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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

He sent me for some reasons.
and i will get back to him for some reasons :)
its wierd you are asking me how do i know i will die one day lol

Every living being has to do die one day. Humans, animals, plants, everything.

But why god sent us here ?
He sent us here out of his need or our need ?
I am not forcing you to stop believing god either. Why did you bring it into a science related thread where people are discussing evolution.

You have logical reason to believe in god but you wont share it. Very good, I wont argue with you. I know what you mean by you personally felt it. I wont joke about personal feelings, all I can say is, many of us had/have such feelings. With experience and knowledge we start to understand the psychology behind it.

But as of now, for most people, religion is the only show in town, that tries to explain such personal feelings. You are 100 percent right.

What people dont realize is that religious faith is blind faith.
We cant get any logical explanations for religious beliefs.
And this goes to all religions.
Thats why I said, fine if you believe in god, but dont bet your life on it.
A bit offtopic, but nice article.

Does God Exist?

There are things that we know exist even though we can never see them, because we see their traces. For example, we can know whether a star has a planet rotating around it even though our telescopes do not allow us to see that planet. What we see is a small wobble in the star and we deduce that this wobble is the result of the gravitational pull of a planet. We can even calculate the size and the distance of the planet to the star by measuring the wobble.

In the subatomic world there are particles that we can’t see. But we know for a fact that they exist because of the footprint that they leave behind. For example, the size of string, the smallest particle of matter, in relation to an atom is believed to be the same of an atom in relation to the universe. However, mathematical calculations lead us to believe that they exist and they provide the basis of the Theory of Everything, the theory that unites the quantum world with the Newtonian universe – the minute and the large.

So, although it is futile to search for God, we can search whether there is a footprint that we can attribute to him. In the past people wondered who makes the rain, the wind, and forces the sun to go round. Since they could not figure these out they thought a powerful deity must be behind each one of them. That was the origin of polytheism.

Out of polytheism monotheism evolved.

Although the origin of monotheism cannot be traced accurately, The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, Marduk from tutelary of Babylon and Zoroaster (usually placed in the early Iron Age) were the earliest monotheists recorded in history.

Today, we know what causes rain, wind and makes the sun go round and we don’t attribute them to God or gods anymore. However, we have discovered more questions such as what caused the Big Bang. Why it went off? When we find no answer we say it must have been God.

Recently, physicists have come up with a new theory – the M theory and the parallel universes, or the multiverse theory that if proven right it will explain what caused the Big Bang. We may actually be very close to know the answer. The Large Hedron Collider may provide the answer in the coming years. This theory says that the universe is a two dimensional membrane like a sheet of paper. (M stands for membrane.) To us it looks three dimensional, because we live in the thickness of the membrane. Some physicists believe the universe is a bubble. It is still a membrane but it forms a bubble, like a balloon. If you travel in one direction and keep going you will end up to where you started your journey. Inside and outside the balloon, there is nothing – no space. It just does not exist in our dimensions. There are infinite universes that float like bubbles – many of them just like ours. In fact there could be duplicates of you in many of them who live different lives. At one point they were joined with you and then they split and entered in another dimension. You can no longer contact yourself in other universes, even though they are right where you are. (For the record, I don’t believe in that. It is too weird even for the science) Universes are constantly born and burst out of existence. When they collide, they sometimes merge and sometimes cause a Big Bang, giving birth to a new universe. You thought fiction is crazy? Reality seems to be a lot stranger. Or is it that our scientists have gone mad?

If this weird theory is proven right, the Big Bang would not have needed a creator. The Big Bang can be explained in the same way that the movement of the sun in the sky is explained. And this will force the God theorists to find another puzzle to justify God.

God provides an answer to our ignorance. It is a theory. The difference between this theory and scientific theories is that it allows no scrutiny. It is based on faith. While the proponents of scientific theories are constantly challenging their own theories and shifting its borders, the advocated of God theory will not move an inch until they are overrun by science. Then they drag their battered theory a bit further and find another employment for God.

However, can we dismiss God altogether? Is he superfluous? Quantum theory posits that matter behaves either as particle or as wave, depending on whether it is observed or not. If it is observed it acts like particle and matter is formed and if it is not observed it acts as wave and things do not materialize. Therefore, it follows that everything you see and the world around you comes to being because someone, say you, observe it. But as Descartes pointed out, you must exist to observe and hence someone must be observing you. This leaves room for an ultimate observer that is not a thing and who observes everything. It is a non being that creates the being by observing it. Could this ultimate observer be God? Someone must be observing the universe for it to come to existence. Does this mean that science has made God indispensable?

