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Water car: Engineer sues doctor for ‘trying to undermine’ his invention

If it was some advance country they would have disproved it by showing how this 'water kit' is working and why it is or it isn't a fraud. We in Pakistan have not even seen what this guy has done but are out in full force to rubbish it. It could all be rubbish and fraud, but can someone look at the 'kit' and tell us how it is working and how it does not comply to the laws of physics.

This being Pakistan, we will never know. There will be allegations, counter allegations, personal attacks, court cases and we will really make a laughing stock of ourselves in the end.

I agree dear poster.

However burden of proof is on the water car inventor.

Read the essay by Hoodbhoy. You will see what he is saying about blind followers of this scientist. TV anchors should have tested the device first (in the presence of technical people/engineers/scientists) before putting the thing on TV.

From Twitter apparently:

“@HamidMirGEO: Agha Waqar applied for patent yesterday now preparing for the final countdown he will be examined by Pak Engineering Board”

“@HamidMirGEO: like it or not but Agha Waqar applied for patent in IPO and he have to prove his claim in front of experts he is not scared”

(not confirmed to be authentic)
Here's an even better idea for troll physics, glue a large magnet to the front of the car. Now tie another magnet to a fishing pole with string. Hold the magnet on the pole in front of the car. Unlimited energy! What could possibly go wrong?

From Twitter apparently:

“@HamidMirGEO: Agha Waqar applied for patent yesterday now preparing for the final countdown he will be examined by Pak Engineering Board”

“@HamidMirGEO: like it or not but Agha Waqar applied for patent in IPO and he have to prove his claim in front of experts he is not scared”

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/curren...-undermine-his-invention-4.html#ixzz22VNZ2Cdn

(not confirmed to be authentic)

OMG, Why go through all this only to possibly burst the bubble. The tests should be shelved.

So many people are happy and excited, the TV channels (at least some Anchors) are scooping up TRPs, a Religious Affairs Minister is getting a chance to spout scientific wisdom, some Nuclear Scientists are getting the Klieg-lights turned in their direction all over again, an inventor may get a chance to laugh his way to the banks, while a nation is effervescing.

Why switch off the state of ecstasy? Its certainly better than electricity in days of load-shedding.
A guy who even can't explain the term mechanics scientifically is to sue a guy who has given a lot in the field of chemistry!. I was shocked when he stated his electrolysis process without an electrolyte.

My advice to him wait until his claim gets a certificate from legitimate authorities.
edited: no trolling. :D


Agha Waqar on live TV: Mein koi theory sheory nahi janta, aap ko gari chalti nazar aarahi hai na, aap iss par baat karo mayray saath.

(Translation: I do not know any theories. You can see the car running. Talk to me about that only.)


The End? Can we please please please please move this to the "Stupid and Funny" now? Pretty Please?
edited: no trolling. :D


Agha Waqar on live TV: Mein koi theory sheory nahi janta, aap ko gari chalti nazar aarahi hai na, aap iss par baat karo mayray saath.

(Translation: I do not know any theories. You can see the car running. Talk to me about that only.)


The End? Can we please please please please move this to the "Stupid and Funny" now? Pretty Please?

That is wise of him.
In essence he is saying "Aapko Aam khane se matlab hai, paid taakne se nahin".
Nothing wrong with that, is there?
That is NO invention,,, it's a joke... Like i said before , he hydrolyse water using battery power, & then run engine with it... it's like an electric car with a hydrolysis shoved in the middle, which would only reduce the efficiency of this electric car ...
Anyeways, I wanted to answer this guy,,,, whose trying to be a professor with his 10th grade level science concepts.

1stly i didn't say it does increase octane #, i said that so-called inventor might have achieved higher octane # or efficiency,,, i don't know if it does ... u should understand what's being said before u even think of replying to a post.

