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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

Barking is it?....

I think I smell rabid poodles....


Wed, Feb 24 08:35 PM
Islamabad, Feb.24 (ANI): Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has said that the Pakistani forces are fully prepared to give a befitting reply to any 'misadventure' from India.

Speaking during a briefing of the Senate Standing Committee on Defence at the General Headquarters, Kayani said there is no possibility regarding the Pakistani military being caught unawares by India.

"India's cold start doctrine based on hegemonic designs has not been taken lightly and the armed forces are capable of responding to the challenge and safeguarding the country's geographical frontiers," The Dawn quoted Kayani, as saying.

Kayani's statement came less than 48 hours before the much-awaited foreign secretary-level talks between India and Pakistan.
Sources privy to the briefing said Kayani stressed that 'Pakistan's long-term national interests would never be sacrificed on someone else's short-term interests.'

Sources said that some of the committee members expressed their concern over Pakistan's support to the US-led 'war on terror'.

Jamaat-e-Islami leader Khursheed Ahmed said that time had come for Islamabad to eview its policy on cooperating with Washington in the war against militants. (ANI)

Pak army fully prepared to answer any 'misadventure' from India: Kayani - Yahoo! India News
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India warns Pakistan to stop terrorism

Washington: India has not abandoned the "path of dialogue" but possesses the capacity "to deal effectively with those that pursue destructive agendas" against the country, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said in a major address in Washington on Monday.

"Despite the provocations we have faced constantly from terrorists whose linkages we have traced back to Pakistani soil, we have not abandoned the path of dialogue," Rao said in an address on Monday at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, a renowned Washington think tank.

Prefacing her remarks about Pakistan in more general terms Rao said like the US administration, "India, too, is concerned at the terror infrastructure that has been allowed to be established, take root and be used as an instrument of state policy in our immediate neighbourhood."

"Our heartland, our cities and our people, are exposed to the threat of terrorism in a constant and almost unremitting way in a manner that the United States well understands, given the similar threats that are directed against the American people," she said.

India's approach has been to deal with the challenge of terrorism with restraint, Rao said. "However, our restraint should not be confused with weakness or unwillingness to act against those that seek to harm our people, create insecurity, and hamper our developmental goals," she said.

"We are a strong country and we possess the capacity to deal effectively with those that pursue destructive agendas against India and its people," Rao warned.

"Despite the brazen and malignant nature of the threats we face, India has made several genuine efforts to restore trust and confidence," she said.

"We have, time and again, made genuine attempts to address outstanding issues, most importantly, the issue of terrorism through dialogue with Pakistan," Rao said referring to her recent meeting with Pakistan Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir as the latest such move.

At this meeting "India's approach was to focus on our concerns regarding terrorism, pending humanitarian issues, and some bilateral visits that have been planned or spoken of, but have not taken place," she said.

"But it continues to be our conviction that for this dialogue to really make progress, Pakistan should take meaningful steps to address our concerns on terrorism, and cease the encouragement of terrorism targeted against India."

Recalling that India had resumed its Composite Dialogue with Islamabad after the then Pakistani leadership made such an assurance in January 2004, Rao noted: "Today, Pakistan claims that it is in no position to give us such a guarantee that terrorism can be controlled by its authorities."

"In such a situation, the people of India who are already bitterly affected by the series of terrorist attacks directed against them, can hardly be expected to support the resumption of a full-blown Composite Dialogue with Pakistan," she said.

Referring to US military aid to Pakistan Rao said, it is "also important that there are strict accountability criteria that apply to defence assistance rendered to Pakistan for operations against terrorists and insurgents on the border with Afghanistan".

India's past experience regarding such assistance has taught it to be vigilant to the possibility of it being used for purposes that generate tension and hostile actions against India, she said.

India does "not have aggressive designs against Pakistan and we want it to be a stable and prosperous country," Rao said. "But we will be vigilant about our security. That is our sovereign right," she asserted.

India warns Pakistan to stop terrorism

Now our politician should take a page out of Indian and Israeli note book and let the whole world hears how India is threatening us.
Some wise guy once said, a picture is equal to a thousand words.

Its mere sabre rattling from Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao. Once again India has displayed that its cold start doctrine effectively possesses the capability of launching a war of words against Pakistan as seen lately:lol:.
Good Luck India for all your future endeavours.
Many of the members in PDF call this bullying and I tend to think that Pakistan is too deep in emotion before you understand the content and it is no different with you Mr. Think Tank.

india has made many provocative statements ever since the whole mumbai drama. I don't think it's 'bulling' per se, simply because "bullying" would entail that india is succesfully pushing Pakistan around -and Pakistan is not in a position to respond.

indian have no leverage over Pakistan. I think 'annoying' would be the proper word.