It is interesting to note that Hindu philosophers believed that the universe is the dream of gods. In his book Cosmos, Carl Sagan explains, “There is the deep and appealing notion that the universe is but a dream of the god who, after a hundred Brahma years, dissolves himself into a dreamless sleep. The universe dissolves with him – until, after another Brahma century, he stirs, recomposes himself and begins again to dream the cosmic dream. Meanwhile, elsewhere, there are an infinite number of universes, each with its own god dreaming the cosmic dream.”

Sagan then says, “These great ideas are tempered by another, perhaps greater. It is said that men may not be the dreams of gods, but rather that the gods are the dreams of men.”

He may be right and he may not be. He may be right because the gods that people envision are figments of their imagination. At the same time, if the universe can exist only when it is observed, then there can be a kernel of truth in what Hindu philosophers had thought.

Could we one day find out that God exists after all? Even if God exists, it would be a non being reality. If God is pure consciousness, it is a non-being. Non beings realities cannot be measured, therefore they can not be demonstrated and proven. But they can be perceived. The question, “show me consciousness,” is moot. Consciousness cannot be shown or proven.
If any atheist tell you that he is feeling pain . Dont believe in his words unless he prove existence of his pain by scientific evidences
Folks, I must reiterate, evolution is NOT a theory its a fact. There are no two ways around it. It isn't somebody's opinion, it isn't a hypothesis, its downright scientific fact.

Many believe fossil evidence is all we have whereas that was just the beginning. The human genome has been sequenced (for the most part) as have the genomes for literally hundreds of species, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Comparitive genomics has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that evolution is indeed a fact and an ongoing process. Even simple multiple sequence analysis programs like CLUSTALW can generate accurate phylogenetic trees. Darwin simply proposed evolution, genetics confirmed it. If you're curious, wiki HOX genes. If you still doubt evolution, I doubt your reading comprehension :)

Genetics has advanced in leaps and bounds and yet for some unfathomable reason the 'debate' goes on. What's to debate about? People seem to have no issues believing in genetics when we use model organisms to develop drugs or find genes but when it comes to evolution the bigots suddenly appear. I can bet money there's a cancer survivor out there who owes his life to profiling (thanks to advances in genetics) and still refuses to believe in evolution.

While I'm on the subject of bigots who refuse to believe in evolution and infallible genetic evidence, I ask all of you to look up threads on 'Pakistani Ancestry'. There you'll find esteemed def.pk members proclaiming their aryan heritage based on HAPLOTYPE MARKERS and yelling CREATION in this one. How come? why is genetic evidence acceptable in one case and not the other? You can't cherry pick when it comes to science.

Then we have classic questions such as 'why haven't gorilla's evolved into people?', 'why aren't we evolving now?' etc. For starters don't unnecessarily take a stand if you know nothing about the subject. There are plenty of resources you can leverage out there.

I don't get why people have such a hard time understanding that evolution itself could be the so called 'intelligent design'. It is impossible to comprehend the vastness of our solar system (never mind our galaxy or the universe) and in 2011 we have people who think they can understand the god that created all this. Think of the natural world as a set of mechanisms created by god and science will make complete sense. As far as religion is concerned: have faith, do your best and let others do the same, easy. :tup:
I am not forcing you to stop believing god either. Why did you bring it into a science related thread where people are discussing evolution
When i said you are forcing me to give up my beliefs and peoples started Darwinism vs creationism so i gave me thoughts. I don't mind constructive debate and argument about anything be it science or religion
You have logical reason to believe in god but you wont share it. Very good, I wont argue with you.
I said this because you guys are looking statistical or scientific evidence. God is a spiritual being, he must be known spiritually instead of materially. In order for statistical or scientific evidence to work the subject being studied must follow basic rules that can be measured in some way. This is the reason that science often claims there is no proof for God as science typically only accepts scientific or statistical proof.
As i said before evolution is a theory explaining a system of how things that exist work, but it has not given an explanation as to how they originated. Science has almost conclusively proven that nothing physical existed prior to the Big Bang. Therefore a metaphysical source is required for the origin of life. Life cannot come from non life. It is impossible. Another billions years tacked on to the age of the universe will not produce life from non-life nor explain how rationality could develop from non rationality.