2ndly, u need to learn how octane # is designated to different fuels,,, When we say a fuel has so & so octane # that fuel could have NO iso-octane at all,,, octane# of a fuel designated by equivalence of that fuel to a "standardized" iso-octane mixture. Presence of iso-octane in fuel being calibrated is NOT necessary. Go read ur books again that u crammed up without concept just to secure good marks...

See all these fuels have an octane-# designated to them, without any iso-octane being present in them.
Octane rating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My dear I may have misunderstood the first part, I am a candidate of your pardon.

For the second part u may have picked up a wrong scent to write that explanation. Actually we both wrote the same thing. Like we both know that iso-octane has octane nos of 100 and n-heptane a nos 0 so a fuel is actually measure through the watching glass of ratio mix of these two. I never said that fuel must contain both of these compounds.

I am pretty sure that you may be a highly knowledgeable and educated person. But it would be wise to reflect that in ones post, which you do quite amicably. Even then it would not place you in public dais to pass judgement/comment on others. The same is true for me and other 46K odd members of this forum.
Oh man, we're slowly becoming laughing stock of the scientific world. Is it legal to lynch this idiot to death for subjecting us to ridicule?

Every one chant: Death death to the watermotor(scratch that) watermelon man :blink:
Mother of all inventions... By Col (r) Riaz - PakTribune

Mother of all inventions... By Col (r)
Riaz 03 August, 2012 Dr. Faiz Ahmad of the NUST (NewsPost
Aug 3rd) has rather sarcastically tried
to ridicule Agha Waqar for the auto
water-kit (WK) that the later is trying to
find sponsors to produce
commercially. I am sure the learned doctor knows that the water kit is not
something new and quite a few of the
US and French kits are already
available in the market. I myself got
one fitted for Rs. 25,000/= in my KIA
Sportage (Turbo Diesel 2000), but though it worked for the plains it
could not build up the required
compression for the hills. On smaller
cars it works satisfactorily. I am also
sure that the learned doctor also
knows that the vehicle fitted with the WK does not operate only on water
but the hydrogen obtained from the
water electrolysis is mixed with the
fuel – whether diesel or petrol – to run
the engine. That reduces the fuel
consumption greatly – even up to 50 percent at optimum working. Lastly, I am sure the learned doctor
has heard of the story that about a
century ago a crazy man made a
sewing needle with an eye in the front
instead of the usual one at the back.
Every one – like the learned doctor – scoffed at him but he kept on trying to
sew with his needle. Lo and behold, he
invented the modern sewing machine,
which revolutionised the entire
tailoring industry. So, Dr. Sahib, please don't discourage
the man just because thousands and
thousands of Ph.Ds around the world
couldn't think of such a simple
invention. Who knows the day may
come when the planes and locomotives apart from the ordinary
home power generators might use the
Water Kits to run their engines at a
fraction of what it costs now and the
Ph.Ds have to rewrite the books on
thermodynamics!!. Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd) Rawalpindi
There was a show on PTV, in which Agha waqar and Dr Samar Mubarakmand were sitting side by side, and Dr Samar absolutely blew this guy out of the pond.

At one moment he said: 'hun agha sahib hum bhi sainsdan hain, hamay bhi kuch ata hai, aisay to nhn science chalti'.

I recommend you people watch it, this guy's bubble got burst.
A cousin..or relative.

On topic.. this man has been called out as the fraud.. and is now trying to find ways to cover it.
And it is not just him who will be taken as a fraud.. some 200 or so prominent people will be painted as idiots of the first order..along with the nation of Pakistan.

The car may run on water.. but not efficiently.

The car DOES NOT run on water, (unless there is a steam engine, powered by steam, which itself is one of the forms of water)........the car runs on Hydrogen.

I am working on a flying carpet that uses air as its power source. I want to assure my qaum that I will apply for a loan to weave these magnificent flying machines only in Pakistan. Soon the whole country will be full of millionaires.

Anybody who want to partner with me, please forward your particulars and a deposit of $100 in reply to the emails from VCheng that have been sent out to you.

Don't delay as only a limited number of partnerships are available.

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