happy with your opinion i am not going to argue on this..!

just one more added in list..! I was right :lol:

lol,,this was really joke of the day..!!:D

North indian are basically aryans..!! And you saying they are minority???:rofl::rofl:

just take a look :-

The most basic division of the Indian society is of Aryans and Dravidians. According to this division, nearly 72% of Indians are Aryans and 28% are Dravidians. The north Indians are the descendants of Aryans and the south Indians are Dravidians. The languages spoken in five states of south India are considered Dravidian languages and most of the languages spoken in the north are considered Aryan languages. The general script of the Aryan languages is different from the general script of Dravidian languages. The Indians also distinguish themselves by the general north Indian accent and general south Indian accent

Aryans and Dravidians

Go and rant somwhere else...:wave:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: please come out of this complex and please tell me what is the percentage of hindus in India?

If its over 72% or even 70% howcome you are Aryans?

Hindus are NOT aryans.

lol, Be happy with your opinion i am not going to argue on this..!

just one more added in list..! I was right


:no: why dont you go and bring peace between Saffronis and Indian Muslims before commenting on Pakistanis .

We have seen your sincerity in Babri Mosque case and one sided verdict.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: please come out of this complex and please tell me what is the percentage of hindus in India?

If its over 72% or even 70% howcome you are Aryans?

Hindus are NOT aryans.



complex?? lol. come out from your usual rants...!

Find out yourself what is the % of hindu's..!

And a muslim pakistani telling me that Hindus are aryans or not..!!:lol:

I don't need your ******* opinion on what hindu's are or not..!

And neither i am going to justify my position from your silly troll..!!
:no: why dont you go and bring peace between Saffronis and Indian Muslims before commenting on Pakistanis .

We have seen your sincerity in Babri Mosque case and one sided verdict.

There is peace in india..! Is'nt it? after, and the only one who is trying break this peace is "pakistan state terrorism"..!

Which ain't gona happen..!

You are free to call that verdict whatever you want..either call it one sided or dictatorship..!

I don't give **** to it..!! Your opinon dosn't worth a penny.


Tell me (to those who propound this Brotherhood), what does a South Indian from Tamil Nadu have in common with a Pashtun from KP or a Bengali have in common with a Balochi ? Absolutely nothing. No shared culture, no tradition,no language,no religion. So on what ground does this brotherhood stand. ?


Your same logic applies inside our country as well. I'll quote your paragraph with minor alteration. See how it fits well.


Tell me what does a South Indian from Tamil Nadu have in common with a Naga in Nagaland or a Bengali have in common with a Gujrati?


It would be better if we can try to be good neighbours which is definitely possible and not something that we were not and definitely would not be.

I definitely agree to this. We should start to first act like a good neighbour rather then trying at all out BROTHERHOOD. Like someone said, try to establish a good economic cooperation in South Asia, which will eventually rule out any future wars.
Your same logic applies inside our country as well. I'll quote your paragraph with minor alteration. See how it fits well.

Tell me what does a South Indian from Tamil Nadu have in common with a Naga in Nagaland or a Bengali have in common with a Gujrati?

I'm amazed that you even asked this question.

The answer lies in a five letter word called I-N-D-I-A

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The hadith mentioned...that no man is a believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for him self...is placed in the video out of context....it was about muslim brotherhood...and was meant to tell muslims at the time....so it cant be used in indo-pak context.

1) Most of Pakistan's terrirory was in Ummayad Caliphate...which included Multan on one side and spain on the other.
Traditionaly area, to the right of river indus was known as hind..and persian empires influence started from the left side of indus.
Northwestern tribal area was with khorasan. This is the biggest lie in history that whole of pakistan was part of india.

2) Pakistan is a group of geneticaly diverse people.

a)40 million pushtuns have nothing to do with india. They are majority ethinic in Khyber Pakhtun Khawa and Afghanistan.

b)Then there are the hazaras again nothing to do with india.

c)Then you have baloch around 8 million of them..an ethinic group living in western Pak...and Iran's province of sistan-baluchistan.

d) The group which indians claim is associated with them is punjabis.
Let's examine this province of punjab.