Science may not be able to offer speculation beyond what it can observe in the physical world. It may be incompetent to infer theories about the metaphysical. However, it need not make proclamations against the existence of the metaphysical either. If science must be silent on inferring a metaphysical, it must remain silent on disproving a metaphysical world.

Again question is : where did the first singularity of energy and matter that made up the source of the big bang came from?
Every living being has to do die one day. Humans, animals, plants, everything.
But why god sent us here ?
He sent us here out of his need or our need ?
Why God created me? why he gave me life? why he will give me death?

Your questions are very easy to answer but before i give you detail answer Let me ask you why your parent created you :D
did your mother gave you birth for her own needs or for your needs?
When i said you are forcing me to give up my beliefs and peoples started Darwinism vs creationism so i gave me thoughts. I don't mind constructive debate and argument about anything be it science or religion

I said this because you guys are looking statistical or scientific evidence. God is a spiritual being, he must be known spiritually instead of materially. In order for statistical or scientific evidence to work the subject being studied must follow basic rules that can be measured in some way. This is the reason that science often claims there is no proof for God as science typically only accepts scientific or statistical proof.
As i said before evolution is a theory explaining a system of how things that exist work, but it has not given an explanation as to how they originated. Science has almost conclusively proven that nothing physical existed prior to the Big Bang. Therefore a metaphysical source is required for the origin of life. Life cannot come from non life. It is impossible. Another billions years tacked on to the age of the universe will not produce life from non-life nor explain how rationality could develop from non rationality.

Science may not be able to offer speculation beyond what it can observe in the physical world. It may be incompetent to infer theories about the metaphysical. However, it need not make proclamations against the existence of the metaphysical either. If science must be silent on inferring a metaphysical, it must remain silent on disproving a metaphysical world.

Again question is : where did the first singularity of energy and matter that made up the source of the big bang came from?

Science has nothing to say about God, Santaclaus, unicorn, invisible teapot circulating earth, wiches, deamons, fairies etc etc.
They may as well exist, but because there is no evidence we will assume that they dont, and we wont miss them.

That assumption has helped us a lot, if you see how civilization progressed, when we relied on reason, and not on belief.

However, scientists have expressed their views on god in their personal capacity. That god (say the god talked about by einsetein) is completely different god from religion talks about.
That god does not listen to prayers, does not give sh*t a whether we live or not.

Please read deism for more details.
Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, can you explain what is metaphysical world. Also please explain what is singularity or energy and matter wrt big bang.
I am no scientist, I am making an effort to explain what I think, I expect same from you.
Your questions are very easy to answer but before i give you detail answer Let me ask you why your parent created you :D
My parents created me to further their family.
My mother and father got married and produced me, through a biological process called pregnancy.

did your mother gave you birth for her own needs or for your needs?
When my mother gave birth to me, she didnt know who i going to come, a boy or a gal.
She gave birth to me, because it is this purpose for which she has come here.
Even animals produce babies, what would you make out of this ?
They do sex, get pregnant and produce babies.
But how is this even related to the question that i asked ?
Do you mean to say that God got pregnant and produced us ?

Let me repeat my question, did god send us here out of his need or our need ?
If any atheist tell you that he is feeling pain . Dont believe in his words unless he prove existence of his pain by scientific evidences

if any body asked me to prove that ...i would just kick his balls....he will know that pain exists......thats enough evidence buddy
Why God created me? why he gave me life? why he will give me death?

Your questions are very easy to answer but before i give you detail answer Let me ask you why your parent created you :D
did your mother gave you birth for her own needs or for your needs?

why does God create a good man and a bad man?????? then why does he put you in difficult situations...if you say that he does it to test you .....then why should he test you when he created you with such qualities in the first place???? why create you in the first place?......

God , i believe created the universe for his pass time.....nothing more....he was probably bored and needed some entertainment........He in no way influences us in our actions coz if he does then where is the fun in that?...he even probably does not even care that we exist

what ever befalls on us is actually a result of our actions that we commit earlier...its just that what you do today will affect you tomorrow---be it good or bad.
if any body asked me to prove that ...i would just kick his balls....he will know that pain exists......thats enough evidence buddy
lol boy let me use ur example against you. you kick him , he will feel his pain so it will exist for him. Remember he believe in his pain because he feel it. If he kick your balls he cannot feel your pain . he should believe your pain dont exist. peoples who believe in God they feel his existence.
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