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Washington Post: Why Saudi Arabia can’t get a nuclear weapon!

You should read more of Tom Clancy's novels instead of Business Insider, as that makes more sense........ Indian!

Janeman itna gusa arabs pe... bohut garmi hai wahan kya, aoo tanda keron :D :p: LOL

You should read more of Tom Clancy's novels instead of Business Insider, as that makes more sense........ Indian!
meri jaan ab respond nahi kerogay toh assay toh nahi challayga na :cray:

Come on babes, play a little :p:
Could someone tell me if there are any famous Saudi scientist in the last 50 years? I did not find any in google, maybe not looking correctly. I am not trolling, genuinely interested, are there any famous saudi scientists in basic research? Any awards? Nobel?
Could someone tell me if there are any famous Saudi scientist in the last 50 years? I did not find any in google, maybe not looking correctly. I am not trolling, genuinely interested, are there any famous saudi scientists in basic research? Any awards? Nobel?

The yanks built there program with German scientists the Saudi's have the money to hire experts and the fissile material may be easier to get than you think if your pockets are deep enough.

"The former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan—where the Soviets based many of their nuclear warheads—safely returned their Soviet nuclear weapons to post-communist Russia in the 1990s, but all three countries still have stockpiles of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium. Ukraine and Kazakhstan also have nuclear power plants the byproducts of which cannot be used to make a nuclear bomb but might tempt terrorists trying to make a “dirty bomb”—a regular explosive laced with lower-grade radioactive material."

Would saudi get a nuke?
would its loyal friends help it build a nuke???
One thing is for sure that Pakistan would not officially help Saudi to build a nuke. No way!!!
Pakistanis know the repercussions of getting involved in Saudi's nuke program (if at all they have one). IMO, since Saudi has been an opponent of nukes, member Nuclear no proliferation treaty and nuclear weapon free zone(in ME), it would not try to get its hands on a nuke. Nope I dont think so!
In this world where money is power, Saudi could have easily acquired a ready made nuke if it wanted to, afterall where there's a will there's a way.
I conclude tat Saudis 're not interested in nukes. :coffee:
the Picture and the idea of selling Ohio Class Subs with Trident 2 Missile is a bit nasty ....
the day they got this Subs , Iran Nightmare will come true ... and that wont be good for region , cause it will trigger a Nuclear arms race in ME

Well even though i agree with the article that saudi arabia simply doesnt have the capabilities to build a nuclear weapons without foreign help from foreign powers, i have to disagree with the part that they cant get it by any means.
I think they have deep pockets enough to buy one from pakistan(a country they have being a major financial patron to), or even get into a secret deal with China who has in the past secretly sold long range ICBM to KSA etc. So they can still clandestinely get one in the black market. :)

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan's nuclear weapons pact - Business Insider

It is widely understood this was the deal even when pakistan started building it as it cost alot of money. This is why Israel was pissed off because they didn't care as much as pakistani have nukes which was neutralized by India, it was the fact they knew of that treaty/understanding and tried to sabotage it on few occasions mainly politically by pressuring the Pakistani's then but it was just a good cover for the saudi's and their secret deal as pakistan replied to the pressure by claiming it's a national security to the threat of Indian already established Nuclear program.

Yes india acquiring nuclear weapons was the main reason pakistan developed nukes, so pakistan should thank india for its nukes as it justified it nuclear weapons program
The yanks built there program with German scientists the Saudi's have the money to hire experts and the fissile material may be easier to get than you think if your pockets are deep enough.

"The former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan—where the Soviets based many of their nuclear warheads—safely returned their Soviet nuclear weapons to post-communist Russia in the 1990s, but all three countries still have stockpiles of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium. Ukraine and Kazakhstan also have nuclear power plants the byproducts of which cannot be used to make a nuclear bomb but might tempt terrorists trying to make a “dirty bomb”—a regular explosive laced with lower-grade radioactive material."

Thanks, I already know that the Saudis can pay to get a nuclear weapon, I was just wondering if as a society they place any importance to scientific knowledge.
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