Proof Mr.Think Tank ? Your minister himself has made a statement about the lack of evidence. Do you want to be the first?

Well hey -- i wont deny that there are Pakistanis who have provided moral support to Kashmiris fighting for freedom against indian rule - though Kashmir is Disputed territory

Cool down, drink cool water or some taaza lassi; and broaden your perspective on this issue.

Have you heard about Indians celebrating after Pakistan winning the world cup. I can't point out others but I my friends missed going to school that day and celebrated Pakistan's victory after the match. So just cut out the crap.

i dont think the indians had a choice :lol:

Providing prime time to Mr. Saeed. Excellent Pakistani media. Let him spread the language of hate and Think Tanks like you have no problems with him.


He barely even makes the news-ticker in Pakistan. It seems he is a celebrity in india though.

I have no problem with people expressing their views, as long as they abide by the laws and regulations -- in this case those applicable to Pakistan.

As far as I know, he hasn't broken any rules. Even the courts released him from house arrest, due to lack of evidence of any wrong-doing.

Who am I to say anything? We aren't a dictatorship or overly-fascist people. If we were, you (indian) wouldnt be on a Pakistani defence forum.

The problem with us is the people of Pakistan are very tolerant just like you and don't mind extremists and radicals breathing down their neck or for that matter casting an evil eye on the neighbours.

The 3 men I mentioned pose no threat to my national security (nor yours for that matter)

They may not exactly be aligned with -- or call themselves "friends" of india; but they are entitled to their views. I may or may not agree with all of their views; but they are free citizens. We wont change our legal system just to placate to indians (of all people). I believe I made it clear to you in my last post. Maybe you forgot.

and are you really gonna bring up "evil eye" in this conversation, or is your local astrologist giving you these ideas

About Mr. Thackeray and Mr. Modi. Both of them are holding political office and play little games to gain popularity.

Thakeray is now resorting to Marathi/Hindu nationalism

Have they dont anything other than going ahead with their day to day work apart from making noises that have nothing to do with violence in Pakistan?

I don't know them personally, so I can't say. You seem to know Zaid Hamid very well though, since you seem to imply he has a hand in terrorism or perhaps stampedes in india

by the way, i seem to vaguely recall Mr. Thakeray issuing a call to form Hindu suicide squads, "to take the Muslims head on". Labeling them as "trouble makers"

that is worse than inciting hatred against just Pakistanis.

There are around 450 million Muslims in this subcontinent alone.

Is Kasab an Indian ?

I don't know him personally. I have no copy of his birth certificate.

Is LeT not an organisation in Pakistan that is banned by the UN.

It's banned in Pakistan too

Is JuD still not working in Pakistan though it is banned by international bodies.

I believe JuD has filed an appeal in order to clear its name. ICJ of course has no say as it only entertain states, not individuals or organizations

Actually, it is mostly the Christians and Hindu minorities in Pakistan which are against the sanctions against JuD.

Why are 10 people being tried and have not been granted bail if they were lambs? Their I rest my case.

Did i say they were "lambs" :hitwall:

People die every day in your country as the value of life has diminished so has your currency.

People die every day in the entire world, from a variety of causes. Not much we can do about it.

Value of life has not diminished, and you should be banned just for getting cocky and making retarded statements like that. Some people have become a bit de-sensitized, especially in war affected border regions. Doesnt mean people have lost value for life.

If that were the case, we'd be like a 'certain nearby country' where suicide takes place every 15 minutes :azn:

People killed in your country is a sorry affair but do not treat it even as you are in the middle of WoT, we are not.

terrorism knows no bounds......don't be emotional.

India asked for voice samples of People in Pakistan to match the voice samples recorded during the 26/11. Pakistan to this day has refused to provide voice sample. Should I say more about evidence?

how does indian know such "samples" exist

that's what i've been dealing with from you and your comrades lately, it seems.


Yes sir, now go have wet dreams with Zaid videos.

I don't watch TV much. I think sir is more popular in your country, since 1 billion hindustanys seem fascinated by him.

But i'll make a deal with you. If i do manage to catch a glimpse of his show, i'm sure --if your rhetoric is to be believed -- i'll suddenly have all the tools and logistics necessary to conquer hindustan :smitten: :tup:
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hahahha, someones getting frustrated...

This is just frustration they know they can't do anything about it, and their new parent(US) who had just adopted them has nearly send them back to orphanage.