-you have millions of people in punjab from families of Sayyed, Qureshi, shah, Salara, Awans, the Khagga, the Dhund Abbasi, the Dhanyal, the Hans, the Hashmi (Nekokara), the Kahut and the Bodla,Thaheem ...their ancestors started comming to south punjab once it was part of ummayad caliphate and later abbasid caliphate....Muhammad Bin Qasim himself came up to Multan with 20000 Syrian Cavilary.

- The families whose ancestors converted to islam include jatts, rajputs , araees and few other muhajir families and they are in large numbers but not in majority as our indian friends claim.

-There were mass migrations from muslim areas of central asia and persia to muslim ruled indian subcontinent due to Mongol invasions...and from Karachi to Punjab..people with their decent could be found ranging from sindh to northern pakistan and even in kashmir......

- In Punjab tribes who claim to come from afghanistan are gardezis (from gardez) a shia tribe in south punjab, sadozai ( again from Tarnak, Kandahar, and Kabul and are decendants of ahmed shah abdali) are spread out from peshawar to lahore and kashmir with some decedants even in present day india.

- Northern Punjab...u have people like niazis (pushtun tribe but mainly in mianwali, with significant niazi diaspora in lahor, karachi, islamabad , chakwal, parts of afghanistan)...some also call these ppl "punjabi pathans" espeacialy those in punjab...some famous niazis include imran khan a famous politician.

So Pakistan is a country with 170 million people with diverse ethinic backgrounds including arab, indian, persian, afghan, central asian, and not to forget people from Kalash in gilgit baltistan who have been proven to be exact decedents of alexanders forces.....till now many of them arnt even muslim.

Ask anyone here in Canada, my indian friends...even accept it that an average Pakistani looks different as compared to an average indian...so our indian friends on this forum shouldn't keep extreme views of claiming that it was one nation...its like saying central asian muslim countries and russia are the same nation just because once they were together under soviet union....No my friend...central asian countries were , are and will be muslim and part of an independent nation.....and same case applies here....whether those pakistanis who are the decedents of people who were not native to this land or those pakistanis who are decedents of natives of india are part of the global ummah stretching from today's pakistan going upto Morocco.

Hope this clears the miscpnceptions of people who think about indo-pak brotherhood...yes we can be good neighbours but brotherhood is with people of ummah....or with sincere friends like China.

i request the moderators to please close this useless thread started without any prupose.

You are right in your own way.

By religeous beliefs (and also by scientific theory of Human migration), all of todays mankind were started from ONE PLACE. Be it Africa or from Adam & Eve or Manu. the point is that if one wants to keep going backward in history, there is no end. Even ethnicity changes, foreign genes get localized over the time. From where these ethnicity begin? Will it again change in the future by the tremendous ongoing mixing up of genes? What we see today, is it going to be the same tomorrow.

One big meterior strike, or one big nuclear war, its all over!!!

leaving this India Pakistan brotherhood crap aside, all human being should realize how trivial all these ISSUES between them. When we talk about thousand years of past, we should also be capable to talk about thousand year to the future. What legacy we leave behind for our future generations.

All are right in their own way. Call it brotherhood, good neighborhood, humanity, it does not matter. Someone will like this and someone will like that. The only option here is to give chance to peace and love. That's what will be the ultimate truth. Rest all will be consumated in the future, one way or the other.
I'm amazed that you even asked this question.

The answer lies in a five letter word called I-N-D-I-A


I think you got the wrong message in my post. Although I share the same sentiment with you regarding the five letter word, I-N-D-I-A, my point was purely on a legal debate mode.

In a debate, emotion is not an correct evidence. Same sentence cannot be comprehended in two different ways, in two different cases inside a courtroom.

I'll not reply further on this posts. Thanks.
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