The strategy is failing in Afghanistan, Saudia said no too, they cant do anything to Pakistan, Talibans are nearly busted, LTTE already dead, US is also concentrating on Kahsmir issue and water issues as well.

Seems like the dream of dominating region and then later the world is falling apart.

US just supported India for using it in Afghanistan and share the burden, and GOI started thinking US will announce them as the King of the World. lol:police::police::police:

I agree. Indians are getting frustrated. India was always frustrated with Pakistan since 1947.

Also India knows its time in Afghanistan is coming to an end.

The U.S. has invited Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army, General Kayani, to Washington for strategic dialogue, while no one in U.S. even knows the name of india's army chief.
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I agree. Indians are getting frustrated. India was always frustrated with Pakistan since 1947.

Also India knows its time in Afghanistan is coming to an end.

The U.S. has invited Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army, General Kayani, to Washington for strategic talks, while no one in U.S. even knows the name of india's army chief.

why do we get frustrate? if someone TOM DICK & HARRY calls your PM or army chief and says 'Its Pranavda calling,we are going to attack you ' and your whole government panics. :smokin: NAAM HI KAFI HE.

about Afghanistan, well! time will tell.

and finally, about America calling your Army generals to them for strategic talk. dude, we don't go there. they come to us.:smokin:
why do we get frustrate? if someone TOM DICK & HARRY calls your PM or army chief and says 'Its Pranavda calling,we are going to attack you ' and your whole government panics. :smokin: NAAM HI KAFI HE.

about Afghanistan, well! time will tell.

and finally, about America calling your Army generals to them for strategic talk. dude, we don't go there. they come to us.:smokin:

or if we do go there we get honored by state dinners :P
Yes and WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN HOW TO DEAL WITH YOU india..... actions speak louder then words no wonder there never is any peace between the 2 countires but i must say silly and cowardly words always come out from some joker in a high seat from the indian gov or from someone high ranking in there armed forces unreal and a joke grow up india no one is scared of you specially Pakistan & Chine so choose your words wisely Furthermore , i must tell you all that threats from india are also on the way to China just yesterday i was watching indian news as i have many channels on dish and the topic was india's China killer missle lolz they are now calling there new missle China killer so as you can see never anything postive or good comes out of the indian gov and there media ... the indian gov is like a bad kid just asking for a really bad a$$ wipping . I would like to see peace in the region and would want to see india to talk about such things not war and war figitng words it will not solve anything rather cause more tension's in the region a thought to think about.

Which indian missle did they talk about? Is that one failed its test recently?
You prove your immaturity yet again ! If you are on PDF for longer does not make you wiser. Hope you don't correlate the time you spend on PDF to your maturity. :azn:

About hate .... please find out the amount of airtime spent by Pakistan on Anti India debates from SH to ZH. Need say more about which media is better? And BTW, I never said that our media is top notch. I just distanced the view of GoI from the views expressed in media.

About not exchanging posts, I have read your posts before and I don't have to know you personally or exchange private messages. :smitten: BTW, I have not met anyone on this forum in person. So save the crap.

Ans: Post#35. :cheers:

Hey don't try to act like boss here .. put u in check real quick! furthermore, its you that is inmatture and has nothing to back up such as your comments you keep going around in around with nothing to prove your point show some respect and your will get respect back and btw dont ever disrespect me again keep you distance so you save you trash,crap and junk in your trunk dont step to me ever again i am done with you your country's gov is full of hate and so is your damn trashy media which preches & teaches hate to there people don't you dare contact me again unless you can talk like man & not like a little boy with no point :tdown::angry:
Sweden banned selling arms to Pakistan, Israel doesn't do anything to help Pakistan, US isn't doing much except some equipment and a bit of money, and US, with Israel, is trying to pressure France not to sell weapons to Pakistan.

What is the West allying only with India? Seriously, Pakistan has done more to stop the Taliban then India has.
Sweden banned selling arms to Pakistan, Israel doesn't do anything to help Pakistan, US isn't doing much except some equipment and a bit of money, and US, with Israel, is trying to pressure France not to sell weapons to Pakistan.

What is the West allying only with India? Seriously, Pakistan has done more to stop the Taliban then India has.

Totally agreed brother and correction india hasn't done nothing to help stop the taliban or anyone else its Pakistan who is doing the work fighting the wot and loosing lives let them give there cowadly threats they don't mean jack i actually laugh and iam sure so many others do the same when ones a$$ gets wipped then all the talking stops :lol::rofl:
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